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Show BI WEEKLY REFLEX-DAV- IS NEWS JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 25, 1976 foW Hold The Sunset Stake Roadshows were Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at the Sunset Stake Center, First-Fift- h Ward chapel and the Second, Third and Seventh Ward Chapels. At each building there was an overflow enthusiastic crowd. AS EACH ward presented their roadshow it displayed a lot of work and great enthusiasm on the part of the cast. There were a variety of different kind of shows unique in carrying out the theme. The First Ward entre act was written by Donna Jensen and used a Laurel and Hardy theme. Those in the act were Wayne Canfield and Scott Leatham. The roadshow entitled Fat Man and the Gorilla or How to Get Rich was directed and written by Karie Gibbons, she also made the scenery. COSTUMES were made under the direction of JoAnn Poulsen also helping were Roger Thurgood, Melvin An Citizens interested in the wildlife of Utah will soon have the opportunity to share ideas with the new director of the Utah State Division of Wildlife Resources. DONALD A. Smith, newly appointed director, will conduct a series of community forums throughout the state. An invitation is extended to all interested persons to take this opportunity to meet the new director, hear his views on wildlife management and in turn submit comments for his response. Purpose of this state-wid- e series of community forums NEED HOME OWNER INSURANCE Get the best, with Fast, service Fair, Friendly from FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP DIXON P. REISBECK 197 No. Main St. Layton, Utah Phone 376-42- 79 derson, Doug Whittier, Sheryl Moore and Robert Williamson. The cast included Brent Lutz, Dwayne Atkinson, Mark Wayment, Danny Morgan, Janet Williamson, Bart Spencer, Sandra Spencer, Tracy Beers, Trihia Elmer, Debbie. Butler and Michelle Hill. CRAIG Low, Kim Moore, Teresa Johnston, Jana Marlatt, Leesa Debbie Packer, Kurtis Poulsen, Karen White-housJanet Brighton, Mike Clawson, Kris Cniids, Penny Crittenden, Charles Delsilva, Mary Elmer, Wendy Glauser and Sherri Johnson. Also Bryan Jones, Vickie Lutz, Michelle Mikesell, Shawn Monkers, Shane Ricketts, Sandra Ross, Doug Sewell, Evonne Anderson, Tammy Elmer, Fern Hanford, Trudi Hinkley, Pam Mikesell, Jodi Norris, Geri Parent, Rebecca Poulsen, Spackman, Teresa e, Sanders, Darla Sewell, Becky Bums, Christy Dalling, Lauri Johnson, Scarlett Riechel, Wendy Savage, and Susan Williamson. The show received first place in Properties and honorable mention in acting. THE SECOND Ward entre act Dollys was awarded first place. Those in the act were Dorothy McNee, Don Whiteley, Charlyne Wise and Pam Whiteley. The roadshow Transylvania Twist was written and directed by Linda Sisneros. She also painted the scenery along with Pam Whiteley. OTHERS WHO helped with the show were Katherine Sid Unsworth, Brady, l, Charlyne Wise, Cheryl Roy Hansen, Michael Wood, Grant Wise, Julie Sisneros, Kent Wise, Dale Wise, Ricky Hansen, Brent Gunderson and members of the bishopric. The cast included Rodney Unsworth, Julie Sisneros,. Lid-dil- Kevin McNee, Robin Richins, Michelie Kendall, Nancy Hokanson, Diane Kurille, Kendalee Branderbure. i Clark, Sandra Huffman, Jimmy Popham, and Ben Sisneros. The show received first place in costumes, and acting. make-u-p The Fifth Ward Get the Bugs Out written by Trudi Kelley, Annette Ashdown, Sallie Day, Cassie Hansen, Maurine Anderson, Debbie Carver, Robert Thomas, Waiyne Jernigan, Jill Gans and Tracy Arave. Wangsgard Robinett, Stan Thurgood, Carl Anderson, and Kent Jorgenson. The cast included David Bateman, Diane Koster, 17, a senior at OTHERS HELPING were Connie Wright, Vivian Pickett, Laurie Cutler, Lynn Cutler, Joni Endo, Steve Summeral, D. Swede, Peggy Ingram, Dianna Law, Brad Alldredge, Jim Thurell and Sharlene Stoker. were Cast members Kaylene McCullock, Jan Bridges, Jeff Stettler, Mark Reid, Ed Lusk, Larry Read, Bob Sant, Sharon Wood, Mike Blaine Anderson, Stettler, Susan Jones, Debbie Anderson, Doreen Child, Melissa DeWitt, Jan Gotchy and Cindy Timbrel. Lynette Arave, Penny Robinett, Steve Jenkins, Clifford Law, Tom Dunford Jr., Mike Kelley, Tina Dahle, Jeff Robinett, Jeff Holden, Doug Jenkins, Gayle