Show COUNTY shortage of cement at in a puce price G A iverson return returned ed bt from froin a business trip looking lookin after his if ie at scofield the t of lat eek of the helper courant ann in ce visitor the first of the the interest of his paper lillian light of salt la lake ke i re visiting vi bIting her sisters mrs je e and al mrs rs W F 01 ig E dearbon u of sunnyside Sunny side aday for or a sit to denver companied companies compa nied ba b miss annie cottages are to be ham 3 atha hatha right away salt y contractors have the v a ork rk e latie tic valley railway com nw oN running trains ir roid rold between here and 1 bondurant Son durant agent for the md d rio plo grande at price t lake city isidor the first eb ek ad mrs clyde jones are al salt lake city where s recently went ent to a local or treatment loads of brick for the mercial and savings bank I 1 ie e first of the week P end nd are faded on the ground arilla left the first ektor k for scofield where her mow now engaged in the mer ainess green river disa the power house for the ht plant will commence the blocks being nearly the building will be e es at Ili hiawatha awatha were tem ased the latter part of last il A by the electrical storm ired the generators in the se A wood took the train ight to dragon takes the position tion of erk there green alth D maclean has just JUA ill ili ng the tho school census for fur eie are children of in thia tho district an in haa last ear I 1 i mrs I 1 H james jamea are rn i bait lake city where i recently underwent an br for appendicitis mrs inch nuch improved since re rry of helper was a price cla being here on busi ry has opened up a ba bak ocer in the frank grosso t that place and reports od e fish and game depart t lake city haa has received e arrest of william galliker on sunday for fish t a lit ht n e he lie was nas con and d bert martin the picture man gave one of his excellent programs at town toan hall tuesday evening to a large audience martin is always there with the goods when it comes to giving good shows shon E the golden rule mile s removal sale attracted a large crowd of bargain seekers monday and all day the store was as crowded with nith eager buyers manager thompson is a great believer in printers ink marriage licenses have hane been issued by clerk and recorder gwilym jones to the following john Kropi and franca adso au gideon hadlock and alice kenned the latter couple reside reide at vernal mrs J R sharp was as here monday on her way to the big springs ranch f from rom a tw two 0 weeke cibit m with ith ll 11 her parents at scofield she wis accompanied hemf by mrs A crockett and misi elizabeth crockett e tt who he will visit her for a fey NN weeks adina ilina had one tentative at the prize fight in reno in the per oh of E 11 peyton sa aaa b the call no one was an aware are of it ho boeer however eer until after last weeks paper was out he lie sent the call a splendid report of the fight but it arrived too late for publication li cation we thank peyton just the same the county commissioners have let the contract for grading the wagon road through cat canon between price and sunn side to lee jessen of wellington A dugay ill be built through the cannon and the road otherwise imp improved this road district is in charge of commissioner D J thomas W W white who has been a brakeman on the green river rier division for a long time lott his life last tuesday evening about 5 while swimming above abode the bridge the oung man w ho w as 32 v ears of age resided at grand junction having but one relative there his fath er r who is a cripple state Irea treasurer surer david matson was here acre saturday and was wi the bork being done on the road east of tonn tow n by the commissioners matson was well plea pleaded pleased sed with ith the work and carbon counts will no now get the money from the state for oad purposes he ile left sunday for emery county to inspect the roade of that county ty at a it meeting of the county corn com missioners last saturday the bid of the harris trust company of chicago the bridge and mas i accepted for road 1 bonds the ibue waa nw for thirty ty thousand dollars and was ae aa ltd by the trust company at per par after er transacting some other minor business geee the board adjourned to meet again on the wt next day their regular meet date late supervisor R A broadhurst of the bu eau of animal indest industry in dust loca ted at mt alt pleasant t ays sheep in th that section are in excellent condition despite the long drouth there has been but one rainfall there since Feb february which is having haing a bad effect on the dry try farms the hay bay crop will yield about half the usual amount heber deberc C jex je of provo michael barcla of spanish fork dale date park of f salt lake city and prof northrup of the agricultural college at logan were ere saturday victors in price being here to look up some land under the ne new canal thebe gentlemen were ere well pila ed with ith the prospects around price andu and went ent away with praises for what hat they saw peter olsen of woodside had a narrow narro escape from being killed by a train price orice S morning olsen ci et til ill 0 no 7 and while alighting A Lium um me train mazzed his hold and fell arder the wheels A b bystander stander saw hb his peril and put d him out just in time to sac him from being run over oer it was wai a narrow escape u and one olsen does not riot care to experience again blue cut canal comp comply compin in of ca dale tiled filed articles of ancor po on with the secretary of state T ay y m morima aing its capital being placed at eighth five thousand dollars in beares of tn twenty enty fi five e dollars each the officers are orange seely jr president ident peter I 1 akelund vice president C E larson secretary and treasurer and james E peterson and erastus S larson additional directors so far this is the hottest and dry est july since the establishment of the government bureau in salt lake city thirty six years ago the precipitation for the month is but 24 of an inch the maximum temperature with the instrument on the roof of the boston building monday was 96 the minimum being 69 at 6 monday evening the record was 91 some thermometers in the streets in various a riou parts of the city showed and some claim as high as in the shade that utah has a sweet tooth is shown in a comparative report by civite statistician 11 T hanes ot of the confectionery business for the vears ears 1908 and 1909 the report hows hos that the total value of confectionery products for 1909 was of which aich sixty five per cent was aas sold in this state the valie of the product for the preceding vear bear was aag of which sixt three per percent cent was asod here only eleven establishments are tire covered in the report colorado and utah parties arc are now non at work upon a reclamation scheme over in m western routt county colorado they expect soon to bring in a colony of forty families they will ill build a reservoir and 6 d farming on an extensive scale the promoters say they want to trade with vernal as they are only forty miles to the east last but they would like a good roid and the bridge at jensen and they are willing to help build them if the cint get into vernil they will ill go seventy five fhe miles to colorado tow to ns williim bluett the brakeman who nho was recently injured while protecting denver and rio G grande r ande property from boxcar thieves thi ees at price has entirely recovered from his injuries and is again attending to his duties sa sava s Il helpers elpers courant bluett it will ill be remembered was recently knocked over the head with I 1 th an iron bar wielded fielded by an unknown tramp whom he had caught attempting in to enter a car bluett was knocked from his tram train and when found by the crew of a passing water tram train was unconscious ous he ile was brought into helper for medic it 1 attention says sas fridays Fri daya salt lake tribune circulars have been received announcing noun cing the promotion of W J shotwell to be assistant general freight agent of the western pacific at san fr francieco he ie w ell known here aa as he wae nas at one time general generi agent at salt lake city for the denver and rio grande circulars are also re dived announcing the ap of B F nevins aa as gei gen eral live lie stock agent and W 11 davenport ven Nen port as general agent at san sa n francisco both thebe how hoa e ever er having been pre previously bously announced all the circulars circular are dated jul jub abt st ne nevins ins is vi well uell and most fao favorably known b most all Flis eastern tern utah stockmen |