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Show WEEKLY REFLEX-DAV- NEWS JOURNAL. NOVEMBER 25. 1976 IS Davis County Courthouse in NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Dee George Hall, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the office of Hess, Van Wagenen, Page & Hess, 40 South 125 East, Clearfield, Utah 84015 on or before tne 10th day of February A.D. 1976; claims must be presented in accordance with the provisions of Utah Code Annotated and with proper 1953, verification as required Farmington, Utah, Davis County, all the right, title, and interest of the defendant, Kenneth Earl Muir, in and to the following described real property, therein. ELMER W. HALL, Administrator of the estate of Dee George Hall, Deceased Published in the Davis News Journal First publication Nov. 4, 1976 Last publication Nov. 25, 1976 NOTICE TO WATER USERS Notice is hereby given that Clearfield City Corporation has filed with the State Engineer a request for extension of time to make and submit Proof of Appropriation for Appl. No. 32753 covering 5.0 cfs. of underground water to be used (31-270- for municipal purposes within Clearfield City in Davis County, Utah. It is represented that the City desires to maintain their right in order to drill the well at such time as demand on requires it. additional time is to complete the project and make and submit proof of appropriation. Protests resisting the granting of this request with reasons thereof, must be filed Therefore needed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 442 State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114 on or before December 25, 1976. A hearing will be held on this request before the State Engineer at 10:00 A.M., Wednesday, December 29, 1976, in the Commissioners Davis County Chambers, Courthouse in Farmington, Utah. Protestants should ap- pear at the hearing. ' DEE C. HANSEN, State Engineer Published in the Davis News Journal First publication Nov. 11, 1976 Last publication Nov. 25, 1976 t: Beginning on the East line of a certain street at a point south 920.0 feet and East 1.5 rods from the North west comer of the North west Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of 5, the system NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE part of Section 21. North, R1E, SLB&M, Beg. at a point which is N 0p5o'39" E, W61.22 ft alg the W line of said Sec. 21. and N 8921'24" E 17.0 ft to the y F. line of 1300 East Street, and N 05V39 E 80 ft alg said 2 right-of-wa- y from the cor of said Sec. 21. and running ih. N 89 2U24" E. 151.5K ft; th N 10C4S37" E 81.6 ft; th. S right-of-wa- SW W, 165.58 ft to 8902U2t line the E of 1300 E. St.; th. S 0o55'39" W. 80.0 ft alg right-of-wa- said right-of-wa- y to v point of beginning. Lot is subject to a 7.5 toot wide utility Easement along the North side. Its purchase price payable in lawful money of the United States. Dated this 11th day of November. 1976. THE HOME ABSTRACT AND TITLE CO., INC By Franklin Published Reflex D. Air Force Names For Training North, Range 2 West, Salt Lake Meridian, and running thence North 90.0 feet; thence East 130.0 feet; thence South 90.0 feet; thence West 130.0 feet to the Selected for training point of beginning. Located at 1648 North 1500 West, Clinton, Utah. PAYMENT TO BE MADE IN LAWFUL MONEY OF THE UNITED STATES OF TO SUBJECT AMERICA. ANY LIENS. DATED at Farmington, Utah, Davis County, this 9th day of November, 1976. Maughan President in The Weekly First publication Nov. 18, 1976 Last publication Dec. 2. 1976 NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE ON REAL PROPERTY Civil No. 17217 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF DAVIS COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH BETH LARAE MUIR. Plaintiff, vs. KENNETH EARL MUIR, Defendant. TO BE SOLD AT A SHERIFFS SALE on the 3rd day of December, 1976, at the hour of 12:00 oclock noon, at the north front door of the at in the Sheppard AFB, Tex., civil engineering mechanical and electrical field after of completing basic trainingAirLackland AFB, Tex., is man Kenna R. Klaifs, Erdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. nest J. Klaus of 184 Darlington Way, Layton. DURING the six weeks training in Lackland, the air- Mrs. Rickie Orzen, LIBRARY STORY HOUR man studied the Air Force mission, organization and customs and received special instruction in human rela- pre-scho- ol Many area children have been delighted with the pup- - n School. Dr. Mike Miner, Project Coordinator of Weber River 208 Water Quality Agency, 2 More told the Davis County Council of Governments that the purpose of the water quality study is to prepare to meet Door Nob 3 By Leo Monks Deputy Sheriff state water quality standards. The study will also provide a plan to alleviate storm water Twist Burglaries Published in The Weekly Reflex First publication Nov. 18, 1976 Last publication Dec. 2, 1976 flooding. THE STUDY will be completed by the end of December, Dr. Miner said. Upon completion of the water quality study, COG will be asked to make resolutions based upon the findings of the Two more door knob twist NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Board of Trustees of the Central Davis County Sewer District will conduct a hearing on Thursday, December 9, 1976, at 8:00 oclock P.M., in the Kaysville City Hall, Kays-villUtah, for the purpose of presenting, considering and adopting the 1977 Budget for said District. The said 1977 Budget shall be on file at the home of the Clerk of the District at 1234 e, South Highway 106, Kaysville, Utah, and available for public inspection at least three days prior to the above mentioned hearing date. CENTRAL DAVIS COUNTY SEWER DISTRICT By William C. Rigby e Reflex First publication Nov. 18, 1976 Last publication Nov. 25, 1976 burglaries were reported this week by the Davis County Sheriffs Office, according, to Lt. Dean Egbert. Cal Poulsen, West Chase Lane, Center- 242 ville, reported that a color television valued at $350 and two wrist watches, valued at $240 were taken from his study. Dr. Miner said the Environ- mental Protection Agency, the funding agency for the study, regards water quality as the number one problem. Davis County is presently meeting water quality standards for 1977, but must plan to meet standards to be es- home. MISSING from the same house, was an amplifier valued at $500, two cameras, a e lens and flash, and $80 in bills. The Sheriffs Office determined that entry had been gained through the front or side doors by the door wide-angl- tablished by 1980. J. Fred Berger, 135 Daw- FIVE burglaries in the Fruit Heights area cleared this week when a 14 year old Fruit Heights youth was arrested by Davis County Sheriffs Office, Lt. Egbert said. Templeton and Gene Manning homes on North Mountain Road in Fruit Heights. This week he confessed to three other burglaries in the area, Lt Egbert said. The youth is being held in detention at Mowcxla. rk the domestic purposes of one family, stockwatering of 2 cattle, 2 horses and 5 sheep; and used from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for the irrigation of 0.25 ac. in NWi4NW'4 Sec. 28, T4N, R1W, SLB&M. Recently elected to (Layton); and used from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 for R1W, SLB&M, Protests the resisting granting of this application with reasons therefor must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 442 State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114, on or before Jan. 1, 1977. DEE C. HANSEN STATE ENGINEER Published in The Weekly Reflex First publication Nov. 18, 1976 Last publication Dec. 2. 1976 New Fighter Squadron Commander Lt. Col. Ralph R. Schneider has reported to Hill AFB for assignment as commander of the Fourth Tactical Fighter Squadron of the 388th Tactical Fighter Group. HE WAS formerly assigned at headquarters Tactical Air Command at Langley AFB, Va. Colonel has nearly 19 years of service and is rated as a command pilot, with 2,375 hours of flying Schneider time. FROM FT. Collins. Colo.. Colonel Schneider graduated from Colorado State University in 1958 w ith a B S. degree in physical science. He and his wife Natalie have a daughter. first vice president sene as of the Clearfield Chamber of Commerce is O. Wayne Thomock HE WILL succeed Richard Benmon, becoming president at the Chamber's Annual meeting in March. 1977 Mr. Thornock was elected to the Chamber's Board of Directors in 1975 and screed as treasurer that year He previously sened oil the Retail Merchants Committee THE BANKER is trom Idaho and came to Clearfield in 1960 as a loan officer ai Clearfield State Bank where he is now an executive vice president. Mr Thornixk was a Clearfield Tt Councilman for four years and is now a member of the Dux is Counn Library Board and Clearfield Lions Club die Assigned To Wing At HAFB Col. John B acked Bill Luce, engineer for Neilson, Maxwell and Wangs-gartold COG that the procedure for establishing water quality is to inventory the waste sources and analyze the effects on the receiving water. AFTER THIS procedure, water quality experts will make recommendations on how to improve water quality. Waste sources include municipal and industrial discharges as well as storm runoff, feed lots, septic tanks and construction activities. Dr. Miner said, that by 1983, Class C Water - which -- Utah should be able to balance its state budget during the forthcoming 1977-7fiscal year without any major 8 increase in general fund and school fund taxes. In fact, there is a possibility that some tax reduction could be considered for next year. THIS WAS the conclusion reached by Utah Foundation, the nonprofit tax research organization, in its annual analysis of the condition of Utah state finances. Among the taxes that might be reduced by the 1977 Utah Legislature are the inheritance tax (which was actually cut by the 1976 budget session but later vetoed by the governor for fiscal reasons) and the individual income tax (which was raised by the 1975 legislature but trimmed back slightly by the 1976 budget session) -? HE PREV 101 SLY wj- at Kunsan vr B ADDITION, special exemptions for the sales tax andor the property tax are other areas of tax reduction that might be considered On the other hand, there is