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Show Page 3B Lakeside Review Thursday , December 18, 1980 Kaysville Theater to Get New Equipment, Seats KAYSVILLE The Kaysville Movie Melco Electronics. The theater was to be closed down but will stay open so residents of Kaysville can watch movies for $1 per person. Moviegoers will be watching box office hits on $15,000 worth of new automated projectors, sound equipment, refurbished seats, and drapes. Butch Owens, manager of Melco Electronics and of the Kaysville Theater, said if the theater is to stay in operation the improvements have to be made. So Melco Electronics is footing the bill for the improvements and is keeping the theater open for the benefit ' Manager Retiring - Northern Utah. During his years in the Kaysville-Layto- Sanders has served the communities in many Sanders began his capacities. He has been director career with the company in 1940 as a student in- and president of the staller. After a military Layton Chamber of a leave, he resumed his Commerce, city - employment in 1945 as a station installer in Ogden. He became a station repairman in 1951 and councilman in Kaysville for eight years, president of the Kaysville .Civic a and Association into moved repair management in 1952. His career brought him member of the planning commission. . Hes held the offices of president and secretary in the Kaysville Rotary Club and has held many positions in LDS church to Kaysville in 1954 when he was promoted to exchange manager. Then in 1979, Sanders took over the management of all PhoneCenter Stores in auxiliaries. ! Lincoln-Mercur- y Stephen C. Spurlock has been elected assistant Widdison took the top award in the Salt Lake of Family vice District which covers areas in several Western Bank president to James according states. He explained that mechanics in the contest W. Brown, president. take monthly tests during the year and a large Spurlock joined Family once a examination year. Bank after having served as branch manager for He said it is all a part of Ford Motor Companys certified technician program. Widdison, who has been a mechanic for over 19 years, will receive a trip to Nassau for he and his wife, a gold watch, and a $250 cash prize. He is employed at Rick Warner Ford on 6th South in Salt Lake City. THE CORPORATE MASCOT of Consolidated Theatres Inc. of Salt Lake City will be on hand for the opening of the theater chains newest theater at the Layton Hills Mall Friday. A contest to name the robot will be held through Dec, 31 with entry forms at the theater, The winner, to be announced Jan. 2, for one will receive the free use of a Chrysler year. The theater boasts four screens and will show first-ru- n movies. ROY Business license applications have been mailed to all registered 1980 licensees in Roy by the L. DEE SANDERS Business License Department. All businesses, contractors, solicitors and home Sanders and his wife, Jean, have three married occupation licenses are required to return the forms that do not daughters living in Utah: to the city before Dec. 31. All businesses to this date will be operating licenses their prior get Mrs. Judd, Barry Clearfield; Mrs. Deane without a license as of Jan. 1, 1981. . Smith, Kaysville Mrs. Ned Lake City. Ashby, and Salt to Sanders plans remain in Kaysville and pursue actively his and hobbies including fishing, organizations and Business License Applications Sent area, n Top honors in district competition for Ford automobile mechanics has been won by Dale H. Widdison, 32, 3824 S. 1925 W., Roy. ROY x Official Elected By Bank another local bank for STEPHEN C. SPURLOCK five years, and spending two years in the con- Weber State College and trollers of department Western Zirconium. has attended The American Institute of Spurlocks primary Banking. He is married to the responsibilities will include business loans and former Margaret Garbusiness development. He diner and resides in is a 1970 graduate of Ogden. K-c- ar At Mountain Bell LAYTON L. Dee Sanders will retire from Mountain Bell on Friday with over 40 years of service. Mechanic of Roy Gets Top Honors - i'stii' of the public, he said. As long as the theater pays for the overhead of the theater and the heating of Melco Electronics, the theater will Owens said. The stay in business, furnace that heats both buildings is located in the theater. . The completion date for installation of the new equipment is Dec. 20. Beginning Jan. 6, senior citizens will be treated to a free movie. For Christmas, he said, residents are invited to see Coal Miners Daughter" for $1. The theater is oriented around the he said. Private community, screenings by local organizations will be available. Also, a .free Christmas show will be given Dec. 24. . Theater is being kept open by Mel