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Show Vol. Friday, July 16, 1954 1 No, 14 HOOPER, UTAH RT. ROY . 1 Sec. 34.66 P.L&R, U.S. POSTAGE PAID ROY, UTAH PERMIT NO. 8 1 The Md.A. girls from the Roy Ward will spend four days Third 6rs:, litor must .be Letters to the at the Stake Camp beginning July 26. Wanda Berkley, Avon Bingham signed, of 100 words or less, and Vlf'-and Erma Gardner are planning to must not violate, cannons of good LAKEVIEW STAKE ' k T President David O. McKay is ex- accompany the' girls. tasfo. Address tetters to The EdiLake-vieto be the at present pected, Mr. and Mrs. Ray J. Russell tor. Bov S Rov Utah Stake. Aaronic Achievement have returned from a trip to Yelprogram to be held Sunday, July lowstone Park. 18, at 7:30 a.m. at the Stake house. Mi Rov Pngeant All Aaronic priesthood members 1953. Miss Nancy Miss RovThere will be no Prmary held and their leaders are invited to non turn over her Bmehnm. wil for the Roy Third Ward July 22, attend. n to .mother lovely :uid usuM tiHo will be resumed as The laying of the cornerstone and 29, It Wcs 1954. Who is Rov of the tabernacle in Ogden August 5th. 'I know she? Wo'i August 13 will take place Friday, July 16, at ,dw dl ' selected bv a b Mr. and Mrs. L. Amos Schofield when 4 p.m. with, President David O. at the Lake View Roy, have just returned for a' panel of McKay in attendance. Previous weeks North-wTes- t. to reign over in Recreatin' the Cantor, They to that President McKay will be annual were Jnv their the daughDay Celebration, accompanied by honored at a luncheon in Ogden 14 which is sponsored by Mrs. Mr. and and ter August given by the civic clubs of Ogaen. Leslie E. Spencer, Clearfield, and Rov Kiwanis. and Jaycoes Coeur a of Dennis firms and interested inBusiness brother, Spencer The annual Old Folks outing Idaho. with dividuals will be sponsoring conThey visited will be held at Lorin Farr Park dAlene, in and testants to participate in this Miss Spokane, Wash., in Ogden, July 15, beginning at relatives Rov Pageant The wanner, as nart 11 a.m. The Roy 1st and Roy 2nd toured through parts of Canada. of the spoils from victory, will be Wards are going together with Mrs. Cora Child received word eligible to participatf in the Miss George Moss and Dan Thomas in of a new 4 i grandson bom July 9 Utah contest. ' i charge. The Lakeview Ward and to Walter and Gwen Syphers Child Chairman of the Pageant comRoy 3rd ward will go together. in Ogden. mittee, C. Dee Sparrow, savs to Mr. and Mrs. Therman Tubbs, and Wt" all interested sponsors. Dont dewj. 9 Mr. and Mrs. Ed White are in ill who been has Harrop, lay. contort me for entry applicacharge. Lunch and dinner will be forRoyal .. JVoiv ! - What A Feed! coroof because weeks several tions right awnv. served to all residents over 70 by On July 9th the 5th and 8th is reported io be thrombosis, nary the Relief Societies. Quorums of Elders from the Lake-vieMrs. Susie Reeves and her grandimproving. Ward had a wonderful time son, Jerry Halliday, left Thursday Mrs. Lloyd Berrett accompanied at the Lakeview Stake Camp with Child and for a trin to Yellowstone Park and and Eldon Arvilla her sister, Emma Unander, Ogden their families and friends. Monte from Spring-vill- parts of Idaho. They will meet to New York City where the latter daughter, Marilyn, weekend Rosenberg, left, Harvey Skanek, the visiting other members of the family there spent was a delegate to the National Mrs. Cora his Child, for a familv reunion. with frying eggs, and Roy Croshaw, on mother, Education Association convention. 4 guard, prepare hotcakes, eggs and They were gone for two weeks and Roy. bacon for the nearly 200 persons Mrs. Carrie Famas and her also visited the Niagra Falls, Neil Ballif recently enter- grandson, Donnie Huehsch, who Mrs. attending the outing. Washington, D.C. and Philadelphia. tained a group of ladies whose have been visiting with her son and are in the services in family. Orlan Karras. Rov, have Michael Walmer, son of Mr. and husbands at the home of her parents, returned, to their home in Mrs. B. G. Walmer, Arsenal Villa, Korea, BUILDING CODE REVISED Mrs. Bri and Lloyd Berrett.' In California. was entertained at a birthday party attendance Effective July 17, 1931, fees for building permit! in the city Mrs. were: Lynn last Wednesday with a few of his of Roy will be increased to meet the requirements of the uniform Mrs. Barker, Mrs. George Woodward (I.eora Ogden; (Louise) young friends attending. building code. The fees will be based on the valuation of the Pleasant Barker) and son, who have lven Jacob, (Renae) Hugh building instead of on the square footage as in the past. Mrs. Talmage (Joan) Skeen, living with her parents. Mr. and The Roy City "council meetings