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Show -- WEEKLY REFLEX-DAV- IS NEWS JOURNAL, MARCH 31, 1977 Swimmers Win Some, Lose Some Better Latte By DAVE WIGHAM County high schools Than Kleveir failures and disappointments in the recently completed swimming and diving championships held at the University of Utah. The old cliche of Its better late than never is the best way to sura up the Utah High Schools Activities decision to do away with the rule prohibiting playing sports outside of their season. BOUNTIFUL, the Region Two champion finished tenth in the State competition. Viewmont placed 14th in the ESPECIALLY noticeable will be the summer leagues for the basketball teams. In years past as soon as the Clearfield while State finished 17th. Layton High was 21st in the State. could have Bountiful finished higher in the tour- State tournament was over, the basketball couldnt touch a ball until the season began next players year. Now the association has decided to catch up to the times and allow the players to play year round. Many observers feel some of the schools have been doing this system all along, so why not make it legal. several nament but disqualifications cost the Brave swimmers valuable points. FOR YEARS THE coaches and basketball fans have been saying the rest of the nation is ahead of Utah in basketball talent because they let their players play year round. Well now well see if thats really true. But will this basketball league do any harm to the football programs. If a kid can play basketball all year, will he want to play football at all? GOING INTO the meet, the Braves medley relay team was considered one of the best in the State. In the backstroke portion Bountifuls Bryson Smith was disqualified on his turn. This was the second event Bryson was penalized for, earlier he did the same I THINK THE two sports, and all sports can work hand in hand with this new rule. It just means that a player can pick up a ball without being penalized. Its also a good rule for the games. Several years ago Bountifuls Larry Miller had an opportunity to go to California and play in a basketball game for If he had gone, under the old rule, he would have been ineligible for baseball. thing. In a swimming meet there are flags flying above the pool to indicate to the swimmers how far they are away from the wall. At the State meets, they were dull and blended in with the ceiling. I just didnt see them at all and missed the turn, Bryson admitted. All-St- s. THIS YEAR, under the new rule, Danny Vranes can go play in all the games he wants to and still high jump for his high school. I think itll be a good rule if nobody abuses it. If one coach goes overboard with the program, it could hurt everyone. THE COACHES in the area are excited for the summer program. They expect to organize a county league for all their players. Hopefully the coaches and players will use this new rule to improve their abilities and performance and that no one will abuse the rule or use it to hurt other sports, dw : More honors and awards have come in for several local school basketball high players rewarding them for their accomplishments this past season. t'l LEADING the way is Lay-big man Jonme Gilbert who was named by ' almost everyone. He was one L ions All-Sta- .of only three who was a unanimous choice in the poll of the coaches. Gilbert, who stands was considered by many as - the second best big man in the State. Second only to 67, :Skylines Danny Vranes. DURING the year Gilbert got off to a slow start, but came on strong in the second 'go round of region play to ' - lead the league in scoring. Jonnie had a good State tournament which helped his selection considera- All-Sta- bly. In his matchup with Vranes, Gilbert refused to change his style of ball and had success in scoring. ALTHOUGH Gilbert was the only first team r, three other players were named second team. Bous ntifuls Dale Ohlson, Kevin Walker and Clearfields Scott Balaich all View-mont- earned second team All-Sta- Five young members of the Potter School of Gymnastics have won berths in the Utah Tumbling Associations state meet in June. center. Although only 63 tall. Walker has tremendous leaping ability and played a lot for the Vikes at the forward spot. TO CINCH a berth in the state tournament, performers must win two places in the top CLEARFIELDS big man 62 Scott Baliach who really opened some peoples eyes at the State tournament with his style of hustling ball. In every game Scott gave away inches to the opponents, but this never dampened his spirit as he always went about his job as if he were as tall as anyone on