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Show Friday,, July 16,1954 THE ROY SUN 7 HIGHEST QUALITY PRODUCE Cra.lL Page 7 U 1 Chauncy Ray & Coleen Loveland formerly of Roy, A Boy, July 8th. " Adrian J. Cantaloupes . for SI 6 -- each 5c Cucumbers - -Utah Sweet Corn 6 for 29c Watermelons - lb. 2V2C FRESH FRUITS TOMATOES C & Donna Christenson, Riverdale, A Girl, July 9th. Walter E. & Mary Hansing, ClearA field, Boy, July 6th. Myron L. & Jean Wilcox, Clearfield, A Boy, July 5th. Kendall B ROY Sedgwick, Boy, July 6th. & I Fred L. & Lorraine Garcia, Clearfield, A Boy, July 9th. Albert Shirley Cussimanio, Ar- senal Villa, A Boy, July 7th. t Roan L. Roberts, Arsenal Villa, Will. G. Morris, D. & R. (I. W. i.s boon named Manager of the has R. R. undergoing Agent for Roy, Ritz Theatre in Layton, lit experts work. this treatment for an illnoss to move his family to Layton soon. Dr. Alley & Rhoda FJinders, Sun- set, Girl, July 8th. A It. & Myra Itusson, SunBoy, July 7th. VeXiel set, A Bonnie Thomas, Dan Itoy, Girl, July 10th. X V tfdl-ectfun- ect WV AUTOMATIC LI H J Regular $289.95 ,Vav, . Orlen & Susie Trujillo, field, .A Boy, July 11th. Blain T. &. A field, Spiralator ALL NEW Jacob & Grace Dodd, Clearfield, Girl, July 11th. age Auqust 14, 1954, at Roy Day Celebration. USE THIS OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK Serial number of my Maytag (Be sure to include letters if pait of number). My Name Street City A Carl & Phone Ramona Rackcr, Roy, A Boy, July 10th. X MATTIES CAFE tHR0UGHOUT! -- 0(0)9 I NOT a I .SIRPD0WN MODEL! and your old , GOOD FOOD, REASONABLE PRICES AND A PLEASANT ATMOSPHERE HAVE ESTABLISHED OUR REPUTATION Treat Mom and the family to a dinner at Mattie' tonight. One sure way to please them! Open 'till 8 p.m. WASHER X AIR CONDITIONED x v-:n- -, AIR CONDITIONED r, V v. AUTO OLASS SPIRALATOR ACTION washes in gets each piece cleonl really MIND DIAL MASTIR fi i1 BRAKE SHOE EXCHANGE all parts of the tub, ROY AUTO PARTS 5224 So. 900 West HOT WATER SAVINOS WHIRLAWAT SPIN-DR- Clothes dry faster, are easier to handle. POSITIVE Nil gua an-tee- right amount of water in tub regardless of water pressure. PORTER FLORAL LOW EASY TERMS s AS LITTLI AS PORCELAIN ENAMEL TUI inside and out. $25 pER WEEK Phone 3-- 3 I 33 5219 So. 1900 West nlo The Bird with PHONE WATCH THIS AD FOR FURTHER NOTICE ON POTTED PLANTS. Philadendrum, trailing ivy and other small green D. 34464 plants. the Bargains ROY, UTAH x " Say it with flowers " 3! ARTHUR P. BROWN ANNOUNCES CANDIDACY County Commissioner Arthur P. Brown of 5918 So. 1900 West, Roy, has announced his candidacy for the four year term as County Commissioner on the Democratic ticket. For the past two years r . ' Com- missioner Brown has been in charge of the county road dept. With his experience in various phases of county work Mr. Brown, if elected, will continue to work for the welfare of Weber County. Mrs. Dorothy Colby has returned from the hospital. 22, at 8 p.m. for an outing. supper will Rose the Terrace after se served on which dancing will be featured. Swimming, of course. Discount tickets for parking and the entertainment Will he mailed to the members. bar-b-qu- e You are invited to submit your ideas, suggestions and news items to the editor of the Rov sun things that will make this paper more interesting to the readers of this community. Call today. 74 r , n, R0yt Utah Flowers For Every Occasion IU1 Fujimoto.-Ttoy- Barbara Bingham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bingham, gave a slumber party for four girls last weekend. Guets were Ann Lari-soBarbara Sheffield, and Judy Meldrum. The girl are reported to have thoroughly enjoyed the night out (they, slept in the back yard) . . . someone turned . the irrigation water into the yard. "A Gift of Enduring Memory" No Down Payment & A 2 Y Connie Wilcox, former Roy residents, A Girl, July 12th. Bert C. Thursday, July Dial 9639 1 with hot or warm wash water selectivity. Thelma Brewer, Roy, A BOY KI WANTS PLAN LAGOON PARTY Roy Kiwanis Club members and their wjves will meet at Lagoon NEW and USED PARTS gives you two separate completely automatic washing cycles! & Mr. and Mrs. Glen K. Scoville left Thursday for a weeks vacation in southern Utah. INSTALLED all the clothes Ross, Girl, July 11th. Manabu & Etsuko A Girl, July 11th. Open 7 A.M. Roy, Utah DELUXE . Hooper, A Jane & Girl, July 11th. i "X El win Edward x ? I Examine your old Maytag. Look for its serial number. (You don't have to know exactly when your. Maytag was built. The serial number tells us). e Just Copy it do wn. in fill the coupon below, mail or bong it to H. D. SPARROW CO., 2. Just Roy, Utah. 3. Contest ends midnight July 31. 1954. Decision of the factory as to the of each washer entered will be final. Winner will be announced 1. (Clear- Boy, July 10th. old Maytag Washer? Then enter this contest today. Here's Do you own an all you do. A Wanda Hamblin, Clear- , V "OLDEST MAYTAG WASHER CONTEST" Donna & A I H. D. SPARROW CO. u Ona Venable, Roy, Boy, July 9th. Wayne L. A TRUCKLOAD BY THE 5666 SO. 1900 W. TL Clearfield, la) PRODUCE a wash o to the winner of the Richard L. & Florence Anway, Arsenal Villa, A Boy, July 7th. Fred & Francis Esponoza, Clearfield, A Boy, July 5th. Ml 6m Maytag Arsenal David It. & JaniceXihupc Villa, A Boy, July'Ttn. . |