Show TUFTS SPEECH OF republican candidate makes address from steps of brothers home in cincinnati D trusts labor injunctions the phys cal on of ra I 1 roads the currency and other issues wh ch he regards as pertinent in campaign cincinnati standing on a flag draped platform in front of the old colonial portico of his brother s home judge W H tatt at noon on tues day accepted the nomination of the republican party to be its candidate lor the presidency political leaders from far and near gathered to give the affair its pollyl cal significance while from the city and surrounding suburbs the friends neighbors and admirers of judge tatt among his own townspeople turned out in countless numbers and without regard to party affiliation senator william warner of mis bourl past commander in chief of the G A R headed the notification corn which consisted of a member of every state territory and island I 1 os session of the nation the depre of the committee were chosen from the delegations attend ing the nominating convention atch cc go there also were present many members of the national committee 1 frank H who made a flying trip to cincinnati en route from chicago to washington and new york senator warner s speech of cc alon was brief and when he had concluded speaking there was an en thus lastic outburst of applause as judge tatt stepped forward after formally accepting the nomination tendered by the chairman ot the noti fi catlon committee judge taft launched out at once without picture apostrophe or any attempt at oratory into the very essence of his declara tion of principles the first portion of his remarks being a declaration that republican strength lies in a malate nance of the roosevelt principles he dwelt at some length upon what the president has done in the line of reform and declared the chief tune tion of the administration to be a inching of what already has been accomplished he asserted in corn laring the platforms of the two old parties that the republican declara tion is progressive and regulative while the democratic is radical and destructive judge tatt discussed trusts labor injunctions the cal valuation of railroads the cur rency the postal savings banks which he declared were preferable to the democratic plan of government guarantee of deposits publicity of campaign contributions and all other issues which he regards as pertinent in the coming campaign he con eluded with the declaration that as be tween the two old parties the differ ei ce consisted of the tact that with republican success there would be prosperity with democratic victory there would be disaster when the final address was finished there was a procession of local and visiting marching clubs militia and vinous civic organizations from an improvised reviewing stand on the sidewalk judge tatt the passing hosts |