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Show 2D Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, Mar, 2, 1983 REAL ESTATE POR SAIE 120- - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS SERVICE ILqII&BOMI . , Wxufo o, bytlMM of nood on Ilk wvn? You dont w Aw to ttort. looin "Mam DIRECTORY yw " to - wt t "county" at 30-LO- A ST POUND 14-JO- OF INTEREST BS Clinton area, Black Lpbrador and Irish Setter. g Phone r, Arvin Ivaaoratlve Cooler guaranteed, winter rates, free carpet clean- 4300 CFM STipeed (with cover 'til Mar. 8) $329.95 Charge ing with each room pointed. Coll Cords Accepted Robert love Heating A Air Conditioning Painting, texturing, wall pap-erin- g 9 end genera repair. Experience, licensed and refer- 9 NEED MONEY? or 40 -P- ERSONALS Lose 5 to 50 lbs. Has everything failed? Try the slim plan that really wonts and Is 00 guaranteed. Free tlot- 0 e. Disco lor hire, school, church, or private party. $100 per or night and up. 776-307- 7 BE SLIM ences. Call anytime 546-401W ANTEDH9DSfPAINTINO INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR, For free estimate coll 394-398- 8 LEVOIOR WINDOW BLINDS Guaranteed lowest Prices .. Ask about "Thrrtty Custom Quality interior and exterior Line, Isvolor's new lowest cost painting done by on experiencbiinp. Shop by pnone. Samples ed painter that cares. 773-31naiisd or (Wivsna. witoiio free estimates tion available. Free Delivery. Measure your windows and call Kent or Susan, anytime, for Plano prices 479-30- 3 PIANO TUNING Professional tuning, repairs Corpat and restorations. Full service piano technician for all models ' cleaning way, special through March 5th. 8( per sq. ft. and stairs 23 if per stair. EXCELLENT CLEANING and prompt service. Call Brian at 546- - P 0787. Ceramic Tilt kjJi I11II1 including players. Michael Musk Services. 773 5382. Piano Tuning and Repair. Experienced Technician for grand and all makes serving Davis County and vicinity. Take care of your life time invest- CHIMNEY SWEEP MAN CALL sprayed stucco. 5 Remodeling Energy Conservation NEW CONSTRUCTION AND REMODELING addition or building needs. Call Save Energy, Save Money 731-31on heating 80 on evenings ask for Up to 40 air conditioning. Free informo-tian-N- o Bob. 3 Obligation AND NEW CONSTRUCTION addition or REMODELING, 4 needs. Call building Income Tax evenings, ask for Bob. " store makes their fresh buttermilk biscuits from scratch. a new spicy crispy chicken, spicy rice and Mexican style beans, also on the spicy side. A new imCLEARFIELD proved Kentucky Fried Chicken facility is now open for business at 609 North Main Street in Clearfield. Ron and Carol Taake, co- managers and owners, TAXES $10. Complete heme remodel, room addition, garage converfree sions, basements, Dennis Folk Construction, remodeling, new construction, residential, small commerical. All carpentry work, basements finished, addition, kitchens, decks, concrete and pluminum tiding. PREPARED Mon-Fr- home Tr i. by CPA. Fast Free Estimates Call 8 for i appointment. Income Tax preparation, perTyping sonal and business. Phone 7 Gene Appionie Typing done in my home. Fast and accurate. Pickup and deCall Janna, livery available. Locksmith 776-111- 7 Clearfield. All - Call Typfngi LOCKSMITH services available 7 after 4 pm. FINGERNAIU-you- ment . breaking in at Hill Field Elementary School Sunday Maintenance man, carpentry, custom finish work, city crews in shoring up a sec-tio- n of hillside that has threatened