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Show HERE IS THE And Save in This National MOST AMAZING PHONOGRAPH ooVS: of RECORD rr --x-r r '4' rc tct' te ,4 ,'' t' to 1 toi i'f : t a - VAf V s & ' V rs ,1i r i ss n ttf& t in V V ,:pari MATTRESS M 'j: T- - Iv v V -- IIIM, HtUTOFUL limOH-nifTta-A- A T inm laim rossitu for this high Mia TOU ouautti D FOR ONLY J RECORDS voo?t0 . otffl.oos' MJKT NKS AT WneOIFT HH t2 off ' ' n- - v OF STOCK V r. EXTRA-FIR- 7,50 v- - t ! . v ae9 n e' CVo' 'e0of Ns. wm OUR ENTIRE . r o ,vel " 1tt. bt'n9-- cy et f ato' oir '""".V'e th IW f EVER HELD! S i 'r'"W ' - 4 waain .. Ao tte- lCt" V. A4 yoo' to by SALE ; ' Crj Vx- - fS i Mad tta Awcistt -- 4 Repeated by Popular Demand TO tXAKW HOTKf Twin Six Matching Rax Spring Sama law Frlca iV otv EVERY RECORD Uon9e ycofn9 '00PtrMJk SALE y v GET A USED i toOmE RUKjl 6Rm95 57 AS Smart Choice of vC COST BELOW RADIO-PHON- STARTS TODAY! O- And Continues for a limited Time Only COMBINATION As , 'Tp'k''oZ ,' rv; n "' f " lQ,e X,Can hoSkeo ONLyS?3- rlk RU55 $j95 sSj A a . ,'' , Jc , tel LM rtm UAIANTtl Serta again offers you the country's outstanding mattrcua value! It is designed And built with the healthful firmness doctors recommend, but at a terrific bargain price we dare not continue once this sale is over. Come m now! Compare these luxurious fea- JCrrtf ipy 4(kH ovwd work by lvTy JMtmtei, Mshp m comivcbm o -- tures with other button-tuftemattresses, yes. even with much higher price tags. Sale positively ends March 1, 1955. So buy now for the savings of a lifetime' Yci, Just Look at the Price of the Set and Purchase That Amount of REGULAR jV ;. I i iLr. -- A- d RECORDS ... PRICE WILL GIVE YOU 9- I Now 37 Color TXit. AT YOURS! All These Health WE Irmarapring with hundrarit 1HariifwVy-Aryaw back fatal twpyart from kwd ta foot, doctors approve. Thick Iwwdotar pad rolnfarced with wire tach prevent "oH faaP, prolong wuttreH Wo. laevg-w- e aring aovarlnge In handtoaea ntael- ora aoeoa-olitpdocipn. Mods By SERTA Makers of the smooth-ton of Exrta Chorge! 2 THIS RECORD SALE AT J BOUNTIFUL STORE ONLY and Quality Features: with 4LxurlaMily upholilarad fell for extra comfort. many-lay- u FREE THE SET izX3 bwlten-tvfte- 5 a Firmly iiomii 4 Iwndlei Prm-A-tato- r" d. and ar Tailored with taped I vent. box tnidt with entSc motti til (elk 6rievppori and comfort. ae o 'PERFECT p Spring glvoc eel earn number oily --correct SLEEPERMATTRESS It MW .VKY.J2 Nt r ,.,, V G o; -- - ' 0c toort At "Vt" S" m u9s De? $S S ? 0 FIRST TIME EVER 7 o1 PACKARD - t e ol voPc Ac 21 -- INCH CONSOLE aue. Cl c9- - ONLY o'o: m 0V on SK Nk 4 V THESE ARE -- 1955 SETS BRAND-NE- Aluminised Picture Tube . . . Extra High Voltoge Circuit Movie - Clear Picture Coryed WILTON NOW Regular $308.00 NOW Regular $49.95 8'x8' 16'8"xl2' ROSE SCROLL 8'3''xl2' BLUE TEXTURED Regular $99.95 7'xl2' GREY LEAF Regular $93.95 U'xl2' . 7'6"xl2' ... NOW LOOPED WILTON Regular $195.00 NOW GREY $10095 I DOZENS OF REMNANTS ROOM LARGE .NOW . Regefar 99.50 NOW 595 9x12 WOOL HOOKED Regular $139.95 NOW $5995 OPEN MONDAY EVENING UNTIL EVERYTHING 8:30 P.M. ON EASY TERMS FREE DELIVERY Oil) Hi ENOUGH TO CARPET A LIVING SAVE UP TO ONE HALF OQQGW All Small Pieces V2 OFF 77 . $795 GREY FLORAL They Are Large Enough for Halls and Stairways . . $7Q50 WILTON Regular $115.50 NOW . . . . 88 Chaui Range Finder Beautiful Walnut Cabinet ON REMNANTS 5'10"9' TV BELL OScfiaasH . iMMfchV luaflat t ROY (5490 So. 1900 W.) I , PHONE 37878 BOUNTIFUL PHONE, 15 i LAYTON t PHONE 450 |