Show LIVED ON TEN CENTS A WEEK bill doolittles Doo littles system a good one but not attractive fired smoking hurts yu asks HI biddle a yankee lawyer in willie brooks story the solar ma chine in harpers it probably doean doesn t do me any good I 1 said but I 1 d have trouble quitting it no u wouldn t smoke this he took from his vest pocket the tel low to the in his mouth and tossed it across the table to me ever hear how bill doolittle lived on ten cents a week I 1 confessed that bills economies had never been brought to my atten alon wal said biddle he took dinner with a friend on sunday an ate enough to last im till wednesday then be bought ten cents tripe an he hated tripe so like thun der that it lasted im the rest the week these work a good deal like that tripe you take to em an y u won t want more n one or two a day |