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Show IlkllLM Wit Ml Wfe fofartfrm DM! A VI WWW Ptonfenrfl &pftog$ gO Tfej) Gtexnlb gD llOWILIHe bV, I LAST MINUTE SPECIALS SALE! HUNTERS... FOR BOW FAMOUS AMF BEN PEARSON BOWLING Reg. 32.95 BALLS AT TERRIFIC ' COMPLETE GYM SETS ,,COLr 19.95 A great archery special . . . famous Ben Pearson bows with a walnut handle with white beam, fiberglass back and face, semi-pistgrip and full view sight window. 64", , . . s. weights to SAVINGS holly-windo- EVERYTHING w 55-lb- YOU NEED GOLDEN SOVERIGN "AMF" s Sensational low price of balls the to meet made specifibowling rigid cations of the ABC.r.eoch ball is scientifically balanced and ground to give superior traction, greater control and increased occurocy. This price includes Custom-Fittingreat early-seaso- n and Drilling on our own AMF drilling mac h-me. S 29 .95 world-famou- 1 Famous Golden Soverign "Gold Knight" hunting bows with limbs to deliver and smooth draw. Full pistol-gri- p ... fiberglass laminated for strength ond dependability. g semi-recurv- SENSATIONAL SAVINGS ON SALT LAKE'S LOWEST PRICE LADIES' BRUNSWICK BOWLING SHOES Regulation approved Whitp Twill Gym Trunks with an elastic waistband for good fit. Sizes XS to XL . . j, with a Nylon Combed Cotton reinforced neckband for long wear. Sizes XS to XL Athletic Supporter in sizes S, M, ed high-belo-ci-ty 12-G- ALCAN A raaDMiBGeEfB SHOT SHELLS ecocofli alt ! ti ocei' . ( L XL i. v 2 Pair of Cotton Gym Socks with elastic tops. Terrific low price on women's famous Brunswick Dutchess''- bowling shoes In hound-do- g CONVERSE 'CHUCK TAYLOR' ALL STAR GYM SHOES BOX OF pigskin leather. Flattering lace-styin your choice of Brown or Grey colors. All sizes. SAVE ON HUNTING ARROWS 25.. .REG. formity of load and consistant performance Equipped with oversize, 4 700 High or Low Top White or Black WITH ... "SUPER-COT- SCOPE now the canvas shoes they're all wearlast school. Constructed with a foot-fornock to ing in Black or white. in your choice of High or low-top- s All sizes. Get yours ... your choice of all chills. 16 and at the same low pricel ' & MOUNT SHOT SHELL RELOADER IN TRADE pre-seaso- n value ... famous Remington 700" with a walnut Monte Carlo stock and checkered fore-en- d and grip ..complete with 4 - Power Scope and mount. 30-0270, 243, 6MM calibers. " V.ii 6, SALT LAKES LOWEST PRICES tapped and drilled rifles. Banner", REG BUSHNELL 21.00 "BUSHNELL REG. 49.95 ...27.99 le WEAVER Scopes, REG. Scopes, REG. 30-0- 6 lea- ity 89 KNOaC-lOCKS-Fi- ts ts 49.95. ..SAVE 15.50 ' Pacific's famous model 150 shotshell reloader gives you a perfect shell everytime, even for the beginning loader. Precision engineered for easy, convenient WALKI-TALKEE- AT S BIG SAVINGS! SPRINGFIELD GBU0B XrcrreJj on 7 - Shot tcxurai " REDFIELD Scopes REG. bolt-actio- n Strong 59.50 .....44.88 with 2x7 Varioble, REG.94.50 machine-mille- 3x9 Varioble, REG. 99.50 bolt-octio- with 30-0- 5 luthitell's "Sportvww" binoculars gWe a bright, door magnt-coti- on image for hunting and sports events. Cooted Opwith highlight transmission & 100 tics. Com poet and sturdy, complete with a handsome straps. leather carrying cose ad 30-0- 6 8MM MAUSER ...27.95 Mauser xzl uZiO' a modern OF TWO FAMOUS BOLT - ACTION RIFLES turn- MAUSER. ...34.50 caliber comPopular bined with famous Mauser ... oil in good to excellent condition. 30-0- 6 oc-ti- MURRAY COMPLETE SET ENFIELDS n down bolt ond oversize trigger guard. Good condition. REG. 34.50... with CASE 4 STRAPS! r WORLD World-famou- 24.99 ni d that were mode to fire thousands of rounds without showing wear. In excellent condition. .....84.95 BUSHNELL 7x35 C.F. BINOCULAR SALE! oil tor. i -- parts, andbarrells ....77 .00 " REDFIELD eeeee Designed to prevent twisting ,.89 on bow, marker for arrows Mt 34 "REG. 60 Cts. snagging of bow string ... 34 DEER RIFLES Bolt-Acti- 59.50 .....44.88 " REDFIELD ther at big savings Banner," 45.00 .....34.99 " LEUPOLD ARDS-Qual- "REG. 37.50 3x9-Variab- "REG. 1.50 ASM GU RIFLE SALE FREE INSTALLATION with purchase of mount on REG. (XjUPHfil' (3!i "REG. 15.0 ARCHER'S GLOVES -- 34.50 YOUR OLD RIFLE great 3n0J (SQlii - CEO. 1.90 BOW OUIVEES -- Fit. on bow limbs, holds 6 arrows .... 8 8 FAMOUS PACIFIC m A Perfectly spined and matched shafts with your choice of MA4, Bodkin or MAS hunting points. 20-gua- 4x E U.UJ A DOZEN primers non-corrosi- ve x 2.8Q Standard factory loads to give absolute uni- le O QK REG. 14 5.00 DOWN 24.50 rifles Strong ond smooth manufactured under U.S. Army specifications to assure exacting workmanship ond highest quality. with ports ...unequalled for power, accuracy and durability. All rifles in good to excellent condition. 5650 Socrti ttii East Famous "Raliegh" Walk! Talkees give reception up to 5 miles ... ideal for hunters, fishermen, golfers and boaters Compact ond rugged design with a telescoping ontenna and recessed volume control. Convenient size fits easily in the hand...fits in shirt picket tor easy carrying. bolt-odio- n ot on 59.95 GRANGER TRANSISTOR WALKI-TALKE- E bolt-actio- n 4091 Wtst 3500 Sooth REG. EACH 14.95 9.95 Rugged ond durable design, oil transistor chassis that operates on batteries. Gives good reception in oil terroins. i , |