Bateman, Mark Anderson, Wendell Larsen, Dennis Opp and The show received first place in special affects and honorable mention in lighting. Ward Circus entitled Capers was written by Helen Farnsworth and was directed by Mrs. Farnsworth and Beverly Olsen. Others helping were Joyce Florence, Toni Trussell, Debbie Strebel, Jerry Bitton, Rita FOURTH ALSO JOILYNN Timbrell, Paula Vigh, Terry Wessman, Chugg, Marriane Mike Hill, Dawn Scott Gotchy, Jill Heidi Hill, Lori Hutchinson and Kenna Light-foo- t. Bonnie Chugg, Draayer, Hansen, Garner, Shirley Taylor, Blaine Olsen, Paul Garner, Art Davies, Shane Shardley and Steve Parker. Darlene Peart, Bruce Reid, Kelly Ryan, Cathy Sant, Doug Thurell, MEMBERS included Marty HE IS affiliated with many professional organizations including the Bonneville Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, The International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and the American Management As- Wildlife Board; an action in by Gordan Harmston, Executive Director of the Department of Natural Resources. The appointment became effective October 1, 1976. sociation. concurred Mr. Smith is eager to meet with all citizens interested in Utahs wildlife. We urge you to attend a forum in one of the scheduled communities for an informal exchange of ideas DONALD A. SMITH concerning our valuable Watenuwi Management, and wildlife resources. Chief of Planning and Programming, as well as Assistant Director. Prior to his wildlife work in Utah, he held the position of Conservation management. Officer in Idaho. assistant director. DONS HOME town is Blue Springs, Neb. He is married to the former Joyce Reeder of Hyde Park. They reside in Centerville and have two sons, Scott age 20 currently serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-DaSaints in England, y DAVIS County residents will be interested in the forums to be held in the following locations; Logan, November 17, at 7:30 p.m. Natural USU Campus, Resources Biology Building, Room THE ROAD show Ole presented by the Sixth Ward. The show specialist was Barbara Rock with Carol Fraley as accompanist. Others helping were Ruth Thompson, Dale Quinlan, Vern Parsons, Colette Parsons, Jan and Jud Pierson and Charles Thompson. Cast members included Brad Wallace, Doug Ganz, Tod Larsen, Kent Wood, Roger Allen, Nathanial Morrell, Christopher Morrell, Nancy Crocker, Leila Hogan, Tammy Thompson, Beverly Wood, Kathy Keller, Kathy Corwin, Sherry Hodson, Tom Rock, David Bennett, and Jud Pierson. Jeff Rogers, Richie Peterson, Brian Bates, Denise Ander- sen, Patti Olsen, Michele Lisa Thomas, Parris, Stephanie Thliveris, Lisa Hale, and Brenda Bates. The show received first place in scenery, music and dancing. THE SHOW received 102. Ogden, December 10 at 7:30 p.m. Utah Power and Light Auditorium, 457 26th Street. Salt Lake, December 11 at 3 p.m. (location to be announced later). $145 Love from Sofas from 8995 Tables from 5 Bunk Beds complete with mattress 4I Upholstered Chairs Hide-A-B- ed Seats from 1 Chest of Drawers from Bedroom Sets 95 149' Box Spring & from 17995 991 Mattress 1 Queen Size Set Office Equipment of all from 995 3 995 there an occasion, social or business when chalk stripes are not in the best of taste? Designed tor BLOCKS with distinctive European shaped body. Wide notched lapels. Higher armholes and suppressed waist and center vent. Pulled together with a handsome vest. Free expert tailoring by BLOCKS master tailors. Regular, 36-4long, 39-4short, 37-4- 6, 6, 2. types flffWlETO CMs m (iina? Recliners fantastic Xmas Gift Up to 50 off FAMILY FURMITimiE 12 S. Main, Layton-376-9- 61 1 BECK BOUNTIFUL Five Points 292-145- 3 directed by Guy Larsen, special music by Linda Young, and NormAn Young. Others helping were Dod Budge, STEPHEN Willden, Reed Henrie, Cameron Cain, Billy Gee, Terry Williamson, Steven Gunderson, Lisa Hurst, Debbie Kofoed, Alise Lesue, Scott Lujan, Sandra Satterlee and Scott Satterlee. The show received first place in script and honorable mention for scenery. The Sunset Stake Aaronic Cobaugh, Blake Budge, Ruth Ann Stephens, Lisa Taylor, Priesthood committee who directed the programs for the young people of the stake are Pres. Kenneth Rock, Pres. Carl D. Peterson, Jacci Smith, road show specialist, Paul Reid, Ed Rogers, Elvin