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Show REVIEW, A10 4 August 26, 1965 Relax!.. .Expert Advicej Harlow Vividly Recaptures Mary Ann Mobley, currently playing the lead role in "Guys and Dolls "at Valley Music Hall, spent Tuesday afternoon with Bonnie Vernon, the new Miss Utah, dropping hints to Hollywood of the 30"S WHE PLATINUM BLONDE Jean Hai reigned as the fabulous Queen of the screen, was famous for exciting glamor and lavishness. It was a day of spectacular film sets and price- HORSE RACING Pari-Mutu- 0er Purse el her for the Miss America contest. Ann and Bonnie are of Chi Omebut in different ga sorority towns. And Miss Moble was Miss Aerica in 1958. She thinks that winning a beauty contest is a lot of luck. "You have to go into it with the idea in mind that you are going to have fun relax ana enjoy it, she adMary former members Producer less costuming. Joseph E. Levine, in bringdollar ing his Technicolor and Paoavision to Harlow production of the screen at the Uptown and Oak Hills Theaters, via Paramount Pictures release, starring lovely Carroll Baker in the title role, has left no stone unturned. He has recaptured the spirit and reproduced the striking backgrounds which made Hollywood the entertainment center of the world. Under the direction of noted art directors and scenic demilti-milli- $17,500 Betting signers, Hal on Pereira and vised Miss Vernon. Miss Mobley did admit, however, having nightmares of anticipation before the Miss .America Pageant. Mary Ann noted that when a contestant feels she has to win or thinks she might, the judges sense it and consider her phony. She told Bonnie about her experiences as Miss America, the rigid schedule of personal appearances, etc. One day I made personal appearances in nine cities, she said. Miss Mobley has a charming personality, and treats everyone as though he were the most important person she has ever met. Ed Barner of Valley Music Hall says that she is notatalltempermental. he says, Ordinarily, you would not think of star during rehearsal because he might fly off the inter-rupttn- ga handle. On one occasion, I had to interrupt Mary Ann just as she was about to go on stage. She mockingly turned on me in rage, then burst out laughing, and was sweet and congenial, as usual, he said. Mary Ann says that the audiences in Salt Lake have been just wonderful. 1 know you expect to hear this and may think it is insincere, but it I really isnt, she said. mean it. Her delightful southern accent, delights people, and they gather around just to hear her talk. Miss Vernon, the new Miss America, we hope said Miss Mobley, is beautiful in her own right; poised; talented. the GOllSGtOP NOW PLAYING SECOND SMASH WEEK HIGHLAND NO. 2 & REDWOOD DRIVE-IHighland-367Redwood-368- IML eye-catch- on AND LIVESTOCK SHOW ELKO, NEV. SEPT. 6 1 I t THt lOWN i.iatOMWIAWt' lwT-T- Vl -C. rC 3-- 6 IrtTuTAlniMtefT VAlUkJ 2 jplAl m BEACH BOK ANNETTE TECWKH2R. Starring GLENN FORD and GERALDINE PAGE iAVilU 93EG0D HIGHLAND No. 1 - NOW PLAYING METRO A WEEKLY CALENDAR 35-631- 11 Sound Of Music Final production of the sum- mer season at Valley Music Hall, In North Salt Lake, Is 'Sound' of Music opening Monday night August 30, 8:15. Produced by LeRoy Prin and Russ Ballard and starring Dorothv Collins and Keith Andes, this musical based on drama of the the true-li- fe early years of the famous Trapp GRAND OLE OPRY, Lagoon, P.M. Stars Johnny Cash, J une Carter, Statler Brothers Quartet, Tennessee Three and The Wranglers.. MELODRAMA Park City Silver Wheel Theatre, 8 P.M. BASEBALL, Salt Lake Bees vs. Arkansas, Derks Field, 7.45 p GARDEN" COURT SCULPTURE COMPETITION, exhibition of finalists at public library, 209 East 5th South, 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Saturday, August 28 GRAND OLE OPRY, Lagoon, 8 P.M. stars.) Singers also Family features A1 Checco, Joan Con-rat- h, Virginia Jaeger, Danny Lockin and Betty Tesman. The music for Sound of Music" was composed by Richard Rodgers. The lyrics were written by Oscar n and were the last Mr. Hammersteln did in his long collaberatloo with Mr. Rodgers before the formers death. Ham-merste- ln, QEHH6V331M, mm QMH5H (see Friday for list of , 12 LAKOTA CUP RACE, Bear Lake, also water ski tournament (28 and 29) F.D R. DAYS, Salt Lake Coliseum and Midway. Stock car races, state fairgrounds grandstand. DINNER DANCING, Salt Lake Country Club, Ted Johnsoo and his orchestra. WESTERN AIRLINES STARDUSTERS, couples party, cocktail hour begins at 7 P.M at Treasure Mountain, Park City. En4 tertainment by Salt Flats. Sunday, August 