Show machine oil binding twine and ev en thing the farmer needs fresh canned tomatoes 10 corn and peas 10 mens pants from to 1 95 SHINGLES from to 3 50 per m all kinds of lumber molding egg and honey cases carpets 3 ads for 1 09 linoleum square yd WE MEET ANYBODY S PRICES BUY AND SELL everything J W wholesale and retail and lawrence Olang eville co op has a nice supply of bats balls and nuts buggy whips riding wh ps fishing tackle spurs and other sporting goods we have two saddles left will sell at a bargain orangeville Orang eville co op attention asthma sufferers foley s holey and will give im mediate relief to asthma sufferers and has cured many cases that had refused to yield to other treatment foley s honey and tar is the best remedy for coughs colds and all throat and lung trouble conta ns no harmful drugs sold by E H snyder druggist castle dale for a few more days A GREATER CUT THAN BEFORE IT you expect to use medicines with in a year you cannot afford to pass this offer by celery compound was eipl 00 now 40 lydia compound 1 00 W Graefen beig was 1 50 60 wine 1 00 now 0 hoods wis 1 00 now oo 00 greens august flow ei wis 7 now 40 kodol neive tonic wa 1 00 now 40 scotts emulsion was oo 00 now 30 cassom was 30 now lo 10 winslow soothing 25 now lj hoi licks malted milk was 50 now resinol ointment was 50 now 25 chamberlains pain balm was aj now 15 catyb condition powders waa 20 now 15 everything ELSE IN SOME BIG BARGAINS how to avo d most victims of appendicitis are those who are habitually constipated foley s ormo laxative cures chronic tion by stimulating and bow els and restores the natural action of the bowels foley s onno laxative does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take refuse substitutes sold by F H snyder druggist castle dale ail seasonable and sold at reduced prices now when you need iii i A boon to elderly people most elderly people have some kidney or bladder disorder that is both painful and dangerous 1 s kidney rem ady has proven a boon to many elderly people as it stimulates the urinary organs corrects and tones up the whole s stem commence tak ing foley s kidney ready Rem dy at once and be vigorous sold by 1 II 11 snyder druggist Lat ledale I 1 oley s emdey reme ly will ire a ay iy case of kidney or bladder trouble thab is not beyond the reach of medicine no medicina chii do moie bold bv II 11 snyder druggist Castled ilc ilie line st tiled it SAW MILL md bov 11 alie tune to et fine A no 1 white pine and fir at 10 per m and up also moldings at 40 per cent discount doors windows ready tolay to lay roofing at per quare and up besides nails locks hinges etc in fact ou need to go tle tl e to bu send u oui 01 del s and oie Us i anil LUMBER CO il i I 1 we still have a few n ce silk waists umbrellas fans and other novelties for summer next week we will close out all of these items at a discount of 25 per cent now is your cnance or dangeville angeville ang eville co op dress goods from cents per yard up 10 can and peas for cash at can J W nixon shingles 2 75 to 3 50 and all kinds of lumber and moldings on hand at J W nixon a the miller mer co of huntington Huntin has a carload of shingles to sell at prices meet anyone s figures granulated sore eyes cured for twenty years I 1 suffered from a bad case of granulated gianu sore eves davs martin blvd of henrietta kv in february 1903 a gentleman asked me to try Chamber taro s salve I 1 bought one bot and used about two thirds of it ind my eyes have not given me iny tromble since this salve is for sale all dealers everywhere diarrhoea cured my father has for years been brou trou bled with diarrhoea and tried every means possible to effect a cure with out avail writes john H zirkle of phil api W va he saw chamber lain s colic cholera and diarrhoea remedy advertised in the philippi re publican and decided to kiy it the re suit is one bottle cured him and he has not suffered with the disease for eight een months before taking this rem edy he was distant sufferer he is now sound and well and although sixty years old can do as work as a young man sold by all dealers every where fruit jars at low price globe mer co when you purchase goods from us you are absolutely assured of the LOWEST PRICE at which the quality of the goods can be sold xou have our reputation for LOW PRICES and FAIR DEALING back of every purchase we guarantee to give you satisfaction we are doing business on the principle of satisfied customers cust becoming boosters for ns IT ca THE PRICE MAKERS huntington TON UTAH |