Morrill, Clifford Argyle, Robert Robert Young, Bette Jones, Strebel, Charlene Hansen, LaNada Parsons, Coral Merrill, Maurine Trussel, Vivian Pickett and LaVerne Young. Lorynn Willden. Second Ward will represent the Sunset Stake in regional Scott Stanford, Stan Earl, Patti Choate, Nada Nicholas, Loren Young, Gayle Hasler, Liz Taylor, Mary Earl, Ken Robbins, Irene Genta, Jan Galbraith, Karren Israelsen. CAST members included, Robert Young, Galbraith, Mike Heinze, Mark Hirschi, Randy Loren Scott Henrie, Linda Young, David Hirschi, LaDawn Budge, Denise Gilmore and Also Heidi Gottschaik, Trena Baugh, Jannette Cor-gia- t, Cheryl Weyburn, Norman Young, Robert Heinze, Leesa Dennis Rice. THE FIFTH Ward and roadshows November 30 and Sixth Ward entre acts will also present their entre act. vw 20 year Anniversary of DUTCH BOY CARPET BRIGHAM CITY 47 South Main 723-590- 0 CLEARFIELD 391 South State 825-227- 7 first CLEAfJERS Connie and Cornelius De Light KR. STEAM CLEANinC SPECIAL!! Average living room We clean all kinds of remove fumiture-- we dog and cat odors $ (With this ad) Davis Countys Largest Carpet PHONE 773-50- 00 & at Clinton, and the Second Ward was Consider the vested chalk stripe two pant suit Bed Frames Gastric , Ryan. Toni Trussell, Debbie Strebel, Is The road show City was presented by the Seventh Ward. The show was Gee. The show received first place in lighting, honorable mention in costumes, music and direction. The entre act was by Norm Sant, and Kathy ALSO JUDY Ogden, Jody Garner, Jana Bybee, Tracy Fishburn, Susie Larsen, Lynette Little, Michelle Bingham, Rainee Clayton, classic. second place. Galbraith, Carolee Hasler, Valerie Peipkom and Sandra Guiver, and Annette Rogers, Becky Fisher, Holly Larsen, Allycen Farnsworth, Lori Naegli, Kevin Bassett, Jeff Trussell, Corey Little, Russell Andy ihhveris, Farnsworth, Jim Beene, Jay Jones and Jeff Titus. A fine wool and direction mention in script. The entre act was presented by Denise Garcia, Karen Garcia, Diana Posas, Lisa Larsen, Kathy Quinlan, Karen Robinson, Marilyn Hobbs. The act received, a Wood. Elaine Stacie Morrill, Jacci Timbrel, Turner, Valerie in place honorable Valerion, Brian Wright, Troy Wessman, Wanda Lee, Jean-ne- tt Florence, Joey Olsen, Teri Martin, Tracy Hansen, Tana Davies, Janet Bassett, Becky Schmidt, Kemper Anglin, Christy Little, Lindy Fisher, Adrianne Hampton, Trena Bailey, Cheri Gleed and Mary Hampton. Deanna Colleen Reid, Marie Hughes, LORI NEIL, Doyle Shelley, THE roadshow and Bridges and directed by Trudi Wangsgard received the best show award. Lucky Lee Tracy. Ward THIRD THE roadshow Twart No Lark Aboard that Ark was directed by Susan Dawson. Others helping with the show were Marilyn Crocker, Marj Thomas, Ned Shelley, Debbie Law, Carol Robinett, Kathy Hammer, Roy Holden, Tim Society. throughout Utah. Mr. Smiths directorship was announced by Governor Calvin L. Rampton following his appointment by the Utah M.S. degrees in wildlife management. He has served the Division as Waterfowl Management Area Superintendent, State Supervisor of Darlene Kurille, Becky Keys, Jan Kendall, Teresa Director Smith has been active as President of the Utah Public Employees Association, Utah Recreation and Parks Association and Utah Chapter of The Wildlife with meetings begin scheduled for the cities was Smith from Utah the graduated State University with B.S. and McNee. Viewniont High School. HIS FIRST effort to bring to his administration a feel for public needs and desires will Director Doug Braithwaite, Jerry Wood, Michel Wood, Larry Sisneros, Brenda Whiteley, Paul Wise, Debbie McNee, Nancy Nelson and Cheryl and Mike age wildlife resources. He served nearly eight of these years as ELLEN Deming. ALSO Diane Ashdown, bonna Lee Orma, Todd Pardoe, Kon Ron Peterson, Margaret Rogers, Cheri Andersen, Kris interested in pursuing a personal approach as administrator of the states extensive position highly qualified academically, professionally and by a natural proclivity tor the wildlife profession. He assumes this administrative' position with 21 years of service in Utah Wildlife Blankenship and Betty Peterson. CAST is to provide reciprocal communication. Director Smith is MR. SMITH comes to this Debbie Carold Hokanson, Furniture Cleaners or FREE ESTIMATES |