to slip and do damage to a section of Compton storage space, plumbing, or paintfng, dry patching, very reasonable You can afford a home! Talk to one of the real' sion. - Boy to Dennis and Clydene Forbush, 1241 E. 960 S., Fruit Heights, Utah. Boy to Dean and Joan May- cock, 367 N. 200 W., Clearfield, Utah. February 2, 1983: Steven and Patricia Anderson, 593 S. Main Street, Clearfield, Utah. ; , ; February 3, 1983: Boy to Roberto and Trudy Wheeler, 360 field, Utah. February n, Church Street, Layton, : ' Steven and Jaylene Redford, 233 N. ville, Utah. 700 E., Kays-- ! February 5, 1983: ,. Girl to Grant and Cindy 88 S. 500 E., Clearfield, Pitt-man- ; , ' Utah. February 7, 1983: Boy to Mark and Darlene Timothy, 448 N. Fairfield Rd. 85, Layton, Utah. Girl to Donald and Patricia ai112, Grandma Thee's Meadows, alfvtogt stone fireplace, lf carpeting, air, r, iherdryer hooxups, range much more. $54,00b Karen Mortenson 8 between 7 and 3 or 4794253 after 6 large kitchen, Day-Ca- Center opening soon in Syracuse, 20 years experience. 10 afi cu as whatever for you're whatever you're i and get other .bi?m bk Classified now to our Ads, help you just what you're looking for. head-i- n ing Classified. O0DAD0 ' I PAYMENT e, D-- . February 12, 1983: Boy to David and Audrey 600 W. Mutton Hollow Her-manse- n, Rd. .(,78, Kaysville, Utah. Girl to Dan and Diane Alvey, 75 W. 250 N. .,33, Clearfield, Utah. February NEW and Lana Country Oaks Dr., Layton, Utah. '82 4x4'$ 14, 1983: Girl to Scott and Juliet Smed-le464 Gentile, Layton, Utah. Boy to Marc and Debra Halley, 1997 E. Ridgeroad, Layton, Utah. y, '82 '82 SUBARU STATION is WAGON iRHtiC oa 225 Lay-to- n, Tol-ma- n, Fairfield Rd., Apt. Layton, Utah. Girl to Robert and Cathy 2657 N. 900 W., Clinton, Utah. ,,151, Eg-gl- i, February 15, 1983: Girl to Alfred and Lois Olivas, 483 E. 550 N., Roosevelt, Utah. - 77 'J03 '82 '81 SUBARU SUBARU BRAT DEMO it very well equfpped. and includes the full new car warronty Very low mileoge. just odd tax. license and preparation ClDUOUt This unit 6069 ' DATSUN PICKUP ItANDNfW wm Uii W. IM .'i 4 MKt Sr- -u NEW 0006 1026 W. 1700 S. .,,2, Sy- racuse, Utah. Girl to Jonathan and Patricia SUBARU C10S10UT FRICf a Well equipped, very low mileage. HURRVi Thu one won't last long fust add tax, license and preporonon.. This Boy to Garry and Sally Steeley, SPECIAL1 Well equipped, front wheel drive High gas mileage Drive home o brand new cor tor less han used car payments $143 per mo based on E C U 60 mo down ond 13 anngol percentage rote, A number to choose rom under 3 Mi 1982 CLOSEOUT 6003 TT d, 2384 BRAND NEW SUBARU SPORT COUPE Oeluxe doth interior very well equipped! Shop this it qualifies for NOpnee THING DOWN And 60 months payments fECU Just odd tax. financing license and preparation 13, 1983: Boy to Craig February Nothing Down 8, Faddius, 1058 N. 1150 E., Utah. E. Apt. A, , Boy to Del and Kristie Campbell, 607 S. 1000 Clearfield, Utah. Boy to Frank and Cindy Guzman, 858 N. 1000 W Clinton, Utah. Girl to Alan and Marianne Story, 1194 W. 4400 S. u15, Riverdale, Utah. Girl to Eddie and Jackquline NO DOWN W. 2300 S., Clear- " 9, 1983: 01DSM0SILE Sport coupe low miles ou. stereo TOP hke new mude No hidden charges add tax. license and preparation - BOCO S3 4 deep lot, good terms. Call Jay 2 CENTURY Assoc. 2l, CU Smoot By Owner,, Very nice 3 rambler, in Layton. 2Vj bath, finished basement, patio, assumable lots of extras. 10 loon. $65,000. 