a possibility that the motor fuel tax could be increased if it is decided to finunie v operations entireh from hiuhwuv-u-e- r revenues high-wu- THE FOl NDATION report notes that the umesoked problem of financing the state highway program is one dark cloud in an otherwise biaht state financial picture According to the Foundation analv sis. I iah should coni lode Ihc preseiu pn, fiscal vear with a syrplu- - of Cochrane Assigned To Maine Road. Augu arrived for ( AFB. Maine S iet-na- HE AND his wife, Sidnev. have six children - inventorv Strategic previously A Philippm The serge graduate of School His w the daughter Charles Pell berlv Drive, f HE SAID the purpose of the letter is to indicate that each city government supports the establishment of an RCD com mi tee in the county. This committee would apply for federal grants to develop na- Salt Lake. tural resources, irrigation THE STATE realizes the projects, support agricultural land and preservation water cant be the same as when it comes from the mountain stream, Dr. Miner said. Storm water must be taken into consideration in making this analysis. Mr. Harvey said the study hopes to persuade EPA that its not necessary to upgrade all water to Class C quality. Use does not require Class C Water in all instances. Davis County Environment Health Department will implement the changes suggested by the 208 Water Quality Study, Mr. implement excavation mittee should be established now since any approval for projects based quite encouraging. If decided that money for storm drainage construction, should be the first grant applied for. The recommendations for a construction plan will be supplied by the 208 Water Quality Study. Upon the suggestion of County Commissioner Glen Flint, COG gave the county commission their okay to implement the recommendations of the study even if the grant is rejected, rk . sites. g curred during the past year, revenue sources present should be sufficient to meet all general fund and uniform school fund costs and still leave $64.1 million for tax one-tim- e items such as buildings, amounts for new programs and activities, and to supplement amounts provided for regular programs. FOUNDATION analysts warn, however, that part of the balance remaining after providing for fasie general fund fund and school nonrequirements represents funds. recurring funds are If such used to expand existing programs or c reale new ones, financial problems could occur in future years when funds are these revenue and growth spent one-lim- e g slows down. INCLUDED among the fiscal problems the facing the state are following' (1) school enrollments once again are beginin ning to rise resulting increased costs. (2) the state retirement system will require continuing enlarged long-rang- e state contributions in the years ahead, and (3) the unresolved problem of financing Utah's highwav added program will placerevenue burdens nil siale Finntlv. he Foundation state report observes that revenues in Utah have expanded during recent ofvears (1) primarilv because I economic growth within the state and (2) inflation W.th the rate of inflation subsiding somewhat, stale revenuesat max' not continue to grow the same rale in the future as the past. they haxe in THE FILMS Millions of Little Red Hen, and The Red Balloon, along Cats, with many other activities helped open the world of the library for those attending. Richards Red Rose, high, life-siz- story-boo- k PRE-SCHOO- Puppeteers Snow White and with three foot presented e puppets and scenery. children L were delighted with the four short stories presented with animal Friday characters as the theme, mnm FINANCING AVAILABLE FOR Equipment MetScal - Dental -- Industrial Minimum $5000 Maximum $250,000 ' : FINANCIAL j Contact ( SERVICES 75 N. Ft. Lane, Layton 766-12- 44 SPEAKING OF MONEY NEW TAX LAW MAY AFFECT YOUR TIMING By EZRA T. CLARK per reflect the increase in the that has oc- Clearfield. Advertisement President Davis County Bank capita and per student costs are raised 5'2 per cent to cost-of-livin- RCD pet show, story hour and films being presented last week at the north branch of the Davis County Library in COG range revenue estimates and the presently authorized level of state spending. the budget into balance with his revenue projections. The fiscal outlook for 1977-7- 8 also appears to be an HE SUGGESTED a countywide plan should take priority for the first grant application. mission to improve water quality in these industrial appropriation items along with an inheritance tax reduction in order to bring on grant will probably be two years down the road. EPA, Davis County Environment Health Division and the Davis County Planning Com- IS a marked THIS improvement over the prospects at the close of the 1976 budget session when the five vetoed governor or- dinances. Mr. Phillips said the com- Center are working with sources SERGEAY supervisor wt name of Maxes-C.. Col. Blackwell has 22 years of military service including 12 months in such as irrigation, storm and will also natural water have to meet water quality standards. He said the state will analyze natural water