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Show Page 8B, Lakeside 18, 1980 Reiew, December Roy Tankers Place Second In City- - County Meet The Roy High School Royals swim team placed second in both the boys and girls divisions of the y swim meet on Thursday afternoon December 11 at the Ben Lomond High School Pool. The Royals were in competition with Bonneville, Ben Lomond, Ogden and Weber. Double winners for the girls were Chris Schanzle, Karin Schanzle and Veletia Starrett. Sherri Peterson again won the girls diving competition with a score of 140.85 and thus remained undefeated on the year. Coaches Brett Moulding and Howard Jay will send their charges against Ben Lomond next on Thursday afternoon December 18 at the Roy Recreation Complex Pool. city-count- WE WILL BE CL0S PRICES EFFECTIVE DEC.IQth THRU DEC.24th, 1980. ORDERkYJOUR A:4riw t.TOMV IW: 01' 1 1 GIRLS DIVISION YD MEDLEY RELAY 1st, ROY (Chris Veletia Karin Schanzle, Starrett, Sue Schanzle, Miller) 2:08 8 ; 2nd, Ogden; 3rd, Bonneville. 200 YD FREESTYLE 1st, Chris Schanzle (R) 2.09 5 ; 2nd, Amy Armstrong (BL); 3rd, Caitlain Kenny (O). 200 YD INDIVIDUAL MEDLEY 1st, Karin Schanzle (R) 2:22.31; 2nd, Eve Arbogast (O); 3rd, Lorna Marshall (O). 200 - 50 YD FREESTYLE 1st, Laurie Bay (O) 24.5; 2nd, Sue Miller (R); 3rd, Patty Freeman (B). 100 YD BUTTERFLY 1st, Veletia Starrett (R) 1:08 2; 2nd, Vickie Lewis (O) ; 3rd, Beth Sheffel (W). 100 YD FREESTYLE 1st, Chris Schanzle (R) 59.5; 2nd, Caitlain Kenny (O) ; 3rd, Sue Miller (R). - 500 YD FREESTYLE 1st, Karin Schanzle (R) 5:265; 2nd, Amy Armstrong (BL); 3rd, Laurie Bay (O). 100 YD BACKSTROKE 1st, Sharon Moss (BL) 1:12 3; 2nd, Eve Arbogast (O); 3rd, Kelly Watson (O). 100 YD BREASTSTROKE 1st, Veletia Starrett (R) 1:18.6; 2nd, Patty Freeman (B); 3rd, Karen - Davis (O). 400 YD FREESTYLE RELAY 1st, OGDEN A 4:23 2; 2nd, Ben Lomond, 3rd, Ogden B. DIVING 1st, Sherri Peterson (R) 140.85 , 2nd, Kathy Phillips (R) ; 3rd, Annette Atenceio (0). - BOYS DIVISION - 200 YD MEDLEY RELAY 1st, BONNEVILLE A 1:59 3; 2nd, Bonneville 3rd, Bonneville C. 200 YD FREESTYLE 1st, Mike Stephens (B) B; 1:56; 2nd, Dirk Mitchell (O); 3rd, Todd Meyers (R). YD INDIVIDUAL MEDLEY 1st, Kip Twit-che- ll (B) 2:11.9; 2nd, Dave Coray (O); 3rd, Richard 200 4Vquarter 1 LB. SMITH S FOOD KING SUKSdS) Nielson (R). 50 YD FREESTYLE 1st, Randy Booth (R) 24.5; 2nd, Bruce Moorman (B) ; 3rd, Andy Marker (O) 100 YD BUTTERFLY 1st, Kip Twitchell (B) 58.6; 2nd, Mark Hampton (R) ; 3rd, Dave Coray (O). . mm YD FREESTYLE 1st, Mike Stephens (B) 53 5; 2nd, Randy Booth (R); 3rd, Barry Dopp (O). 500 YD FREESTYLE . 1st, Bruce Hyde (B) 5:36.4; 2nd, Richard Nielson (R); 3rd, Dirk Mitchell 100 (O). 100 YD BACKSTROKE 1:08.6; 2nd, John 1st, Andy Marker (O) Betschart (B); 3rd, David Beckett (B). 100 YD BREASTSTROKE 1st, 1:06 8 ; 2nd, Chris Youngberg Ray Cragun (BL) (B); 3rd, Bruce Moorman (B). 400 YD FREESTYLE RELAY 1st, OGDEN 3:41.2; 2nd, Roy; 3rd, Bonneville. DIVING 1st, Ray Cragun (BL) 217; 2nd, Bryan Cnmin (BL); 3rd, Brian Wade (B). GOLDEN SMOKED HALF SHORT RIBS HAMS $5)19 U CENTER RIB PORK CHOPS . . . LB. BONELESS COUNTRY STYLE .SIS SLICED BEEF LIVER vs . SPARERIBS FRYERS BEEF DOUBLE BREASTED .... FRYERS STEW MEAT 1 SO0? BEEF Residents traveling within the state of Utah make up more than 20 of Utah's total travel industry. Though more visitors are coming from around the world each year to visit, vacationing is still a large percentage of the growing tourist industry. The money spent in Utah is recycled into the economy, making Utah a better state ... for you. 1 8th SATESMAN SMOKED . . . 598 88 8 OZ. KINGSTON. TCZOTG Q. OS year-roun- C s BOSTON FERNS o EA. CASE Chain Link Fence EXTRA FANCY RED LARGE WASHINGTON LARGE EXTRA FANCY DELICIOUS DANJOU APPLES EXTRA FANCY GOLDEN LARGE WASHINGTON 3SS YAMS Per Ft TANGERINES 12 OZ. SIGMAN MEAT FRANKS MEDIUM SIZE U.S. NO. 1 DELICIOUS LARGE THIN SKINNED erams LARGE BEAUTIFUL 8 "POT $469 FALL SALE Free Estimate OF BUSHEL 14th OF BUSHEL MEDIUM SIZE national parks, 7 national monuments, 2 national recreation areas, 44 state parks, river running, outdoor theatres d resorts are just a few and more good reasons to fully explore Utah this year. Call For Your SLICED BACON FRUIT BASKETS contributing to the tourist industry isn't enough reason ... 5 As Low As LB. WEST VIRGINIA LARGE SELECTION OF HOLIDAY if Buy Now Before Spring Price Increase CHUCK STEAK IVi 0MG2O1 in-sta- te But DRUMSTICKS BONELESS SAUSAGE 033SCD E0S0QJC Wi TURKEY ...... . CUP TOP o LB. CARROTS 10 POT COMPACTA RED EMPEROR'S LB. DIEFFENBACHIA ..3S !D GCslDO EA. I j 3Vz OZ. HORMEL 1 PEPPERONI .. . 16 OZ. BORDENS AMERICAN SINGLES j . . . 8 OZ. NALLEY'S i except avoc. CHIP DIP & 766-216- 1 WE THE ALSO CATER TO R0YLANCE FENCE CO. INClUDfS 100 No. Mam, Layton, MATFPiAt PROFESSIONAL AU Ut. INSTALLATION rCT;mthiM n a Ti'.rerercrar? mm LJi1 V nr |