544-036- 0 3 bed- Immacualte By Owner: mm rambler in CwarfieM, unfinished basement, carport, bed-roo- 8ft assumable loan. 3 $59,500 CEDAt SPRINGS This 2 bedroom is dean, sharp, and good terms, swimming, tennis and clubhouse. Call Fee 292-500- Jay 295-584- I'd love to tend your children, CENTURY 2l. CU Smoot AsOpenings for ambitious pee- -' -- WEBER COUNTY clin,on 0,1 sociates It you want to work port file. area or full time. Good income' CENTERVILLE RAMILER By Owners Newly decorated, in your area. No experience Licensed day taro, Layton 2 yr. old rambler, 3 bedrooms, Hurry to see 4 plus bedrooms, hot lunch, 2 snacks, and 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, 1 140 sq. necessary. large lot, new floor coverings, ft. 2 car garage, cedar fence, activities. 544-459- 0 trees, low interest, FHA loan. Salespersons Needed for in Roy. Greet Call Stan 295-- 1 176, CENTURY Neighborhood Licensed family day care, 4016 W. 5550 S. Printing Business, Experience 1 21, CU Smoot Atom would love to care for ... g- - preferred but not necessary. in Roy. 3 Farmington by owner, 3 commission. Apply children 3 weeks and older, Sy owner, bedrooms, dining roorn,1 . person 860 W, Riverdale Rd. Layton 544-475room, 1 baths, control air, A-- 6 with !'fP' room bath, living landscaped. $79,906. Mother wonte to tend small with wet bar, lace, family roam or drop-inchild, steady evening deck. 2 car garage, Vb unfin7 FHA LOAN 245 ; 84 -- jobs of Interest ished basement, Targ Good terms on newer Farming- Niiad babysitter in my homo yard with automatic sprinkling SALES v ton beautiful decor, home, for my 2 year old weekdays 7. system, zoned for animals. Aswood stove, ANXIOUS, Call sumable Ipw interest loan 4, royoreo, Large and fast growing No-- , CENTURY Laraine 825-43priced in the 60's. Call tional Marketing Firm searching Quality child caro by 21, Smoot Assoc. 0 after6 or ext, for foil or part flme candidates. mother. Playroom, toys, 267 or 267 during the week. made HORSE AROUND timer $40,000. fenced yard. Learning adivities Top part ' Acre horse property with newer last year, please send .resume EXCELNT ENSURE emphasis. Occasional dinners-to-g- o UT 2 bath home, super bedroom 4 TO toi to give you more time for box33p2, Ogden, terms. Call Stan 84409 Attem M. Baldwin. 1500 or 3000 sq. ft. retail child. Layton area 825- CENTURY 21, CU Smoot andor office use adjacent to d Family Bank an 1900W. 5200 Energetic Capable Experienc-eTerrace comArea, Excellent Waihingtan salespeople. DELUXE KAYSVILLE Babysitting in AAy Home, Hot mission $1,000 plusweek poteCome see secluded 168 x 190 4 ntial-home meals, snacks 363-55energy conservascrub oak, pool, country yard, 6 or Would love to tend children tion products. in s am u:,. e kitchen, gas t., send resume to 1969 N. Main . beautiful brickstone rambler. 84041 Ut. , Layton, CENTURY Call Jay 21 Smoot Assoc. 22-210and carpal, owner will carry Jobs with Fortune 500 Com- . 105 -E- LDERLY CARE contract. No Realtors Please. Layton 5 bedrooms finished pony in sales. Excellent oppar-motivated 7 (unify for self person Elderly assistance provided in walk-obasement, 3 bams, 2 to be independent. No experithe privacy of thoir home, some Homos start! fireplaces, sundeck, completely at $49,900, ence necessary. Excellent medical training, very depend-obi- e, landscaped and fenced yard, our various you mustFor aopoint-memoneybonuses. close to HAFB, school and Shirley 0 or interview church $69,900 825-890- 1 1, Bills get you dawn? Earn $10- 5 bedrooms finished