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Show THE ROY SUN Page 6 Friday, July 16, 1954 VENABLE-EASTMA- Any type of Hand and Power LAWN MOWER 'H& 'Tflone Sharpened the factory way Bring in your lawn mower and have it sharpened on our precision machine. All r work done quickly and accurately. Your mower will cut like new. A few min- utes will here save you hours in the sun.t When Your Linoleum and Hardwood Floors are Finished with . . LAKEVIEW FEED 1931 W.SGOOSo. ' "8W'' ,vr V 5. Phono 64 Xy vd y REPRESENTATIVE STRINGFELLOW jf' yloVii , - OFFERS NEW FILM IJ. S. Repreentativc Douglas U. Stringfcllow (R., Utah) announces the availability of a color film of the Hydrogen Bomb, which may be obtained from his . . 30-minu- te APPLY ... LASTS FOR YEARS . . . SAFE . . . NOT SLIPPERY cn stain or penetrate a Glas-kot-e Finish. Just wipe it clean with a damp cloth. Glaskote restores the colors of old linoleum, protects the new. Never chips, cracks or becomes yellow with age. -- g, r-- TEEN TIMES" by Sharon Larison gal? Just the other day, as I to look like a checkerboard vou cut it. All you budding be sure to try your hand Believe me, its an experience Over 5,000 Yards of Bolt Material - Buttons Yardage - Tape - Thread never forget! AN ATTRACTIVE ASSORTMENT OF FANCY TRIMMINGS Mr. SUNSET DRY GOODS Sunset "THIS IS ROY" every MONDAY at 9:00 A.M. on K O P P RADIO 7:30 on the DIAL 5 MUSIC NEWS INFORMATION ABOUT OUR TOWN Featuring THE OUTSTANDING CITIZEN OF THE WEEK . sponsored by , THE ROY SUN BENNION DRUG CO. BETTER HOMES CO. OF UTAH PORTER FLORAL CO. UNION FURNITURE CO. 1 lbs $1.00 42c 65c go 42c BACON, lb BIG BOLOGNA, lb POT ROAST. Ib ZZZZZZZ 35C Save on these quality State Inspected meats. Phone 3-77- 44 lurn has! the American Food Corner .11 . 1 spent lilcx k. the hot afternoon in my cool, cool basement with a cold drink and cool breeze blwing through, (from a fan), I saw a deceiving ad on T.V. It showed how to whip up a checkerboard cake its supposed Everything for the Dressmaker ROY DEPT. STORE ROY LUMBER CO. The brides boquet was a laven- der orchid with pink carnations with the wedding were Mr. and surrounding it. The bridesmaids Mrs. Ivan Stoker, Mr. and Mrs. and maid of honor carried boquets Wilford Nelson, Veverly Wiberg, of tinted daisies. Mrs. Venable was inn blue lace Mr. and Mrs. Max Reeves, Donna trim linen dress while Mrs. East- Sorensen, June Krambule, Daice Lee Barnes, Betty and Mary Patman wore a matching pink crepe dress. Both had corsages of talis- terson, Coral Peterson, Carol Joyce man roses and looked very and Earl Eastman. lovely. Terry Best Man duties were performed Following the reception the by Marshall Eastman, brother of couple left for a honeymoon trip Ix'o. Max A. Reeves was master to southern Utah and Colorado. WEINERS, lbs CUBE STEAKS, lb again! With Kitty Callen's Little Things Mean a Lot, still sounding from top spots on the hit parade I wonder if Vernetta Parsons has been heeding the advice. Saw her come home in a taxi Saturday night, just in time to jump in a car and take off! Whats going on 197 N. Main parents. A reception was held at the Roy 1st ward on July 2nd. The bride was lovely in an original gown featuring imported escalloped lace over satin with a sweetheart neck, tiny waistline and a full skirt. Mr. Eastman wore dark trousers and a white coat. Maid of honor was Miss Shirley Thomas who wore a helerina length gown of pale green. Bridesmaids were cousins of the bride, Mary. Stoker, Vanoe Stoker and Pam Stoker, and a sister, Sandra Venable. - Hi JUST ARRIVED The L.D.S. Temple in Salt Lake provided the setting for one' of the loveliest weddings of the season when Miss Mafleen Venable and Leo Wayne Eastman were united in marriage by Raymond H. Clayton on June 30th. Marleen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin C. Venable of Roy. Parents of the bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Eastman, also of Roy. F ollowing the wedding ceremony the young couple were feted at a lovely dinner by the bridegrooms ceremonies and ushers were Wayne- Venable, Don Krambule Any person or group interested and Dean Wiberg. Others assisting in obtaining this film may do so by contacting Edith Lambert at the be-above ofiee, or phone GROUND BEEF. 3 j tween the hours of 9 and 5 p.m. contains, Stringfcllow stated. Looks Lika Glass. .Waars Lika Iron " Decide right now to free yourself of hand disfiguring that drudges of scrubbing and waxing floors a i drainboards. Come in and see our samples. back-breakin- WEDDING ONE OF SEASONS LOVELIEST office, Suite 1301, Hotel Ben Lomond. The film is educational and exceptionally good to show to Clubs, professional groups, and civic organizations. The type of film should be seen by everyone so as to acquaint themselves of the immense power the hydrogen bomb Congressman of EASY TO Nothing N ' 7 when chefs at it. youll Mrs. Ivan Dyreng (Elaine Boogart) and I had a very nice visit with Maureen Gledhill the .other night. It was fun to see her and hear about her school. The eampus, (At University H. S. in Los Angeles) has a stream running thru it and natural bubbling springs right there, too. There is a special graduation terrace and plenty of groves and coves in which to spend frcS time. In my language it sounds too good to be true.. But theres always a catch! o off tne campus! it? Too and AT THE ARCTIC C ROY, UTAH bad isnt workSeeing so many Roy-ite- s ing at the Varney Canning factory reminds me of several episodes there last year. One of the most memorable wa Dixie Russell and her fabulous statement, Gee, I wish I was rich so I wouldnt have to work. Charlene and Joyce Nelson worked there too. (And their mother). Ill never forget the root beer Mrs. Nelson brought up one day. Even the cherries werent the same after that, hut it was real good. V Lets hear from you all, your summer adventures and plans. The purpose of this column is to let other know what your doing. N CIRCLE Ry. ' Utah can save YU sor D' CARS WALT DASTRUP Phone 3-16- TERMS. - TRADE I 12 real money on a guaranteed used will buy your equity or pay CASH for your car. |