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'j rrsrtr M lnr in a hu niM f1 A 1 1 1 i l tfi nwlism rrii 4 mi car prlition t "Hf trst prize n '’0! writing il’T1 n toy f it' VJ hot Murbsa I rwriVP l ' r s f of Ah iwa' n J oak ' iron- If the magazine in 4 Wst I r te attr test entries student tn ruwgainr lour nationwide Harris said ntrt 'I riir - r U St n'llnPV Angus’ uPilrtP ta Phe lth nus tm! n 41 pu- the rs! - Nti"P'1 "piae - 1 Ipiii w thr u HtP lr f thi hpiluittl httu!tl V'Pifut H ei pa -- ift ntrst l'i demons! r! em the PiTi' will 'eturn f the pa- rrrmon of I” ey ! -- ' ”P ’ ' t mt t 11 i tilr rrnn Huinr VUtfaiim hi lulrnt Mfitr hi) pul rtl t lotn until n ilrmn-tftp- tviPt pm ith nrnln I'PaPPP Punnmii linumitli thPtmihut i thrilt 11 prill r Ham 11 il matinr out thr runrrru in thr ! oniptrtitmn uirtlrv tuitrnl Martin V on Huiton l'ornll nil arrhiti turr ( 1uk--! i I' rotr (or jnJiJI' maior hrn fur matiarinr an rtu lr on I i s( llrittham t ill 1 - f I I thr TiJilPt I hrrr nir t hrP artll lr to othrf tUHinr hillrr ljniir lhr putitii ation Itarhar h Km hftlon N Marti ilr Koutfhton Vlu h anil hor arlirlr rirlt tori in t oliritr Vtllirt rr lnlitution amt Srtrrn J mt1rm Ppiifthr ur of illumination rupr il Murilot k lt Ihr r Murr thr in I M‘H AKI l‘ ' l'rt lrurl lrtrri rnlrr at I M tuirnl front thr viilrai Mrr Pi'ik nj Mi luniwf nit I hr pr'tfp’PTi r -f n uniu ppptfrni 1 1 1 f' )! intff! "‘li hint Annual Ka lewder ! a! it spss 11 Iltr day h'- hr J I olden Ml h h for Railroader’s Festival is August fhr hpl Hi i rding rr I lth whi h deals story and oustermatem of nyte-at I operation issue of luiurr in il! publishes! m' he U1'11 U hr I Xugnk - I ! n i puble atom treating a nrrn Phi' I' VIW Ham inlru arte U wr ting w f otr f V flu r Pfl'r a’ ' n in I' a st hi (nfn1' ml At Amen 4 4 o 10 ( n rUinj !r kv Business with IV A" a’ 111 n Journalism Vmrfu rlt w fn v rt - n- tf hs sinors! r tmriinl rt ononui A a ounK tiat hrlorM 1 rl'tl 1 liurinit thr Thth Annual ( ASUS Thr It IKK) mrm at tu-- r orKniatun hradijuartrrrd rrnon Virtcina mdudr Mt and rrrari h cirntil ntui'ator horticulluriat t her profrional tit MrcUinK in ili'irnT in homr in I to Urt'ottmwl (or oultaniiin( con Intuition to horticultural acirncr IaMar Anitrron pro(ror ()r ( "uirncr I'tah Slatr plant a I'rnvrraiU ha trrn ( rlloM of thr Xinrriian SiHirtv (or Mortirulural irm r hi thr organization hiKhrt a prrirntiul hrrr tialav to honor I r mlrron and 12 othrr irn in thr I'nitrd Statr and 74 othrr countrir throuKhout thr world Andrron tiorn in W iconin and ifrailuatrti from i thr woml Hitth s hii nt raird in Idaho in la nit luI Mhr in si to rt a itrrrr iournaitm lat war rrturnl plant scientist receives recognition USU National writing contest won by Aggie t AsS frllow to tr rlrilnt (rom tah Hr tx'itan hi rarror in plant Mirncr at I 'd" after rraduatinK from thrrr in IttW orvinK a a 1 military officer in Korea and com plelinK a I’h I) at the University of iconin N in 19t m nderon nted for piolieerinit reearch work with ( and meleorolnipst irriKition in e enjcinimr aiorative coolin of fruit hud to delay their development and reduce spring freetmg damage of fruit blossoms The technique is being used hv growers in six western slate Mi work ha resulted in a number of uniy ersitie SUp plementary research of the principle Results from his work with growth regulator on fruit trees for influencing fruit thinning color enhancement color hardiness abscission and the shape of apples also hay e been y aluable to growers Anderson ha conducted exten siye studies on weed control and fruit and yegetable crops Re is for his recognized significant studies of the anatomical and s ultras! ru t ural ef fis t s of on trealsf plan! s 1 he has ser plan! y ed as s rv'ii-- i and is ni president of tlic ‘A tern Region herhi-ide- 1 Asllv th - He nn?i‘?zi! 'f tht- In I vi‘ 7 T arranfiTMnf nnitn )unnf hi tmiTsitv I I a ! ilnpmnt J I f ’i iftfniAUor 1‘mlwi r iota! nalmrai ri s n ut hio Sla'a filler sot' is prvsnUnjj Hp'r n a rovsth and miMitOfor the tomato liMr AnHrrson The liirmtu j lJiUfU’l iiThH oerospQce qujqKs you at In I gaa£7£7Qg7 GDHlUu-ui- S Out Oovf 0rvor' Pat man new ooapa ting iremt cot'rqe porTuniti ar tocatad at Mar graduat a Oovp CO hr mr areLA365Sam con Maria CA Cucreotty tract that involve orti m such eacemq area as Soace Laux-- Systems De pna Systems Command arxl Intomna-toSystems Payload Integra’ on Soace Sateates Soar Systems Soace Shuttle and me generation Msse System fcatr 00 v OpO artaaWlM Meet Wttin theae areas lave growth poemone met deal eapertence m the of the angineenng art Such Aeide Ptopulelon Ther- mophyetce Structuree Mechenlema Streee Maaertate IMe-soDynamics Anetyele Product Oevntopment Induetrtal Engineering Loglettca bv tegretton Syeteme GuManoe 4 Control RE Syeteme Communlcettone Power Syeteme Date Handling Peytoede 4 Seneore OueHty Setety end Manufacturing Teet n Ceteete agist Mete a career if m aeroyou re conslermg space you won t find the challenge grea'er nor the work more rewarding than at Martin M arena In addition to OO ooporturoty the com pany s comprehensive program of employee benefits has a financial value equivalent to appro imatety forty percent Of the employee S income Included are Company paO stsurance performance sharing plan retirement plan vacation education rmtxsemenf and long lerm disability plan Interested graduates please contact Martin Manena Aerospace Ann College Relations PO Bo 1791 D6310) Denver CO 80201 Martin Manena is an Affirmative Action Employer actively seehmg the Handicapped and terans National Security regulations require United Stales Citizenship Wed Jazz with Mainstream Thurs-Sa- t Rollin’ Country Country R ‘n’R a |