Layton Pleasant awnor. View by walk-o$ 1 1 per hour as Princoss House basement, 3 baths, 2 FIND FREEDOM-EEAUT1400 sq. ft. on main floor, foil Crystal consultant. Free trainfinished basement, walkout, 6 RICHNESS in your singing. fireplaces, sundeck, completely ' Barbara Jenkins 544-214and fenced yard. . ing, car and phone required. landscaped bedrooms, largo family room, Set own hours, no delivery. Rich background in vocal wood burning stove on Vi aero , close to HAFB, school and Minimum initial cost. Phone z technique and musical theater church 1 $69,90Q lot,782-9273 for more informa. LIVE RIGHT HERE Rerformance. Affiliated with S. Ogdon Meadows, 4 tion. of old year has 4 plus J 200 sq. ft. home, double ; Centerville Rambler Teachers of Singing. Earn extra money. Have fun bedrooms, custom family car garqgo with opener, firepberries in FUN PIANO LESSONS! IrnpTY room, trees, 1 selling children's music. Become gnxwv lace, 3 bedrooms, baths, Brite Music representative. . o huge yard, Call Laraine 451- -. vising popular songs many large family room and more. CENDale ' after 5. ' ' 5145 Loan asi ways, plus scales, chords, TURY 21, Smoot Assoc. Call 479-- 1 sightreading, harmonizing in 30 keys. ComRead classified daiplete, organized method, for NEW FEATURES $500 DOWN adults ana children. New drapes, appliances, carNO lUALIFYING ly deck, priced to pets, levolors,i95-5$4Organ or piano lossqne by 3170 Porter, $43,000. $390 a CENsell. Call Jay qualified teacher. Small group month, 2 bedrooms, dining, looking for , or TURY 21, CU Smoot private 825-544- 9 fireplace, fenced yard, laundry and storage. 546-097. or NEW HOMES 120 BUSINESS looking for, ft jHHHk Starting at $49,800 on OPPORTUNITIES lots. Monthly payments 2 bedroom starter in Roy , the jump orr Investor with starting as low as $42T. Call area with basement, de- t needed. AAoney is secured with Lynn Glauser Construction tached fruit and garage no work on your part. Possible 776-031- 4 buyers. 8 or trees. Assumable 6 to receive your investment back loan, price reduced for quick New homes, $54,000, exthe first year. 7 or sale to $42,500. 8 tremely large lots, 1008 sq. ft. split, Melanie Acres SubdiviLosing the budget race? Help good financing. sion, Syracuse, with income, your keep up your Coll Gary 54J-043- 4 rve?7oj!ii'7I2aIa' outgo throtigh pleasant part NEW PROPERTY tme work, stf your own Hours. $3700 to otiumo 11H VA NEW ON Market. Clean Call local Amway Distributor. Loan, E. bonch abovt Harrirambler with view in Center1 8 2 son. anytime. btdroom, garage, car- Let ville. Three bedrooms ready to after 6. yard' Many ,x,ra5-Call Glenna 9 occupy. Openings for Ambitious Pee-- . 21, Smoot Assoc. , CENTURY BEDROOMS IN ROY A1 pie to develop a business of 0 C5 their awn without risk. Write 2 bathrooms, 2 full kitchens, find NEW ACRE CUSTOM tor appointment. Bax perfect for forqe family or THIS EXECUTIVE 2 story on Vs Examiner. Standard downroom for mother-in-la- w Ogden has 3 garages, beautiful acre ONLY $76,000. $5,000 Wholesale auto parts, re- stairs. assuma woodwork, heavy insulation, down, contract balance Excellent business. building 4450 sq. ft. and good terms. : ? at 10 interest. Flexible. Call Call Stan 295-- 1 176CENTURY earnings with $18660 invest- JDS 8 ment. or 392- ; 21 Smoot Association 1347 A17-C- 5 CO Go Gtcooo Ppczi .'.'