Show UTAH STATE NEWS salt lake county has two cases of smallpox and salt lake city two A recruiting rec station has been opened at fort douglas to recruit a new battery the utah association met in salt lake last week re electing the old general lucers approaching cold weather has re suited in the close of the salt palace bicycle track at salt lake for the season there has been taken out of utah s mines in the first nine months of the year accord ng to orp and bullion set tie ments and smelter reports 19 christian chistensen a salt lake county farm hand has sued jacob sor ensen his employer for IP alleged to be due as wages for the past twelve years the salt lake public 1 arary has 16 and 10 borro ver in september 5 volumes were loaned and 3 consulted in the refer ence room A new solvent for copper which ex tracts and perc mineral from the rock without disintegrate ng it is being experimented with by a sa lt lake miner A vis t of john hays the famous mm ng expert to the silver king at park city has revived the rumors of the sale of that property for 12 ahe oregon short line will occupy the three top floors of the new deseret news building dt halt lake for its general offices upon the completion of that structure friday of last week was childrens day at the state fa r the attendance was larger than ever before the grounds being so crowded that it was difficult to get around arthur moyer a 12 yr old salt lake boy was shot in the leg by a companion of the same age last satur day while handling a revolver the moyer boy was carrying miss lizzie boreham of waterloo addition to salt lake was decided to be the prettiest girl at the state fair on childrens day there were 15 other good looking people present benjamin a pleasant grove while climb ng a fence on a expedition last week shot himself through the foot by the accidental discharge of h s gun he may lose his foot the fees of the secretary of state s office for nine months of the year are in excess of 66 ordinarily they amount to only 0 a year but the U P and san pedro railway in corpor alion total up herbert cassidy a messenger boy employed in the auditor s office of the oregon short line at salt lake fell a d stance of fifteen feet in the new short line build ng last friday and seriously injured his back neil dougherty a bachelor died in salt lake last november leaving on deposit in a salt lake bank after funeral expenses and costs of adro inis were paid there remains 76 to be decided among tl ree he rs A reunion of miss oganes of the eastern states was held in salt lake during conference about fifty elders wre present annual re unions will be held in future when specially pre pared programs will be provided A party of engineers has been busy for some time locating an electric 1 plant in sevier canyon above richfield the project is designed to furnish power and light for the mines of kirn berley and the towns of sevier valley J ellenbaugh of idaho falls idaho last week consulted bait lake hospital phys clans regard ng a tumor on his neck which threatens to cause starvation in time unless it is removed has been a suf lerer for years with it mrs bardh gray provo e oldest res ident died at the age of 97 years last week she has been a resident of utah since 1854 and has lived most of the time since in provo she was born in county tyron ireland june 11 1804 director murdock of the salt lake weather bureau believes that great bait lake sap pearin time unless a heavier rainfall occurs an increase of rainfall annually of a few inches woold in time raise the lake several hundred feet A sugar war that promises to extend to utah is on between the cane and beet sugar interests in the mississippi river county A cut of 1 cents a pound or 3 cents is quoted there and the on is that a reduction will be made in this section abe majors who it is alleged killed officer brown of ogden in a fight in the kills near bangham city three years ago has been found gu ity of murder in the second degree his first trial resulted in a verd ct in the first degree and he was sentenced to death J A wr secie tary of the state blaid of horticulture has been ten dered the chair of horticulture in the state cultural college at a salary of 1 per year mr wr has a fine orchard near ogden and is a practical as well as scientific horticultural authority arthur ford 19 years of age son of ford of ogden was instantly killed at the ogden canning factory last week while endeavor ng to repair a broken electric wire the electric light people say he must have been killed by a bolt of 1 as the voltage on the wire was very low |