Show applications ah TURNED DOWN application for more than five hundred thousand acres of land under the carey act were denied ly u the he state board of land last saturday through a resolution adopted by the board requiring companies and individuals to live lice up to the letter of the law with reference to complying with all legal requirements the board also adopted a rule pi 0 viding that each applicant proposing a system that will ill cost under r one million dollars must deposit two hundred and fifty dollars with the land board and live five hundred dollars for each project nf of more than ore one million dollars these aM amounts to be forfeited forfeit d to the state in case the application is not perfected applications were denied the se vit r river land and water company that sought to segre segregate galle u under the carey act acres in millard county kearns faust acres in to ie county just juit beyond salt lake county the A C hannauer IIan company acres in emery county the green alti riv er valley land and water company about the same amount at green river and aldrich mcroberts over acrea acres in emery county the action of the board in denying these thee application applications does not preclude reapplication for the same act age tage provided ded the die earned out according to law laa the oasis land and water compan nv b W 11 II king appeared before the board and u ed that three hundred te ma ate no now Nor working king on ot thi ditch and the comp company any aided until july to show the board th it it me kemt int business in ita tu to repair the irrigation system |