.TWO FISTED SAVINGS Lay Girl to William and Patti Bed-di193 Ross Dr., Clearfield, Utah. Boy to Carl and Tina Barber, 680 N. Main Kaysville, Utah. Boy to Cantu, 1421 N. Celcia Way, Lay-- ; ton, Utah. Girl to Randall and Dawn Kingston, 55 E. 125 S., Farming-ton- , Utah. , Boy to Fredrick and Ronetta Murray, 361 Frances Ave., Lay-toUtah. Boy to Steven and Julie Burk, - Yorkshire teacher and JovjH902 February 8, 1983: Girl to Terry and Thalia ' J Boy to nFHEASANTBROOK LIVING Enloy executive living with clubhouse, swimming, and tennis in Centerville s best condominium complex,, shqrp terms, call Dale 21, CU 292-200. 1 Snwot mother will tend children in my Bountiful home. . A , Graham, 301 N. Main ton, Utah. Davit North Hospital February 1, 1983: Utah. 2 Experienced ur Area : HAFB, mijrT . Land slippage triggered by heavy precipitation over the past two years has been endangering the road and utility lines 827 - years and up, 4019 A. Harrington loop, e cor-N- gvjrjfo parking, o.r,laund7 546-271- 7 L.ssmsf or 479$ and pork low Interest, Lay Amuim EvYrylhina'ln beautiful dean condition. stack, professionally Wharf convoy beat all this for and landscaped, 1 Va years 'TO? Low down pay- old, $59,W0rColl low interest. Call East soldi Mr. Pork 2 bafln, rooms, large New-Lif- e Realty. largo garage, family room, wood burning stove, storage, TIL., swimming pool, dra P'- .sffiSWtf CHILD CARE-- 2 springs. After the drainage system is in place, guardsmen will cover it with fill dirt and the slope to precent further ero- Road. j ad- OF INTEREST SECRETARIAL .w FHA, HUNTING? Then turn right livestock CONDOMINIUMS HOUSE wall-ne- rates, no job too small. Call Rex or Dan at OBS .BABYSITTING in Koysville ry off water from hillside ! . cabinets, estate brokers who Compton Bench. Guardsmen were to haul in vertise in classified. some 20,000 cubic yards of fill dirt to halt the land slippage, while city crews install a subsurface drainage system to car- Farmington Monday to aid the WANT TO BUY A HORSE? d jobs, painting, basements, yards, hauling. Farm work, etc. Reasonable Handyman-Od- serving about 200 homes in guardsmen Yard Core Odd Jobs Guard Called Out to Help Guard equipment and were to arrive in Financegvailable 2 3 Power Raking from $25. ft. 9 far appointment. $15 minimum 776-693- 3 Nail Tips and wraps done by Custom film tinted windows, Shellie. Call for appointment,' for cars, trucks and vans, Call $20. complete. 3940895 between 2-- 5 PM. for 4 free estimates, ask for Jeff. . ..Green. National Water Proofing SCULPTURED NAILS prafes-sionpll- y done. Introductory offer $20 per set. Call Patti Lucas evening. Three juveniles, who were apAccording to Clearfield Police Chief Daren Green, the youths prehended at the scene, have apparently broke a window to been released to their parents enter and then poured a floor and will be charged with burgcleaning substance into typew lary, according to Green. FARMINGTON processing, 773-- 5 lo5 manicure, tips linen wrapped nails. Professionally experienc- Tired of woter in your basement? Call Dayton Construction ed manicurist. Introductory $20. Satisfaction sys- a PROFESSIONAL TYPING and Data Processing ' Call appoint- - r includes word-dat- letters and forms. Sunset. and beautiful price Guaranteed. Call Alice tem and other machines. The youths also ruined computer tapes and took $200 worth of merchanidise, according to juveniles, ages 11, 12 and 13, are suspected of causing approximately $4,000 in damage after f n Three riters, the public address CLEARFIELD ; 1 Shrub Service Complete Tree Service service, 298-35- Manicurist It-- -- 8AM-7P- 6 reasonable. Call p Afte r School Brea s. No job too small. 