Show DODGE THE CUSTOMS OFFICERS women adopt novel means of smug gling their pet dogs an equerry lo 10 the king 0 saxony was recently summoned tor endeavor ing to smuggle a pet dog ashore at dover england it was noticed that his wife the countess looked bulky round the waist when she landed and on examination it was to ind that she had a dog in a bag hanging from her waist and under her coat this Is really the most fashionable smuggling that Is done at the present day many women smuggle their tiny pet dogs backward and forward to and from the continent concealed in a muff or some other means one of the most ingenious tricks in this dl was told by a well known vet urinary surgeon who two or three times a year has to administer mor phia to a couple of very small dogs their owner Is rather portly and the dogs pass the customs officers quite safely reposing one aboe each breast of the lady |