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Show r Friday, July 16, 1954 THE ROY SUN Warning to Water Users at. Ill, array Carver s (Dr. Optometrist Office Hours 9 to 4 Phone 4-59- l BLANCHE PARKER FOR SALE BEAUTY COUNSELOR COSMETICS Moving to California. Must sell the following items immediately: 16 "Try before you buy" Pressure National qt. Phone capacity Commissioner Alex Patterson, canner. Holds 7 quart jars or 14 Roy City Water Commissioner, approx. 7 doz. fruit For pints. 5 Also, urges the citizens of Roy to abide Quick, Economical Television doz. jelly glasses. Will jars, carefully by the commissions rulsell as a unit for $30.00 or will Repairs call day-o- r night. ing of even numbered houses sell separately. on even calendar days watering A. KLEIN and odd numbered houses on odd 28 vol. set of Funk and Wagnalls Roy, Utah calendar days. used Never keen Encyclopedia. Also, in view of the present will sell for $15. $60 new water shortage it is requested by A. M. TRIBE the City Fathers that ho new 3 2 7 pr. with bindings pr. ft. skis your local fiberglass lawns be started until the shortage 1 pr. childs skis with and poles. insulation dealer is relieved. Mr. Patterson pointed 2 pr. ladies white shoe PHONE poles. Roy out that this is a particularly bad FREE ESTIMATES professional figure ice skates time of the year, anyway, to start never been worn. All very reaa lawn and that any further cursonable. Plenty of Cherries tailment of the use of water would cause newly planted lawns to die 2 BINGS & LAMBERTS square rinse tubs on roller stand out altogether. A. M. BROWN $4.00. In Ogden the use of water for Phone or watering has been restricted to Other miscellaneous items include certain hours on two days a week hand tools, cabinet radio, new with violators being fined. In spot light. towns south of us similar conditions prevail. As yet we are it t 5465 So. 1900 West First fortunate to be able to use the Seehouse North of Matties Cafe, water on alternate days. WholeRoy. Phone hearted cooperation on the part of i Every day except Fridays 90 Evenings by Appointment 5519 South 1900 West ROY 15 Page 3 4-31- 04 all of our townspeople may avert Additional restrictions being im- Will accept 2 students for advanced violin study, also 2 interposed in Roy. A number of violations of the mediate and 3 beginner stu- Roy ordinance have been noted by the local police hut as yet the cheateis have not been issued citaEMMETT L. WIGGINS tions. The City Commission hesiPhone tates to impose penalities and fines ROY, UTAH on our residents but if the cheating 21 is not in-su- Mrs. Vera Wallace of Clinton receives a refrigerator for 1st prize in a drawing bv the Union Furni-tur- - (. upon tne occasion of their aiaml opening in Roy. Its the I in won rut my life," thing eer d elated Mrs. Clinton and what a prize!" The presentation was made by Mr. Karl Hill of Union Furniture. IF YOU DON'T DRINK. SOLVE 4 PROBLEMS WITH . . Mr. and ; : n : : : . r, : : don't mi in v r ' ANSWER! let'll Preferred Risk Mutual Insurance Co. Insures Total Abstainers Only at Lower Rates! SEE BURT MANSFIELD MANSFIELD REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE CO. Phone Roy 19 .U, LUBRICATION? NEED 7 ALLEN BROWNING TEXACO FANNING CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC Hours lu to 12 ' 2 to 5 PHONE 10 to , 19 PnONE 4-25- - UTAH 95 V Z. r-- of 88 All Faces West, an annual National Music Dealers annual convention where he expects to secure Pioneer presentation wjll he preaditional franchises to add to his sented July 16, 17 and 18 at the Kohler and Campbell and Magno-vo- x Ogden stadium. Tickets may be obtained from the Roy Third Ward lines. Relief Society. U-- .r V-- A ' nl'V,-;- . 4 ' s ' 1 Mr and Mrs. Stuart B. Brown RoV are making arrangements to moe soon to California where Mr. Brown has received a transfer -- of assignment from Hill Air Force Base. and Mrs. Roger Critchlow back are home in Rov from an extended weekend vacation to Yellowstone and the Jackson Hole area. Evening Service Call s at Regular Prices All Work Done by a Skilled Technician ' ROY. FRED GORTCINSKY PHONE "7 i'VM-H ,'t' ' if Pretty Soft! Mr. Lawrence Applonie relaxes on the sofa he won in the Union Furniture niht. drawing last Saturdav Mr. Earl Hill says, yours. Its The clothes you wear we clean with care. DE LUXE CLEANERS 5600 South 1941 West PHONE Come in Roy, Utah 2-24- 18 and visit our plant. Mr. GUARANTEED REPAIRS 5635 So. 1900 West The scouts of Lakeview Ward under the direction of Scoutmaster, Allen Browning, were entertained at a swimming party and water-mello- u bust at Como Springs Tuesday evening by troop committee-men- , Robert Rush. Elwood Russell, Ken Shaw, and T. II. Tubbs, Sr. Fifteen scouts and Mrs. Russell, Mrs. Ken Shaw, and Mrs. Browning enjoyed the fun with the troop lenders. softball, baseball, swimming, craft work, and games underway in Roy. From the large attendance of youngsters it appears that the program is verv sucessful. The employeese of the recreation department are to be congratulated for their interest in this endeavor. I FRED'S RADIO & TELEVISION - ROY a The Weberx County Recreation Dept, has an active program of -- Saturdays HARDWARE CO. ! Members of the Roy Kiwanis Club under the direction of B. W. Mansfield, president, gathered at the new park and playground near Hal Yern Addition Wednesday evening to complete installation of backstops to prepare the area for vou ngsters who wont to play SEE AN ROY, UTAH Dale Bingham, Tlocal piano and Magnavox dealer, spent this week in Chicago .attending the W. Mi's. T. H. Tubbs are home ftom a weekend vacation and familv reunion with their children and grandchildren in Yellowstone Park. ANSWER 1 n REPAIRED CHAPPELLS eliminated police enforce- ment is the only alternative to an equal share to all the homes. Those who have been watering at nigh t , permitting the water to run all night unattended, come under particular condemnation and are cautioned to cease the practice altogether in order to permit the iesernir to refill during the night. If e ery' citizen of our community nhr lwe? the recommendations of our water commissioner it is very likely that our supplv will remain adequate. LETS ALL HELP, THE WINNER BICYCLES BORN: A baby girl to Mr. and Mi's. Amos Gagan of Sunset, June 13 at the Dee Hospital. She weighed in at 5 lbs. BENNION. DRUG REGISTERED PHARMACIST ALWAYS ON DUTY Phone 2-31- 60 Roy, Utah |