Show The Summer Statesman Spus - young mflrnwl rU rldv flSSi't Page now has extension office m s C movies onlv the skills they need to get hev just Hancock said job rmh school don t know enough aliout things f kpmK UP lhj like buying a house buying inIV down a Ph surance and so on create fmK can Married students don t get to 1°' -- rK spend murh time together either netting Hancock said I’mversitv lhSU“ for students I hat will "We think our progTam will help j he the students spend more lime with i'h and 8 their spouses and with nther of married students Most of them don t hae murh money to spend on social outings so we hope this said the will add a bit in that area director of the program for full scale 1I Currently about Wl people have ( Tammy Trim I will also staff garden plots near 'Si's Romney Stadium Through the CSC Cam like pus Field Office they have gotten wiU function much to irrigation water and are learning office hut will ‘ grow vegetables for their own use inter "married student laler preservation workshops will W 01 nd single student UOfltl lie sjxmsored h the center own ‘heir on are' adfnl who Other programs both credit and nation the in will lie a’ ailahle this first of its kind fall Subjects will he determined students graduate many 0f the 4 Monday August 6 1979 "mi i it h a I ss 31 non-cred- A mostlv by students requests for programs "Almost anything you can think of is fair game for us" Hancock na id Anything from how to cut hair at home to how to avoid being ripped off in a real estate transaction to parenting a child development would be appropriate he said “We want everybody to realize some benefit from being at Utah State’’ Hancock said “We hope we can help both the students who are attending school and those spouses who are not ” He noted that although the program will be mainly oriented to married U S and international students others who are interested in the programs would be welcome and University community student resources will be pooled to provide instruction for the courses and workshops requested Hancock also said that the center would act as an educational infor- CAN BE SAID SIMPLY AND WITH THANKS THAT IT IS AN absolutely terrific movie? Jay Cocks Time Magazine a mation center "Vi hat that means is that if USU doesn t offer a program we will he able to quickly tell students where they can find it We will also keep a list of people who teach specialty skills such as horse shoeing and we will be alble lo match people interested in those skills with the people who still teach them" he explained All in all the USU Extension Campus Field Office will provide instruction in almost anything students need or want Hancock said "This is a unique opportunity for ultimate in the developing educational programs one that is directlv responsive to the needs of the students whatever they may be " Hancock added THE THREE MUSKETEERS PG MMNiuwMMiiMCtii PHIWS TECHNICOLOR BY D£ Thursday— Saturday 8:00 LUtt pm Admission $1 00 King Hair Sartor Solon kua MIX CUTTING hair ee end Center FC2 STYLES Frod Boyd Susan Si Iris TIMIW yafcm O— 0©OBS £OTAniLClQBE Six people needed Harmon a student from ( alifornia Field prevaW by the new I'M' Extension vegetables for him his wife and daughter Mike for temporary assignment as AUDIT CLECltlS found hm garden plot in raising Offue helpful Pay is hwr 5i0 Pr ora" to outifUa salt Lalte City Duration 11 at P CheapTnrkal Ihe Salt Palace August I’alace tuket Ml available at the Salt and Odvxsev Records The New Dave Hrubeek (iroup in the raJU aval Utah August U al H p m Tickets are assttaa- "- esatfc IKPCRUATISa 17 SO h utel tht Hotel CALL FOR FORTHSR COLUCt TO ISACSL saot: SWS Utah U Peter Framplon at the Salt Palace August and J 50 available at the tex office are 7 50 and ZCM1 ' stores t 7 o m Tickets John Stewart at Snowbird Plaa on Augus lavl at Snow a are and Ml at thedisir are 1750 in advance and hird and Odvsses Records 7 pm Foro at the Salt Palace Assembly Hall ailahle al the ’ ( the at 50 Tickets are $7 50 in advance and box office Odyssey Kecordsend ( Ml stores I it v Augu Dr Hook at the Terrace Ballroom in Salt j 00 the S at 8 and Tickets advance are $7 in pm available al the Terrace after August 15 ampus S eln r S Feeeigner at the Dee Events Center on the e ai u date sales Ogden September 12 Ticket prices and presa time Member FDIC |