Show BEGINNING OF USE OF IRON hard to trace exactly but out its origin Is in thought to have been in central europe it Is 1 commonly believed that the usa use of lion commenced in either af at rica or asia the latest tlona lion prove i wae as not worked in crypt jintil the ninth century be fore the Chris christain thin era or in libya un til 13 C that the semite semites n hopt ed its use still latr lat r and that it has 1 becci known in uganda only within tho the last flo or six centuries in chant iron Is first mentioned in 11 C bronze weapons were cm em aloyed in china until A U D and in japan until loo 00 D according to a mr air ridgeway dRewdy ni who haa has investigated thid the metallurgy of iron must have originated in central kurppe especially in Norl Nor icum cum which approximately represented modern austria and Ilav arli only at hall liall and in bosnia and transylvania from which countries the Ac Acha halans tans and dorlane fl aro are supposed to have migrated to greece are found evi dences of a gradual introduction of iron at first as an ornament applied to the bronze which it ultimately bitely die dis alar placed ed everywhere also iron was in trod produced suddenly a fact which im plies a foreign erivin lie says that me meteoric ceoric iron was known in I 1 agypt in remote antiquity but no douht doubt it was worked as flints are work ork edby cutting or chipping and was ua u t smelted in other words it was metallurgy not the knowledge of iron that originated in central europe |