Show : 1 I n SU'MMhR: TATESMAN UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY 95 VOL 76 NO LOGAN UTAH MONDAY AUGUST 6 1979 Student stalls lost to visitor parking Proposal changing the remaining Student Center parking ot spaces to visitor's parking was passed by the Parking Committee and later okayed by President Lazier “The decision benefits everyone” said Stan Pollock coordinator of traffic and building and is on a temporary security basis until the parking terrace is built" The remaining 135 parking spaces will be for visitors and the fees will be set up on an hourly basis The amount of the fees will be determined in two weeks at the next Parking Committee meeting The traffic office and Auxiliary Services are working together in making a recommendation to the committee A validation program will be mitated and according to Wayne Smith director of Auxiliary Services "The Auxiliary Services of the S C will validate parking We think that is a great thing and it is good for everybody” he said During the meeting Lester Essig ASUSU president strongly argued the proposal and said he didn't feel the student's view had been ex"The pressed only centrally located lot the students have is the S C parking lot We are still moving in the direction of comany student pletely eliminating parking convenient to the Center As far as a need for visitors there isn't really a need for 135 spaces The average number of visitors is between 50 or 60 according to statistics I have seen” Essig said Essig added that because of the large percentage of business in the S C is from the students there is a justification for student parking near the SC The proposal was passed by a close margin of with the opposing votes coming from the three student representatives Stan Buxton supervisor of traffic and building security said if the lot was given to students “you would have 2400 students who have the UP parking decals trying to get a parking space “By going to the fee structure it opens the lot to everybody using the SC It also allows the students to go in and take care of their business" Buxton said Adding to this Pollock said the lot is now set up for short term parking and with the fee structure there will be more of an incentive for hourly parking turnover Garth Lee member of the committee and professor of chemistry said with such a small lot of 135 nobody could keep a spaces straight face and say that just one group could benefit from the lot (Continued on page 2) Regents again point to tightened fiscal year h C William put the finehng touche oi at I SU late thi month The jubilee across the coun W attract more than Tupperware personnel from hat side is located west of the fine Arte (enter the K?"1" UnVwiH which is 26 fee tall and 22 The Utah State University administration along with those of the state's nine other colleges and universities was told to plan on tentative 10 percent increases in student tuitions and 102 percent hikes in faculty and staff salaries in preparing the 1980-8- 1 school year budget requests USU President Stanford Cazier Vice Provost Richard Swenson and Vice President for Business Boyd Christensen attended last week's two-dameeting of the State Board of Regents at South Utah State College in Cedar City and heard the overwhelming pessimism of concerning the fiscal future higher education in Utah difAccording to Swenson it is ficult to forsee how the planned tuition increase and other decisions will affect USU “We here at USU have seen the tuition take two large jumps in the past two years So if any tuition hikes come about we would rather see the students absorb the cost” said Swenson who added that he did not know if the regents will go along with that thinking “We don't want to lose our students because they can 't afford to come here” he said Regent Neal Maxwell of Salt Lake City represented the overall atmosphere of the meeting in saying “I feel the golden age of higher education in Utah in terms of new buildings and budgets is nearing an end” Some regents at the meetings blamed a conservative legislature which is committed to harnessing instate spending while others dicated an impending recession an drop in state income and expected an anticipated decline in higher (Continued on page Si Student input sought in shuttle bus implementation According to Bta objective profrtm u to rmyone on VNavne Smith the of the shuttle bu meet the need of After a rampu shout shuttle Batting member prcpoials on Friday tfc ASL'SU Ficutive Council bu of aup-porta- the tmplemention of the luS coverage proposal TV who meeting with Smith W appointed to make recommen dlUoos to the admimtration Vut the matter and i director of to get wa Amhary Service bot imput on the program 'I kVve the shuttle bus program is hooaat effort on the part of the uivtraity to try to make tudent con accessible and a ®t aa possible TV “full" and "minimum P'VWala both utilize three buses CMC Transmnde mini van and housing bus Both proposals 1® rtxjle the buses around the ffphery of the campus and will Aioff and pek up students at the °dent Center Stadium parking Pwkmg lot and various other campus ' full The housing coverage propose students tra route which will drop Building off st the Fine Arts front of Business Building and the the S C can Smith said the shuttle buseshour per 750 people about move live and Will make stops every minutes The overall operational costs for the programs estimated at 221 '6 and coverage per ‘‘minimum coverage Smith said the source for the svstem is but is under the Stadium parking lot than lot to park in the High Rise parking (rnmth ASUU Whipple who also vice president executive attended the meeting rRandv alternative route for riders at buses which would pick up the system 700 W 400 N because could be utilized by more people be Smith replied that there could his proposal legal problems to for that area Logan has a permit “Whether the shuttle program used is a matter of indoctnnatxcm the endoc-trinatio- n Smith said “and I think ' will be quick authority vice president Evan Stevenson president for business about 600 on Currently there are and w campus parking spaces of t e ' the implementation said -Judente bus system Smith would pick “Pkridethebuvs It will be TbeGMC yasmode 30 passengers which will carry roml forUbly 7nowdiy ff Utah SUU sV V( |