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Show LEADER-WEEK- LY REFLEX-DAV- IS NEWS JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 25, 1976 rtrrlrt v&a I - POET ILM KKW. 00000000000000000000000000000000 S SALE PRE-CHRISTM- AS 1 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NOV. 2 See our complete Baker Diaper Flannel Diamond Ring collection. duets, trios and solitaires. . . Perfect for that someone special at 27 Wide Reg. 98 YD. Brushed Flannel T ricot Christmas. 108 Wide-R- o o 26-2- 7 100 1.98 eg. Printed or Plain Cotton or Polyester and Cotton Reg. 1.39, 1.29 C Davis Countys full service Jewelery Store Offering: Watch Repair -- -- Jewelry Repair -- -- Engraving -- -- Embossing -- -- Rings from Ear Piercing Copies Fine Jewelry Books 100 to 10,000 GIFT IDEAS FOR THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS! o Fort Lane Shopping Center, Layton o o ooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. it THE Joel Sportshirts! Levi, Farah, & Days Slacks! L.A.P.D. & Jeans! Jantzen Drummond Sweaters! Vested European Suits Van Heusen Shirts! Florsheim Shoes! Leisure Outfits! & Robes! Socks & Ties! Elsha & Other Colognes! Karman Western Wear! OPEN TILL 9:00 P.M. DAIL Y! ULTIMATE IN SOUND It NOV. s 26 THRU DEC. 23 3 & MEN S AND BOYS FORT LANE SHOPPING CENTER 0(Db re a regular gold mine cart away the high return on our regular passbook accounts or certificates of FEATURES NOT FOUND IN OTHER SETS Built In Tape Because the earnings you receive and the insured safety you enjoy, the same high grade applies to any of our savings plans that you choose. of Player Built In To deposit, carry your savings into our bank. Roll in as soon as possible. - 8 track cartridge Cassette Player AS WELL AS Fort Lane i &(o97 Shopping Center, Layton Phone 376-34- SECOND NATIONAL BANK - Store Hours:sta :t LmioiiJl.ili. Member FDIC Junior Pants Junior Tops Junior Dresses LA YA WA Y Ni v Helping you and your money in every way Missey Coordinates Young Missey Pants 73 ;iliuiiiil;l)';mk r . THANKSGI FM Reg. $169.95 a THE STORE WITH Pi H Stereo Receiver -- Matched Speaker System FM-AF.1- o 0 The First IN LAYTON II GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Rolling out the highest interest allowed by law never stops at the bank with the heart of gold. We do it year after year. CLOTH 27 north Main Street, Kaysville Phone 376-42- 56 Daily 10:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. |