the floor. Although the Braves didnt make the tournament, enough coaches saw them to be impressed with the play of guard Dale Ohlson. Dale was a bright spot for the Braves this year with both his scoring punch and his defense. All opposing coaches agreed that Dale was one of the top guards around. was Davis track and field Coach Mike Jones indicated that he is in the second year of a rebuilding process. With the number of underclassmen he has on his squad, the Darts could get the experience they need this year and turn into a real power in track next year. EVEN THE Darts top State finisher last year, is an underclassman. Jeff Heath, only a All-Stat- selected baseball. the same 120 Sesf for ALL THESE players should be congratulated for the honors and awards, all deserved them, dw Summer Leagues Monday Night Mixed Foursome I I Tues. Morn Ladies Trio Hues. Night Ladies Foursome I I Tues. Night Mens Foursome Wed. Morn Ladies Trio Wed. Night Scratch Trio Men Thurs. Morn Ladies Foursome & Women Thurs. Night Mixed Limited to 10 teams I I I I I Friday -- Red Pin Day junior this year, placed fourth in the State last year in his specialty, the mile run. All-Sta- te Walker was a main cog in the Vikings quest for the Region Two title. During the season Kevin probably played every position including some I Of On a lot of unproven talent. ALTHOUGH the Darts low on experience, they high on enthusiasm spirit. Sometimes THE THREE events will be on Wildcat Run at Snow Basin. Captain Shupe said that the downhill is now definite. We are expecting more snow between now and Tuesday, said Captain Shupe. If not enough materializes, we will build the course by hand. and the younger teams in athletics are the most enthusiastic and this is the case with the Davis track team. As the coaches see the represent the base. Hill team leader Maj. Glenn Gimelli said that others under consideration for the Hill lineup will be Lt. Tom Gaskin, Senior Airman Dave Smith, Capt. Bill Miller, Sgt. Robin Chambers, Airman Steve Bailey, Airman John Larsen and Airman Ed Duzynski. Sergeant Chambers is the son of Dan Chambers of Clearfield. GIMELLI is the only holdover from last year's Hill squad which took first place m the team standings. Other skiers returning this year are Capt. John Sabala, Air Force Academy, Colo., who took first overall last year and Capt Steve Yest-nesWarren AFB, Wyo., who placed first in the giant slalom. TROPHIES will be present- ed at a Hill AFB awards to top banquet on April skiers and teams. 1 In special summer rates. 8 Yrs. CALL OR STOP BY TO SION UP Weston Dahl, Layton. Also placing from the Novice Division were Tammy Sharp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Sharp, Layton, first and third; and Gina Garcia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Garcia, Layton, thirds. second and third. in Placing from the the state meet Intermediate Division were Teresa Heaps, daugl ter of Mr. and Mrs. 2 Leon Heaps, Kaysville, seconds; and April Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Miller, Layton, two region and State, they point out that Jordan will be tough to beat for anyone, both in Region Five and the State 3A meet. Other top contenders for the State title will be Cedar and Spnngville. THE SPRINTERS for the Darts include juniors Dave Lloyd and Bill Taylor and sophomore Kelly McGugin. These three runners will compete in the 100 and 200 yard dashes along with some relays. The high hurdles, low hurdles and intermediate hurdles will be handled by senior Dean Jensen and Stenquist and OTHERS HAVE a chance to qualify for state competition in area meets scheduled in April and May. Placing in the top five in at least one event at last weeks meet held at the Roy Complex and Clearfield High are: VALERIE LOKAN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lokan, Layton; Debbie Sharp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Sharp, Layton; and Douglas Potter, son of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Potter, Layton, all first place in Novice Division. Walker VanAn twerp. The long jumpers for Coach Jones are senior John Wood, and juniors Dave Lloyd, Sylvester Grey and Ryan Perkins. Javelin throwers for the Davis squad are seniors Kelly Beckstrom, Junior Ramirez, Brett Felt and junior Mark Bailey. IF SOME of this unproven talent can prove itself early, then the Darts could be tough with their depth. If not they will gain the experience necessary for next year, dw Other Novice Division gymnasts who placed were Natalie Harris, daughter of Mrs. Donald Domhoo, Ogden, third; Teresa