flowing in small streams above the forest. The state will determine how waste input has altered that water by the time it is discharged into DR. MINER said Hill Air Force Base and the Freeport $26.8 million based on mid- reduction, IN' parents are L J Ox brant ha-be- en assigned to' r g y H '. Fighter AFB as director of resour.es management A head off the problem. Gould Utahns Get Tax Cut? that these burglaries, along with several other door knob twist burglaries, in the Centerville and Bountiful areas, are being investigated. Clearfield Chamber Names Vice Prexy 100-60- Harvey, Director of Davis Environmental County Health, said, Were trying to includes all surface water Harvey said. twist method. Lt. Egbert said admitted to burglaries at the Robert son, Layton, Utah 84041, has filed with the State Engineer to Appl. No. 47155 appropriate 0.015 sec. ft. of water in Davis County. The water is to be diverted from a 0 ft. deep at well, a point S. 700 ft. and E. 220 ft. from NW Cor. Sec. 28, T4N, THE 208 Water Quality is working with the problem now, so that by 1980 the counties will not be in violation of the law. Rich Study , The youth NOTICE TO WATER USERS In other business, Max Phillips, of the Davis County Soil Conversation Service told COG members that the Resource Conservation and needs a Develop Agency letter of endorsement from each city council. Airman Klaus is a 1976 graduate of Layton High ATTORNEY: Dale T. Browning 2605 Washington Blvd. Ogden, Utah childrens librarian, entertained children during at the north branch of the Davis a story hour last Friday County Library. tions. WILLIAM J. DUB LAWRENCE Sheriff, Davis County Published in The Weekly The following described property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder at the North Front Door of the Davis County Courthouse in Farmington, Davis County, State of Utah, on Tuesday, the 21st day of December, 1976, at 12.00 Noon of said day. Said property is described as follows: Township KENNA KLAUS. Section 27, Township 5 Clerk-Truste- A - sav you are 65 years old. have and are thinking of selling retired, just the home you have lived in for many years. Maybe you want to buy a smaller house or condominium here or a modest retirement home in. for example. the Southwest. estimate You that after paying I ets a realtors commission and other closing costs you will about net ftlfi.OOO on the sale. The home cost only you $12,000 when you bought it. Lets say you are a modest investor who has accumulated some shares of stock over the years. You are thinking of making some sales before the end of the year, hut you are unsure of the tax consequences. You no doubt are aware of the short-tereffects and long-terof stock sales. Something sold six months or more after it is purchased is a long-tertransaction. If such a sale of the f results in a gain, only gain is taxable. If a loss results, only of the loss may he claimed. Beginning in 1977. the holding period is extended to nine months instead of the current six months. This presents sex era opportunities for strategic planning. Lets say you bought some shares of stock last June 1. By Dee. 2. it xxill transaction again become a long-terunder current law. But by next Jan. it xxill again he a short-tertransact tion under the law because the hold-- , ing iH'iiod beginning in 1977 is nine months. If you have a gain in December. you might want to consider sidling the stock then and paying a tax on only half the profit By January, when it again becomes short-terthe full xvould he ; taxable. profit Losses work in reverse. Think of that June stock purchase once more. A sale in December at a loss will reduce your taxable income by only half of the loss. But hold off until the new year and time will he on your side again. Because of the longer holding loss position period, your short-terwill he retained for another few months. Who knows? While you are waiting for the ending of the period, you could cut back your loss or even turn it into i profit. Wherever time is on your side, take advantage of it. one-hal- one-ha- lf I should What H.RA T. (LARK you do? The first thing you might consider doing is to hold off on sidling that home until next year. You don't haxe to wait Ixyond Jail. 1. hut it must Inin 1977. Here is the reason why : Under the present income tax laws, there is no tax on the sale of a home by a senior citizen if the net selling price is $10,000 or less. So ii you sell that home for $.'55,000 this year and do not buy a more expensixe home, you xxill luxe a tax to pay on your profit. Hut if you xvait until Jan. 1. 1977 or later, here's xxhat will hapjien: Nexx tax ink's go into effect next year. Beginning in 1977. there xxill he no tax on the gain, no matter how large it is. long as the sidling price is $;15.000 or less. The tax savings gained by xxaiting should help pay your moving costs or gixeyou a nice savings nest egg. This is just one of the many quirks in the nexx tax law passed by Congress. You might, for instance, find it worth your while to advance some of the things you planned to do early next year into this year. jr-- jr . nine-mont- h |