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Show V WEEKLY REFLEX-DAV- r i' 1 NEWS JOURNAL, NOVEMBER 25, 1976 IS v The Davis North Medical Center Volunteer Auxiliar Board of Directors recent l conducted their first organizational meeting. service programs and procedures VOLUNTEER highlighted the session at the hospital. The volunteer program provides patient care aid, hospital information assistance and operation of the gift shop. BARBARA Yurth, board president, presided over the meeting with Miarran Taylor, first vice president; Naomi Williamson, second vice president; Vivian Vanderwest, third vice president; Ann Sherman, presidentelect; Jeanne Weaver, secretary; and Evelyn Sutton, treasurer in attendance. Also present was Mary Motta, gift shop chairman. Persons interested in volunteer service at the new Davis North Medical Center are encouraged to call Blakeslee and Carolyn arrange an interview. Every effort will be made to utilize a volunteers skills. The third grade students at Whitesides fishing and other protected aquatic made to the rules and regulations governing seining and bait dealers. Colonel Kitchens On Duty In Ohio U.S. Air Force Colonel Ralph L. Kitchens, son of Mr. fe and Mrs. J.B. Kitchens of 5 1222 E. 12th St., Tucson, Ariz., has arrived at Newark j; Air Force Station, Ohio, for of f. duty as director for the Aero- j; maintenance space Guidance and Me-- f trology Center. COLONEL Kitchens, previously assigned with an 1 Air Force Reserve Officer J Training Corps detachment at 2 Utah State University, is noW' a member of the Air Force C Logistics Command. ; The colonel, a 1947 graduate ; of Tucson Senior High School, ! received a B.S. degree in : mechanical engineering in : 1952 from the University of : Arizona where he was com-- ; missioned through the Air FINANCING AVAILABLE FOR Equipment Medical - Dental Industrial -- Minimum $5000 Maximum $250,000 Wright-Patterso- of 344 W. Liberty, 1977. Lions Club Brough Reservoir in Uintah County will be open to fishing for the 1977 season. It was closed during 1976, Upper and Lower Enterprise reservoirs will be closed to angling for 1977 due to chemical treatments. In Duchesne County, Red Creek proper north of Highway 40 upstream and Red Creek Reservoir will be closed to fishing until July 1, 1977. In Rich County, Swan Creek and Swan Creek Bay will not open for fishing until July 15 next year. Formed In East Layton A new chapter of Lions International has been formed in East Layton. The Syracuse Lions Club hosted the Official Charter Night ceremonies in September of this year. THE NEW Lions Club formed to serve the growing needs of East Layton and the surrounding communities. Men interested in entering Lionism please note that the East Layton Club meets the second Wednesday of the month with a dinner meeting on the fourth Wednesday of the month. Contact Jim HenJim Hefner, derson, or Grant Dunkley for more information. THE CLUBS first fund raising project will be selling brmms made by Blind Center Products of Salt Lake City. Proceeds will go towards organized projects for the blind that are sponsored by the Lions of the Northern SERVICES 75 N. Ft. Lane, Layton purchased represents a donation to the work of the Cancer Societys Utah WHITEFISH ANGLERS will have another stream added to their list in 1977. The Provo River from the south Kamas Control Diversion (located 1.5 miles east of Woodland) downstream to deer Creek Reservoir will offer legal whitefish fishing. The special whitefish season will be shortened, however, and will be open from January 1 through Feb. 28 and from June 4 through Dec. 31, 1977. Minersville Reservoir and Beaver River year-roun- , gutters. Each Tuesday, a truck from Reynolds Aluminum Com Division. Cards are available through all county units of the Cancer Society, or they may be ordered from or picked up at the Utah Division, American Cancer Society, 610 East South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 84102, Phone Minimum donation is $6 per package of 25, with an addi322-043- 1. 