Show SAVE WIDOWERS FROM SNARES elderly colonel advocates passage of most stringent law the crash of cannon turned the old colonel s thoughts toward death I 1 know of three millionaire ge narlan widowers he said gloomily whose sons killed them because they were about to marry young girls of 20 or it Is a very dangerous thing for a rich old man to marry a young girl were I 1 a legislator id propose a new law a law to protect dobsa golde or potter roxe with their 75 years their millions and their vigilant mid die aged grasping sons and daughters from the peril of wedding some beau ticul creature of 18 or 19 summers this law should say simply that no man over 65 it he married a woman more than 15 years younger than him self could leave his wife a cent 0 his property nor could he lest in his life time he make transfers to her handle after his marriage any part of his es tate save only the income the colonel chuckled rather sadly such a law he said would do much to prevent so many pretty airia from falling in loye with us grizzled tottering capitalists |