View; Effective also on that same date all electricians licensed with, and Mrs. Robert (Ja-lea- Mrs. Eldis Barker while her husSlaterville; are held at the Roy "Municiple and doing work in the City of Roy must place with the City Taylor. These band has been overseas, have now Recorder a surety bond in the amount of $1,000.00 (One Thousand building on the first and third Fri- ladies Montgomery, week to ex- gone to Arizona to live while Sgt. a once meet days of each month. The public is change news, do sewing, and have Woodward dollars). Before starting any wiring pob a wiring permit will is stationed there. invited to attend. be required. supper together. The Roy Theater is now rlosrd Walter Christian is now home are Alberts and Mrs. Mr. Peter Mr. of renovations. for Pattv Walmer, daughter from the Veterans Hospital in Salt to a Yellowstone is trip, Mrs. G. B. enjoying Walmer, Roy, and Lake and is improving from a re- Park. visiting with her grandmother in cent operation. Monroe, Utah. Last Wednesday night the Roy A weekend visitor at the home Third Ward MIA enjoyed a hike of Isaac Dilts Workman was his to the U in the Uinta Mountains. sister, Mary, from St. George. After returning from the hike they Mr. and Mrs. L. Amos Schofield, enjoyed a barbeque at the mouth of f Roy, recently returned from Jack- Weber Canyon. r Union Furnitures GRAND sonville, where Florida, they OPENING was a Big Success. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dean A visitor of Betty Miley was her $1,000.00 in prizes was given away and sons, Tony and Mike, aunt, Della Corser, Nadscn Salt Lake City. Saturday night at 8 p.m. Eight ofrmer residents of Roy. 1 c r luck people won lovely gifts and : A , 7 . . A : 4 ' J everyone attending the grand A watermelon bust was enpoyed opening received individual gifts by the Roy 1st Ward MIA Tuesw . and refreshments. Park. the at Roy Mrs. Vera Wallace of Clinton day won first prize a 9 cubic ft. r w. . .t t C '3 jA i Second Frigidaire refrigerator. " prize, a studio couch, went to Mr. ? i c f t Lawrence Applonie of Ogden. Nel-l- a Av,;t .? v Ortega of Roy won a platform --v.yi JUT v, , rocker as third prize. A Formica 4 g drainboard went to Ruth Cook of ' '' , ' a Roy, , Beauty Rest mattress was a' won by Virg Hansen of. Bountiful, f all A in 4' s will . All f. 1 a Packard Bejl clock radio was 'I t'W uJr, L ! ifji. won by Mnv Alton J. Blain of legos, Evan Browning, John Jensen Clearfield, a 'Hoover steam iron ROY IN FIRE and Frank Browm were joined ,by was won by Phil B. Smith, also SubBurt Mansfield, Monte Smith, Mr. of Clearfield, and a Casco step CAUSES ALARM 4900 G. I. Fames, and Allen Wheelstool went to Vem Fay Russell of in a pile of lumber at the wright of the Rov police force in fire A 16th Roy. rear of the residence in the heart putting out the fire. of Roy, reported started from bumBob Sanderson, 52G8 S. 2000 W Brent Thompson leaves today for until 2 trash nearby, causes consider- has five cuta puppies hell give tjo will ing 8 Fort Ord, California, for training able excitement and some alarm anyone who will make a good home with the Air Bom, U. S. Army to last Saturday morning as itrifor "themr A f terh ext' Saturday 17th. begin a three year tour of duty. threatened to destroy the neighbor- they gp to the dog pound. The B. W. Mansfield Realty and ing homes. Water pressure from CITY Mr. J. G. Larison who has been water faucets was so low Insurance Co. is building closeby a new residing with his son and daughter-in-lain with office building on 'the lot south that pitched neighbors Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Larison, shovels to bring the blaze under Service Station in Roy and LATE BULLETIN for the past three months, left Two fire engines will soon be open for business dirt. with control and P.M. in 8 ANYONE USING WATER AFTER Thursday for Quincy California. to their new location. arrived Weber from County or be will They occupy prosecuted He will visit his brother therejarnd Jiaje night until 6 A.M. in the City of Roy estinguish the remaining embers.- the office just south of Matties continue his trip to San Francisco, their water turned off. This order effective during the The above volunteers, Lupe Gal- Cafe at present. in El Ceriito. He expects emergency and until further notified. stopping ROY CITY COUNCIL to te away for about two. months. : PRESIDENT McKAY TO VISIT .n rl w -- - ci-o- " --M- i. 11-sta- ke son-in-la- w, -- c 4- W iiWW w e, n) 1,000.00 ill Prizes Given Away LI k - - : Vv W - ri - . . a ,-- ! . . " . -- i of be turned off water that part of Roy that lays north of So. St., including Lakeview at division, Friday night, July a.m. remain OFF p.m. and Saturday, July COUNCIL ROY V, . Aj s . . 1 - w, of-Mel- h . t s |