776- - Tax returns prepared in your Land and improvements present an investment of over $400,000. The building has a drive-uwindow for the convenience of customers, with in-- : side seating for 60. The new store is open daily from 10:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. an- Dependable Coll re- nounce that along with the new facility several new menu items have been introduced; specifically, fresh baked buttermilk cuits that will replace the rolls, SERVICE honest tax pre- in your home, parotion, Richard V. McKay. 731-18INCOME TAX PREPARATION Fast and accurate returns prepared in the privacy of your home. Federal, State and out-o- f state covered. Computer processed and printed. Audit service included. Call Grant 4 for appointment. TAX SCOTT BROWN shows how the new Kentucky Fried Chicken -J- aSMCHlLDSRr" OF INTEREST GENERAL Part-tim- TESTSpSSfIn 3, horn. Eltoonet and comfc 170 quired. cxceil 4515 after 5 Afternoons, experience neces3 sary DISPLAY TRIMMER WANTED 1 full time and part time posi- -' tion available. Experience required. Send Reaume to Box D13 do Ogden Standard Ex- - Gceiling, textured ceilings, foundation, plastering and THE 85 Or child core BS 190 -- DAVIS COUNTY r- Nutri-Trl- and Penny Rkh. Bra Want to mpka a lot of mpney wimvery fittii wpd? Fqrfurth- or 6 m information cal l.P.N.'s Dental Assistant, Metxler Plastering, Chimney Citaning 5 K c7uiT82Mpoint' Nurse Aides Companions hours. Home Care from Medicare Reimbursed CalT collect 484-616- 1 80-JO- King $28,000 return. Proper-- r Ogden for equity.. mi ONE SICK? R.N.'s Flattering 1 . QL I" in REAL ESTATE LOVED ments by tuning now. Call F. BURTON WINTER AND SONS 5440 075 ASSOCIATED CERAMIC TILE Specialists, free estimates Avon Full Can earn $6 or all divisions. Commission, bonus, cars, trips, prices. No restrictive territory, no limit on inconfo. We.trdinVfoel, free to invwitigatw 25 year old torn- - license Course Mann ESTATE Contrasts, $11,000 Ml International also s Sculptress State accredited. Register Mar. 1 3 for next doss starting Mar. 8th. Call S. Ogden Community Education. Linda or Byron 479-729 or Jerry Claaning Carpets cleaned the dry ConBuild CONTRACTS on hour. Coll Cosmetics ,, New Message Each Week part-tim- Nutri-Metic- Find Out what you've always wanted to know about but were afraid to ask. Tuning 140 -- RIAL SALES Interior-exterio- Blinds t. Co.. Inc. myi . disposal from 1U.OOO. lot New style house plans. FOUND, Polntlnfl-Taxturlzln- Paoala;-O.?.- struction ssmaiirsffft Got u jo b to do? Call on someone who knows how' Air Conditioning Smart Here $ the bes o the lom'ily economy cots Well equipped ond front wheel dnve No hidden charges. tut add to. cense A preparation KfXS Offlini M S O and equipped wim c condfion-nThis is port of o of speciol purchase package ca'S No hidden charges, add tax, license & preparation ! rd UICK SFORT C0UFE Excellent pamt, new vm)) top excellent ABechomcally good tires GOOD FAMILY CA0I No hidden chorges, just odd tax, license ond preparation 090 71 TOYOTA 78 V0LRSWA6EN Corelfe lew rnHei. excellent condition. and well equipped! Price good tm dosmg Feb 2Bh No hidden chorges, odd to, license and preparation Dasher wagon Fuel infect tion, lew rwfes, like new inside excellent family Sunroof, air car Just odd tax, license and fl690 299 '81 DATSUN 510 like new inside ond out, well equipped. "Hatchback iryWtg" Just odd tax. license and preparation 39576 |