Show J M president A cashier REUBEN G MILLER vice president the first national bank OF PRICE UTAH W kv VW capital surplus and undivided profits J M A W horsley reuben G miller george whitmore and L 0 huffman BANKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES exchange drawn on principal s itie of the united states accounts of business fir is stockmen and ranch men solicited accommodations consistent ith conservative banking TELEPHONE 5 capital stock banking hours 10 a m to 3 p m emery county bank CASTLE DALE UTAH CERS AND D RECTORS jamr S CRAWFORD JR president P P DYRING SAMUEL vice president J CRAWFORD EDMUND cashier A E WALL GEO M MILLER drafts drawn on all of the principal cities of the united states every facility offered patrons that their business and responsibility war rant we want check and savings accounts paying a liberal interest inte iest on time deposits collections a specialty prompt and courteous treat ment guaranteed our customers call upon or write us SCENIC LIME OF THE WORLD B Is 11 denver THROUGH PULLMAN TO DENVER ST LOUIS and CHICAGO free reclining chair cars dining car service la carte on all through trains r or I 1 Illus booklets etc address I 1 A BENTON gen AL dept SALT LAKE CITY UTAH DR FRANK TINGES physician and surgeon CASTLE UTAH office at the andersen hotel A D DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW 8 and notary public 2 etory 0 court u DALP uru F E WOODS attorney at law caille dale utah j IRA t BROWNING civil engineer general practice of SURVEYING city WORK alb U I 1 MI if you want a good stock to select your supply of winter underwear from goto the miller mer co of Huntington wanted six coal miners for the rock canyon coal co near clawson steady employment good wages for good men guaranteed apply at to jamea petersen Cast ledale heating stoves and warm clothing overshoes german sox and everything you need at nixon s plenty of barb wire and bale lies also hog fence at nixon s TO SOUTHERN california NOW ON SALE unexcelled dina two daily a 4 ing car service s palatial trains A la carte standard and tourist sleepers for further information ask any salt lake route agent or write to J r hoderfield HM DERFIELD R D P R salt lake city utah you can get money on easy terms from old reliable company long time loans and easy payments to lom MILLER VIELE salt lake city R MT PLEASANT UTAH local agent for emery ca n HI i aa sanate countie fc correspondence answered quick i cures backache corrects irregularities dg not risk having disease not s disease will cure any case of kidney or bladder diabetes beyond the reach of medicine no medicine can do more or 1 s r the above is the name of a german chemical which is one of the many val bable ingredients of foley s kidney remedy 13 recognized by medical text books and authorities as a unc acid solvent and antiseptic for the urine take poley s kidney ready as you notice any ir and avoid a serious malady sold by the Casl biale drug store APPLES AND PERS FOR SALE we hive plenty of good apples and pears for sale at 1 00 per bushel at ferron ANDREW NELSON SALES AGENTS WANTED 36 per week or 40 per cent profit all samples stationery and art catalogue free we want one permanent agent n this locality for ane largest picture and frame house in america eapen nee unnecessary we instruct vou how to sell our goods and furnish the capital if you want a permanent honorable and profitable position write us to day catalogues and samples FRANK W WILLIAMS co 1214 W taylor st chicago ills N it THE SPRING CITY UTAH FRUIT GROWER will be in emera county this fall taking orders for all kinds fruit trees specialties the PEDIGREED strawberry plant and the latest improved CUTHBURT RASPBERRY this raspberry has been proven to be a better winter liver than any other raspberry plant it is also the best producer and shipper orders by mail receive prompt atten tinn directions for planting with all orders all freight prepaid |