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Show S' t&t AuAf r r, f f 4 4 f, r 4 i S . i ' 1 C Two ; (' M S . U l.t , i'','!;t, Sale Ends June 7th B.UlKDJNXjlMiCTiERlmfS -- 1 FRAMING Quality lumber. 295-873- ROLLED ROOFING o LUMBER Protect your home from damaging leaks and save1 Economical. Easy to .at low . ROOFING SHINGLES Fire-rate- d apply. 12" 2X6 228 285 342 2X8 325 403 489 466 582 6" w 2X10 .95 139 1 99 I63 2X4 100 sq. ft. Stock colors Ck 100 sq.ft. Stock colors WW 9258 SHEETROCK ENERGY SAVINGS! The most economical wall covering. 2; INSULATION 825-666- 2; fC!t3Xr SHEATHING 08834"x4'x9' 451-232- 2. CDX Wood Carvers Cap Display Works of Art 11 mini 12"X4'X8 d PLYWOOD Association approved Q39 feyjctcgi O PATIO ' BETTERBILT ALUMINUM to couraged participate in a wood carving display at the Layton Heritage Museum this month. Amateur or professional artists can display their carvings throughout the month of June. For more information contact Keep cooler in summer winter. PARTICLE BOARD Insulated glass. Bronze Hardware included! 430 finish- FIBERGLASS INSULATION 12" X4'X8' DOOR LAYTON Wood carvers from throughout the Davis County area are being en- - 198 Great for underlayment! 3 INTERIOR 292-377- 7. 15 (R11) 88.12 sq. ft. roll 3Va X pre-bore- d The higher the the INSULATED ALUMINUM Mill W finished BETTERBILT ALUMINUM guarantee! 48 Army Pvt. 30" TAX Special order at Ogden, Orem, Tooele. EXTERIOR LATEX SPRED HOUSE received instruction in drill and Ourbest exterior. ceremonies, weapons, map Dries to a durable, flat reading, tactics, military courtesy, military justice, first aid, finish. CEILING FANS and Army history and 99 He is a 1980 graduate of Clearfield High School. EXTERIOR LATEX HOUSE AND TRIM traditions. caaaaccSPOnai Dries to a Helps your home stay cooler in summer, warmer in winter. Gives you an even distribution of air. Designed for8'ceilings. installation. Simple, M0S8 SAVER! s semi-glos- finish. Withstands time, weather. 0 ! The best. White. 36 with metal biades. Classic White Canyon Resort isD to announce its new d proud D U $750,000 lodge. n In fact, we're so proud jj I that we would like to invites you to be our guest forU dinner at the Ogden Hilton Q to Q give us the opportunity to show Q you more about our jj Q lodge and resort. j D To find out how you canj H qualify for a free dinner, just phone our office at 546- - f L 0836. f U East Canyon Resort is of-- 1 J fered exclusively by East Ca- jjnyon Resort Marketing, "I Utah brokerage. MOSS 37 Similar to Illustration gg a. AM 59181 Ceiling Fxture 731 7AB SLIMBRICK Genuine 12" kiln fired brick. Can be used anyplace! Chocolate, toast, adobe. stock on hand. 6 sq.ft. Flats only WHITE ON WHITE Layton Only Ceiling Fixture 7622 PB FLOOR TILE 12 Rugged floors for active families. back. 12" X 12" tiles. Place N Press Stylistic Eg IlMltiCaNl 00 00 55 ea. 69 4488 Dbsqbqddqodbe. 39.. Layton Only C3CIN ST0:i K0UIS P.M. p.m. Closed Sundays ea. Installs easily! Weekdays ' Saturday LAYTON 123 North Main 4 ea. 5Q' 6 100' 250' 12.88 23.88 GRID MOREL OQDKN 2033 Washington Blvd. 33 1 DIMMER WIRE BOXES SWITCH Jjjth Ceiling Fixture 5906AB ST01! HOUR Weekdays Saturday ea. REVELED OAK !mnnma UMBER LAYTON ea. g 688 Limited to 15 LINE SWITCHES AND RECEPTACLES ECONO-LIT- E & HI-LIN- E 10988 ea. LIGHTS ddval ROLLER SET Budget priced! 088ea. blades. Mounts directly to ceiling. Reversible operation. MOSS HI pull chain operation. Walnut, reversible blades; stencil one side, solid the other! ea. 498 9 " PAN AND East 43 Antique, brass finish with 52" walnut Get professional looking results. Available in medium, dark, black, oak, cherry, fruitwood. u TROPICAL BREEZE Reversible motor. year limited warranty. Optional light kit. Grenoble DANISH OIL a 8 0088 7 3 Blade Gives your favorite room a new look. Easy to install. 12" X 12". )t D lflyton 0ny Brass finish with 52" cane blades. Variable speed control. jrDKIft.m PDLD Reversible motor. Light kit included. '7 year limited warranty. wm ea. biades. THE ECONOMY CEILINGS 098 Scrubbable. Easy, water MARCO POLO White or brown finish with 48" wood INTERIOR LATEX SPRED SATIN 30, 1983 vary- - Rugged 38 "X 4' X 8' with groove. 20 year Set in nail up! Price includes door, jamb, hinges, stop James R. Taake, son of Ronald R. and Carol A. Taake of 1195 Valhalla Drive, Clearfield, has completed basic training at Fort Jackson, S.C. During the training, students FOR TWO warmer in 6X23(R19) 75.07 sq. ft. roll find out why in our fact sheet on greater the insulating power. Replace now and save1 Series 660 SIDING DOOR Taalte Finishes Army Training . . WINDOWS Mahogany Prehung 544-385- 0, , THINK PINK! 21 77 Savings 38"x4'x8' U Kent Day, curator of the museum, Betty Wilcox, or Tracie Morrison, DINNER SI Class A'. Resists curling Repels water pricesl weeks of each. For more information, contact the libraries, and ask for Marilyn Getz, Bountiful, Gladys Smith, Clearfield, or Pete Giacoma, Farmington, Q .. cJ ISO Farmington library and eat while listening to a story being read from two books, three EXPIRES JUNE i k field at 2 to 3:30 p.m. in Bountiful and Clearfield, and 10:30 a.m. to noon at Farmington. To kick off the program, or a facsimile Johnny Carson will host the Mad Hatter, Robyn Hood, and Scott Odell character, Sarah Bishop. Children will be able to get in on the interviewing. A booklet, Danger Maze will present to children three different stories to read and figure solutions to. They can then read other books pertaining to the story they found most interesting. The second summer program will be outdoors at lunchtime. Children can bring a sack lunch on Monday and Thursday to the COUPON ... sum- six-wee- FREE v 0 o mer programs are being offered by Davis County libraries . north branch in Clearfield, headquarters library in Farmington, and south branch in Bountiful according to Pete Giacoma, coordinator of the summer programs. Registration is now open for the summer reading program for 6 to The program will be held once a week, beginning June 15 at the Bountiful and Farmington branches, and June 14 in Clear- CLEARFIELD i Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, June 1, 1983 Activities Planned At Libraries FARMINGTON J, I, 7:30-- 6 00 p.m. p.m. Closed Sundays We Cere Rein Chocks Should an advertised item not da available during this tele you may reauaat a Rain Check guaranteeing the sale on that item when stock is rspismsnsd Soma itsms available price only at our leraar locations Please call tor your particular needs 5A T |