Show he Summer Statesman festival comes of age with record crowds HSU Scripps league newspaper chain are coming from and how was here he noted learned about the festival "All these things Hre indirations "Best ever" said one of the crafthat the (estival is really lieconung tsmen who has been involved since well known and Iihs come of age" the festival s inception the priKlucer claimed The collection of craftsmen has Many favorable comments have been rare More than 50 have been fiv those attending teen offered assembled catering to diverse inthose Bnd terests— in few if any other places participating and those participating could so many be gathered as Great an Arinina West Fair producer Ron Jones has "Loved the pageant visitor wrote on a survey sheet assembled this year taken to determine where patrons The surrey rides around the fair unusual alten anil national enthusiastic natrons are the seventh vl ot the n Amenran eight dav wound up nd ? ’ F ‘len‘Um'‘ ‘“Though' I""1 " lalaMe until ticket the from m corre "'tehees around the regonit y! Howd numbers ran well last er Tom sanl En r Srf -- ar There is a cnmmerical fnr a pancake mi that asks the maker of the mi "W hat took vou so long'’'' A similar question might be put to therapists who work with people hanhaving sjmsh h and hearing h dicaps A new approai to speech recently taught in a pathology special workshop at Utah State f'mversilv makes so much Wcum hat mon si ns- it is easy lo took vou so h mg ltke most new developments the ululion ill of h is a iippn said producer jCrild Sherrallt ht n year tm rlfpUonil added iatrtit ' great to the the I tah Idaho (average in we have had articles Western York Time the ami frfinrt customer magame writer was hers A semor addition ln K1 fn bv tuny hv ( cTwd and the ufupit!'cores jondent Edith f N ij ft vis fltn-- m to civ rnd m often heard is in a sense a compliment: There is too much to do I just couldn't get to it all" some said And even as the tentswagons and displays were being disassembled and the thirsty Spectrum field grass was getting a badly needed watering festival producers were laying olans for the 1980 event Says Linda Miller assistant professor of communication science and disorders at the University of Montana who conducted the USU workshop "The way we talk is determined by the circumstances and who it is we are talking to A person would use a more casual approach with a friend than he would in a professional contact "People with handicaps have the same communication intentions as the rest of us" Miller who is one of the leaders in the pragmatic approach to speech pathology runs a program fro youngsters two to five years old Handicapped and other children are in the same program In conversing with them she uses language patterns that are juat one step above what the youngster uses “If he says 'doggie bites' then 1 say ‘yes the dog bit the man' or 'yes f think the dog is mad'" she explains h' kui with 11 Thu i' the pl"t that kid uut-f- nr h m realism 4 t rtrw fu li"H x!rph!'” hiWlrrn Kulh Hu m h should hid'en standards t lor i hildren are simply just old Many books said Hue were written 50 or inn years ago Kids h lessons t teai Wn writ alistic hiHiks todav don t like hev want the hint to tie more sub is or r Ians itook n'Utl k' i are many fvookswhuhare h-- 1 ff K i i5mi th jruiii thf ’ rs thnk Ht I !mol of years speech therapy on how speech sounds were made In the 19b0's and 70 s the use of language— how people learn to talk and make sentences— was stressed The switch from there was to language structure Pragmatics as the new method is known was another shift in focus Simply stated the approach involves talking with speech and hearing handicapped youngsters in situations It focuses on the way the language is used i H‘ fnr - tilings he ri v nf with and md variety of displays entertainment and attractions on the fair grounds In fact one negative comment newest trends " whaiv lunn- 979 Page 3 Bowen library books :us 111' For many concentrated ’ J Washington the exemplify uUt 'i fi grounds have been popular ‘Tve seen whole cub scout packs loaded into the surrey really enjoying it” Jones recalled There have been some unfavorable comments— the weatherman could have pleased more by having the heat a bit less intense But on the other hand there were no rainouts And some have questioned the fair admission cost but many such have later retracted after they saw the wide 1 Evolution brings therapy work back to basics rucketmanaifr Tther record August 6 Monday i (Mat u Hue said that hildren enjoy the new tmnks °n the manv the highly in lulling shfU books without words t t'uh State popular html nrmenla ry laboratory but they also like the familiar ot said that -''" Animal stories never go out M stale of I'tahi wih v net v Neither do fairyfor children now deal sadRce style child abuse to is sur of social topic' from tales and tall tales whllh of a gran le'e death the the lundling given prising And at ion in todav s kids doarentor a friend sophistu a do good "Some of these look children are mtrKiuced to once that them too wb of dealing with problems biographies they like nd said Rice mvtries of ac tab todav are facing ell written see a lot also Others are what I call kiddie porn fiction science that present librarv patrons These are books lion among young trouble in a wav that usl titillates to Rice according can see The child reakmg the Is there a wav to insure tunnel nor of what is no light at the end of the children read the best Street of one them to possibility iny av ailable standard the baguage ia used when The child himself is old make as easily could said Rice How Elfish just vihat is he interested in "rred Ike point" he like Rice said that although many about- Vthat does the child MW books for children reflect he ready for- The book CMMOt concerns of their paren have to fd the child that deal with working the should fit the divorce etkart drugs handicappthe of current status also deal with the ed— tawny pwemual concerns of the youth "Kids always Ikike well written social popularity books about in about daily problems they face inch is dealing with the other child eho ilwiys insists on being the mountINFORMATION: pnneess or the king of the ain" Rice said ext 7254 Rjre slated that children have no cal 752-410interest in reading many of the books that parents and some t literature according a librarian and media Rjc Rowen S inalor hw the Fdith v rm r t’k ’ V iSufTlMWT Took opw &JIU) OUUKl lu? ’c v 'jxiC SuWDAE- - fcfwto t'3tfh f - a? WANTED Children to participate psychology project FOR 0 Or TX ' "J g-- ? J- - Qsifcr T uQsdtgeg CfC ssceer s jr'i oev-- c cwjsy" esisr a Th HAi Af A TCP ear s-roc- Ceiitto CJW C-- 4XP £20 - oarrrsir Cwsit? Tick mol e&‘ -- ApsTfe |