Bennett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bennett, Kaysville, fourth; and Debbie Symonds, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Symonds, Kaysville; and Frauke Glander, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herriq Glander, Kaysville, fifth place. LISA Sheffield, daughter of Mrs. Bernice Sheffield, Lay-totook first place in Intermediate Division, grb THOSE local swimmers who placed in the top four in the State meet wee Bountifuls Mark Quinn in the 50 yard freestyle event. Mark finished third in both the 50 and 500 yard freestyle events. Despite an erroneous turn, Bryson Smith placed third in the 100 yard backstroke. At the time of the fatal turn, Bryson was ahead of the field. CLEARFIELDS Shannon Mahaffey placed third in the State meet for the breaststroke. Other forts BARRY H. AVERY ming. dw THE 440 will be juniors Bill Taylor and Thor Angle and another sophomore Brad Peterson. 880 runners include senior Byron Vincent and juniors Dave Hilton and Brett Butterfield. Along with Heath the milers will be junior Lance Gatrell and ninth grader Wayne Pinto. The two milers will be seniors Mark Whittaker and Joe Hirschi and junior Ray Jones. THE FIELD events are headed by four senior discus throwers who the coach hopes will provide leadership for the younger tracksters. Those discus throwers are John Borski, Russ Purdy, Mike Drakos and John Wood. Borski and Drakos double the shotput as well, along with juniors Keith Malmar and Dirk Barnes. in HIGH JUMPERS for the Darts are senior Dave Drys-dal- e and a couple of sophomores Mark Davenport and Myron Smith. Pole vaulters are seniors Lee Experience with same Company IN: I 376-281- 9 REPRESENTING Tax Corporation of America (SPORTmeSALES) 822 So. 500 dedication Each one of them puts in about three hours a day, either before or after school, of practice which amounts to thousands of yards of swim- Business Returns Partnership Returns 1396 N. Main, Laylon and people realize the sacrifice these athletes make for the swimming program. Personal Income CALL swimmers throughout the year. Very few Webster. KEPT CONFIDENTIAL yard ALL THE swimmers are to be congratulated for their ef- juniors Dave Lewis and Todd SPECIALIZING local 100 placed high in the consolation finals, fifth through tenth, but those results were not available. the Comfort of Your Home INFORMATION 825-778- 2, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. HE WENT on to say that a backstroker uses the flags to determine when he should flip over for the turn. If he misses the flags hes in serious trouble. At the time of each mishap Bryson was ahead of the held. Although the Bountiful team was disappointed in their showing, they admitted they learned a lesson. Most of the swimmers are juniors and will be back next season. IKICOBflE TAX automatic scorers than keeping score yourself and is more enjoyable. Inquire about our 376-121- 8. are are Slopes Some 120 top Air Force skiers will be on the slopes of Snow Basin next week for the annual Air Force Logistics Command Invitational Ski Meet, March 27 - April 2. THE EVENT is hosted by Air Hill AFB. Forty-fou- r Force activities will be represented. Project officer, Capt. Ike Shupe of Hill, said that the downhill is scheduled Tuesday, the giant slalom Wednesday and the slalom Thursday, weather permitting. it costs no more to bowl with Coach Jones indicated that if they do have a strong point on the squad it would have to be in the distance running. As the coach puts it, his team has Air Force four MEANWHILE, members will be selected to Beginning May 6 five of the division in which they compete. In area competition last week, three from the Novice Division and two from the Intermediate Division placed in the state finals. WINNING A first and second was Rachelle Dahl, Davis Coach: Track Team in Second Year Of Rebuilding DAVIS High had an of their own in the 3A ranks with senior Bob Payne getting the honor. Bob is just a natural athlete who does everything well. State tournaments have a habit of either bringing out the best in a player or the worst. Bob was the first, as he played exceptional ball in the tournament. Bob was also named for football and according to his coaches, it would take a small miracle not to be honors. Utah Tumbling Association winners of area competition, some of whom will qualify for the state meet in May are front row (1 to r), Douglas Potter, Lisa Sheffield, Debbie Symonds and Valerie Ixiken. Back row are Frauke Glander, Sandy Mullins, Gina Garcia, Tammy Sharp and Natalie Harris. GYMNASTS Honors And Awards Continue To Come By DAVE WIGHAM en- joyed some success and some By DAVE WIGHAM - BI |