Fehlman, owner of the theater and ' F golf and boating. Roy Woman Will Applications received after Feb. assessed a 25 percent late fee. be 15, 1981, will Roy Business Adds Office Equipment s Footprints of Roy 55 By Emma R ussell Roy was a desert, a dry desert without a drop of water, a blade of grass or tree - seemingly a plain of lifeless sand. Those first few tenants became a stream and then a river of people because they found a means to quench the thirsty soil and to supply more living richness to Roy than to any other surrounding community. Weber County's second largest community literally rose from rags to riches - almost overnight. The footsteps from its privations to its blessed opulence is a saga as fascinating and unbelievable as any intemperate dream. ROY The Cinnamon Tree, 1985 W. 5700 S., Roy, has recently added office supplies and furniture to its gift and watch repair business. Hundreds of Photographs ( Many of them very rare) o 362 Huge Pages Large Size: 9,xl2 THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN LIMITED EDITION ONL Emma Russell, 41192 South 3100 West, Roy, Utah Also available at: TIIE BOOKSTORE & COPY SHOP - Roy, Utah JORGENSEN S BOOKS - Roy, Utah ROY Bernice C. Lowther of Roy will retire The addition to the business owned by Cole Friday from Mountain Bell after 33 years of service. Mrs. Lowther began her working career in 1946 as Enterprises, Inc., has been in operation for several an operator in the Ogden office when local telephones weeks. The new area, called the Paper Clip, will be were still operated manually. After 18 years, she managed by L.C. Halliday. began operating the Mountain Bell Company switchboard where she remained until September of 1978; At that time, Bernice transferred into a clerical job . in the business office. Mrs. Lowther and her husband, Richard L. Lowther, will continue to live in Roy. She plans to pursue her many hobbies including cooking, garBERNICE C. LOWTHER dening and needlework. Economy Review Consumer Price Index 253.9 mmaDiF (251.8) The consumer price index is changed near the end of the month, according to the University of Utah Bureau of Economic and Business Research. The base year is 1967. That is, items that cost $100 in 1967 cost $253.90 today. The previous months rate is in parentheses. Home Mortgage Rates Conventional FHA-V- 15.625 13.5 A (15.29) (13.5) pendant of smoked glass and antique In ass finished crown. Chum-hun- Mortgage rates are an average of the rates at three lending institutions in the area. Conventional rates are for 80 percent loans. We have ignored discount points and other refinements. Last weeks figures are in parentheses. Money Market 15.673 (15.319) 30-Mon- Rate th Retail $32.95 You Sa e si.-- ($100 minimum) rate is effective each Thursday morning. This is the rate The new variable rate changes less frequently. fective today. The let. You Save YEAR END PACKAGE SPECIAL INSTALLATION KIT GARRISON 1 III STOVE With Instollation Packag Total Lilt price $854.89 SALE PRICE 649 YOU SAVE 205 KIT Ribbed glass drum with oo 23" HUT KING STOVE With Istallation package Total List Price $869.89 60900 You Save $180.89 PH.394-670- 0 4 i' $6.95 You Save $28.95 $9.55 ,; You Sav e $36.45 e 1 V $59.30 You Save $29.10 Celling stvle. Opal glass globe and vv lute metal Ceiling light w ltli vst.il ball and antique biass finish. Retail $24.60 1 If $22.95 turn. Retail il $25.65 Holiday Special $10.?5 M t 1.(1 St H4 $11.95 You Save $13.70 Timns VISA I27S.B9 739 W. 4450 S. Riverdale Stone House 4 Holiday Sprrt.1 i gVy Sav M. HI.Hl, $90000 YOU SAVI The Holiday Special Place Your Choice-Therm- o Stave or Showploce Stove with Installation Package Total List Price $1178.89 BJ 1311 $16.50 ou sinokeil-w- 3 KIT EVERYTHING NEEDED TO INSTALL A STOVE IN ANY HOME WITH 4 OF FREE SPACE THRU ATTIC. Mil MU Dtt. Jltt, Retail $47.95 si. muo Outdoor bracket lias glass panels with antique bidss tianic. Retail $65.40 chrome trim. 2 KIT Holiday Special Holiday Special $49.05 .. Almond, close to ceiling stv le w tth vv lute glass globe. Retail $52.05 i leaf glass. Retail $107.25 $40.95 WOOD STOVES $39.65 Dai k wood and In uslied glass finishes. Si.illeped t himnevs of Walnut and ant nine brass finishes, highlighted bv su ii led amlu--r glass shades. Retail $90.00 ef- Holiday Special 6 FT. 8" Iniulated Pip 6 Ft. 8" Black Pip Damper 1 -- Elbow or Reducer I --Ceiling Support Cap Flashing 65 sq. ft. of thin rock 5 Bags Pre-Mi- x 4 Sheets Metal Lath 1 Bag Nails 1 Groute Cone I Can Dreslate Sealer $72.60 Holiday Special ($10,000 minimum) 12.00 (12.00) g LIGHTING AND SUPPLY, INC. 880 West Riverdale Road, Ogden 4290 South State Street, Salt Lake City Open 9 a.tn. to 6 p.nt. weekdays and Saturdays Open until 9 p.m. Mondays and Fridays for holiday shopping 394-167- 6 262-462- 1 I t S |