Show MAN EEL eelje TO HM V A 4 essentially subject of life in otter ott er period periods would be impossible to him could a i i u were he given tin the ip p port pity i illy live in any as age 1 ly y remote bioni hie his own modern pul pal h ti t i that life la Is then at ita its lilith est and beet best when the or ui in laro ism ie Is perfectly adopted to I 1 if a cn viron ment it thia this be so then it to I 1 cani that large rudden mil ina abrupt clerke in the environ i rn n must impair the vitality of tre tte org it i ish and night n ight een eien destroy tl t atu gt gather ther if 1 e think of it a broick ul ol the ngo of pericles a roman homan of J 0 age of 0 jull jullig in ir u bild ind it i hard to live the lifo of today am 4 man now alive would find it bard hard ho on were lie by some freak magic try nr fall in his own vi L tonight and to wake up homot morning in taj athena athens ot of periclis in ili the of julius caesar pt ri mere effort of the tho organism to ad ii itself to the strange would benumb all its energies and ir ret rest all its functions you i well expect a 1 alm am tree to flo i etli 11 in the arctic regions it would and dio in the attempt yet there are many ninny worthy pio to t who delight to call tham themselves selves old fashioned and are alwayn longing so they pretend to live it in some other and rid better age than their own they maho make to themselves a paradise of a post they have never known and fond ly ir imagine that were they its adam and ave no serpent would over ever be gullo guile them into wanting to know the good and the evil of the present it ie Is a vain aspiration and those who en bertain it only succeed so far as they succeed at all in getting gotting hopelessly out of touch with their own age |