Show president snow Is dead lorel 20 sno v the en erable chief and fifth resident of the church of jesus christ of latter da saints suddenly pissed i ay it his lone in salt like city at 3 clock thursday afternoon garn ate I 1 bronch t is 1 to be the duse of leath the members of his fam ly and a few intimate friends kne v of the illness of the greit church leider ind none of these anici cited the d refill result until fe v before the end cime the life of Lorenz inov ms n most eventful one and throughout his ip lendil career he was 1 min of firm purpose ind becis ian of character that stamped h a mm anong men he vas bora nt mantua ohio april 3 1814 is beirl old at the time of his death lie a fur education in the cuhlic schools ot 1 is native lo 10 v and at 21 desiring education enter pd aberi n college he became n on in 1830 bince which time he v ai one of the church most zealous work era lie was chosen church on importing import int missions and al atts performed the service well in 1818 he came to utah with president young and his cap icicy tor work and great eberg hae been great factors in building up th s common wealth he was greatly beloved ind will ie |