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Show If 8A Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, Mar, 2, 1983 Kaysville Production uOtirOOS Sot Mooting CLEARFIELD 752 and Laurie at 11 a.m. Those desiring to try out must be prepared to sing a selection from Oklahoma and to read from the script. Anyone interested in taking part in the chorus or dance Margaret Brough as the should send their name, age, director. phone number, and the part Tryouts will begin at 10 a.m. they are to be considered for to with the leading lady, Aunt' Margaret Brough at 715 E. 200 Ella, the male lead "Curly at N., Kaysville, Utah 84037. There are no childrens parts in this 10:30 a.m.. and Ado, Annie Tryouts for an annual musical held in conjunction with the Kaysville July 4 celebration, will be held Saturday, Mar. 5, at 715 E. 200 N., Kaysville. This years production will be "Oklahoma with, KAYSVILLE p.m. at the Heritage Center in Clearfield. All retired federal employees and their spouses are invited to attend. Federal employees with more than 5 years service are eligible for membership in NARFE. For further information, call president, Carl Johnson, at at 12:30 SOCIAL P-ASCtl ACtxt&te Audition tfor 'IllsihoFiri' - Chapter of the National Association of Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) will meet March 9 No. JL1 '"ZXj musical. This annual event is sponsored by the Kaysville-Frui- t Heights Cultural and Performing Arts Council to give residents of these cities an opportunity to perform; therefore, those trying out should reside in Sw3feiaY2RJ ) T MOCCO Sov$l61 oo Sum U.. 1649.00 Ha Tho Stitch ft Feature You v Alwayt Wanted $10.03 Will loy-A-W- ... For Mother Doy The Graduate Or Bride When Youre Ready for the Best With Electronic Control either Kaysville or Fruit Jif.ftVUiW, Heights. If more information is desired call Margaret Brough at 94 N. Fart Lane Mi. S Oeeiil Friday Until . hJVC(KGUj 44-49- 04 Husqvama T P.M. (f 3 ANTICIPATING INCOME TAX RETURNS? DUY NOW AT THE SATISFACTIO; CENTER AND PAY WHEN YOUR INCOME TAX RETURN ARRIVES Three water level selections Standard capgcity Two cycles, including permanent press NOW ,r X-- ONLY , tiffin 2-Spe- washer Filter-Fl- o ed with activated soak cycle! Three wash cycles 9 Heavy duty washer Variable water level selections ! Right now you can save like never before on beautiful furnishings for your home. Prices may never be this low NOW again! Come in today and save!! 0 ONLY o 2-in- FULL SIZE HIDZ-A-C2- . 9 $0HOKO DELUXE FULL SIZE SOFA'S NOW ONLY washer with tub! Four wash cycles Both regular and gentle wash speeds Bleach and fabric softener dispensers. $0HOl(O DS With innerspring mattress for long, long wear . . . NOW ONLY NOW ONLY ALL REDUCED! 0NE-0F-A-KIN- DS -l Mini-Bask- et KJI Solid oak trim, beautiful upholstery, solid frame o vy ii ASSORTED OCCASIONAL TABLES Choose from early american to french provincial o U NOW ONLY Covered in long wearing nylon o STI BEAUTIFUL SWIVEL ROCKERS Price Includes Rebate Choose from many styles, but hurry! 6 PC. RANCH ROUP SPECIAL PURCHASE! ANSO IV NYLON!! Over 500 yards of heavy, sculptured carpet just purchased. This Arno IV nylon carpet made to sell for $1 6 per yard. multi-col- or X V ifSlYtaft Group I Kbits: f. 82 inch ofa 0JS Rocker Two 24"x Chair end tables J-- U 22" Oi.LY NOW ONLY Hftiw 300 Q (3ini $(0)9i u pwyd. unarMBcvaitiUi m 0T) ViTm ( 'ini (ll b (OJ) V cirmcnU qoq a!i:avf I' pe unai.v n:w tuiikifoy -- 11 |