29 SUNDAY 5 to 9 BUFFET, Salt Lake Country Club, P.M. Monday, August 30 SALT LAKE COUNTY DAUGHTERS OF UTAH PIONEERS, county department meeting for captains and officers, 10 A M. at East Midvale Third Ward, 87 East 7100 South. Tuesday, August 31 WRESTLING, Fairgrounds coliseum. Wednesday, September 1 STAG DINNER, for Labor Day Tourney, Salt Lake Country Club. Cat Ballou 7:15 and 11:05 Coo vlct Stage MO P.M Adults SI 50 child Free Library Film Features Silver Mining Boom dramatic interpretation several phases of life as anEP A MELODRAMA Park City, Silver Wheet Theatre, 8 P.M. BASEBALL, salt Lake Bees vs. Arkansas, Derks Fields, 7:45 P M. GENERAL ARCHERY HUNT SEASON OPENS, to September Join of it probably was at the height of activity during the silver boom days in and mining around Frisco, Utah, enacted against present-da- y ghost town settings will be the venture for this weeks Salt Lake Public Librarys "World Through Films. This feature will be shown Friday at U A M , 2 P.M. and 7 PM. in the third floor of the Salt Lake City Public Library. The film highlights a hike along the Skyline Trail, over the crest of the Sierra Nevada mountain range from Yosemite Valley, to the top of Mt. Whitney. The setting will show the unique experiences of a family as they traverse the scenic wonderland by pack mule train a trip requiring several weeks during the summer. Highlights of histone events and locations pertinent to the development of the area and to the history of the western United States will be shown in the movie. Dove, Deer Rules Set Utahs 1965 Mourning dove hunt will open Wednesday, September 1. The season will be open through September 15 in Box Elder, Cache Davis, Morgan Rich, Salt Lake (Part closed! , Summit, Utah (Part closed; and Weber Counties and part of Tooele County. PtraaiMBIMCRIBBffi PLts me colou co-hi- t THE AMOROUS ADVENTURES OF HALL FLANDERS The dove season will run in the from September remainder of the State. 30 Daily bag limit should be with a possession limit of 24. 12 Starring BAKER TEMPLE TOUR Apea'a if Mra, M dmI tetoOM Our permanent includes a special formula for childrens AW ew--rl HARLOW 1 Btfe 1 Vflioun Km ONLY and teenagers hair. ITS MAGIC! NO FRIZZ. ..JUST SOFT BODY (Haircut, shampoo, set, styling included) Salon oflcaulp Dr- .IN cw MSUHKBS Tttmetut ruimm a a. NOVAK CARROLL tht Inspirational Octwkwr KIM JOSEPH E LEVINE Murdock Travtl Highland Presents R1S HMCRPROOUCIBN "T 8 3169 GCX.DWVN MAYER OLDEST living Miss America' Mary Ann Mobley discusses beauty contest strategy with Bonnie Vernon, Miss Utah, over lunch at Hotel Utah. Miss Mobley is pulling for her sorority while her southern accent delights sister they did attend different universities though audiences in the Valley Music Hall's production of Guys and Dolls." dinner. Theatre Leased for Private Showing: Cat Ballou Resumes Friday Evening SEVER H RIDER HAGGARDS Thursday, August 26 INTERNATIONAL NIGHT, Salt Lake Country Clirt), candlelight and wine; Brasilian singers. GARDEN COURT SCULPTURE COMPETITION, exhibition of finalists at public library, 209 East 5th South, 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. i Friday, August 27 THE WORLD THROUGH FILMS," weekly series at public library, 209 East 5th South, 11 AM., 2 and 7 P.M. Films this week, Frisco and Skyline Hike Over the Muir Trail. LADIES BRIDGE PARTY, Salt Lake Country Club, regular . RcL " DEAR HEART lighting. Buttons are pressed and drapes silently open to reveal exotic tropical gardens. Roman baths feature Indirect lighting in brilliant hues. The brilliance of Hollywood in the 30s is also reflected in a lavish hotel banquet scene under giant crystal chandeliers, along with a daxtllng reproduction of the Jean Harlow home at the peak of her storied career. In selecting Miss Baker's rs for the picture, Levine has matched the opulence of its settings. An international cast of the world's foremost artists was assembled to substantially fulfill the requirements of portraying real characterisations in what may become the most controversial motion picture of our time. co-sta- ELKO COUNTY FAIR Redwood 8 DUG of a famed picture producer with control of slidits push-butting panels and imaginative Over 350 Horses Highland Dr. 0 wait Disney is the imaginative home 38 ltaces THEATRES N They're all going Ape over Ron- re-cre- k iw a wia is. 7Jf jPr ald Anderson, striking sets were created which dramatithe era. cally particularly Cww f For Hopeful Miss Utah lence Of Era Opu Hollywoods KOlJIt DAYS OF: 0 cromm 0 n. I M& 7m II 4.741 TUo&Ur 1U t. M Om II 1 ,1 |