50 cent charge if mailed. THE CARDS feature an original water color painting, tional CHANGES WERE adopted in the seining and bait dealers rules and regulations to clarify the conditions under which licenses and certificates of registration are issued. The new amendments establish that A seiner cannot establish a commercial live bait outlet and engage in the retail sale of those species of protected aquatic wildlife specified herein (referring to the new rules and regulations) by the Wildlife Board without securing a bait dealers Certificate of Registration. The Board action also establishes that A bait dealer must purchase a seiners license to take those species specified herein (again referring to the new rules and regulations) by the Wildlife Board from the waters of the state. Long Shadows, by artist Valoy Eaton of Midway. The message inside the cards reads, May your Holidays be Blessed with Health and Hap- Continue that piness Throughout the Coming Year. THE ROYALTIES schedule on seining remains the same for 1977. Other provisions, such as licensing requirements, special regulations on Lake Powell, Flaming Gorge and Bear Lake (with the exception of the limit on lake trout at Flaming Gorge as mentioned earlier) remain the same. Realires IFmm NAIFIB His wife is the former Bates. Carl K. Bingham, of 105 West 250 North, Clearfield, State Division. Etta The couple have five children and Mr. Bingham enjoys greatly being around to enjoy visiting and doing for their grandchildren. has retired from Hill Air Force Base, after having been employed there for thirty years. HE HAD been a Moulder in PRIOR TO their coming to Clearfield, Mr. and Mrs. Bingham resided in River-dal- e. mm The long hair, covering half of the face, is definitely out for now. Shorter hair, either blown out or close-cu- t hair seems to be the CARL BINGHAM in the Foundry dept. He has resided in Clearfield. AREUNDEPENDENTiAGENTS FOR SOMEIO TNESTlCOMPANIESJN'AMERICA iOdu.ce automobile insurance through out INSURANCE STORE X thing. ?fia? Ik wmT (Jmkl Clmlmoilt. (jl) Choose from our selection scenic and color backgrounds Select additional portraits and save up to D compared to 1975 prices See our new large Decorator Portrait Your complete satisfaction guaranteed or your money cheerfully refunded ol 8 ft Garden Center irairrrTimTTTD 1815 W. Gentile, Layton 2 miles west on Gentile 7 P.M. Open 8 A.M. to fUfrmrrfryimm COMPLETE LINE OF PRODUCE It $098 w STORAGE RED POTATOES LOCAL CRISP Per 100 lb. ib CQC 7 or SO lb. Container. NEW CROP OF ASElCAiliT.iDDEOB COMPARISONIQUO.TE Forurtherjnformation Cal I ft HEl!ls; MOORE, !NSURANCE!aGENCY MIXED NUTS NAVEL Mtn. Valley Clover Choice Stock 100 Fruit POINSETTIAS FRUIT BASKETS Chrlatmat Cllta An yon o Would .... Hand Packed or Woven Ba.ket. Love 349 75 N.: Fort LaneHayton door of Prudential Bldg. i 766?1244 PLANTS Grown in professional 5x7 color portrait for 09 ORANGES HONEY Si ol Beautiful A or Lb. APPLES .rrwvn Large Greenhouse Fri. Sat. 20 - Sun. 21, Mon. 22 - Tues. 23 - Wed. 24 Thurs. Closed. Fri. 26 - Sat. 27 - Sun. 28. Daily 10 A.M.-- 8 A.M. Sun. 10 A.M. 6 P.M. 19- - WOODS CROSS K-MA- RT j j ' ; exchanging them for a check. MRS. BUCHANAN, Mr's. Hoskins, Mrs. Russell and Mrs. Stafford who are the third grade teachers, report that by the end of this week, the students have earned $54.15 for the museum, dmg life-savi- for fishing next d gathering aluminum cans from roadsides, fields and ) pany comes to the school collecting the cans and by Utahns getting an early start on their holiday mailing. BOX of cards EACH season. Set lines, defined as unattended lines not attached to a pole and anchored at one end to a nonmoving object, must meet new requirements this next year. The new regulation states that any set line must have a legible tag with the name and address of the angler fishing the line attached. limits will remain the same as the 1976 limits with the exception of the mackinaw (lake trout) limit at Flaming Gorge. Bag limit for lake trout at Flaming Gorge will be two fish in Layton. VERNON CREEK Reservoir and Little Valley Creek in Tooele County will be closed to fishing but will be open during the general fishing season for 1977. In Utah County, however, the Spanish Fork River downstream from the mouth of Thistle Creek to Utah Lake will be open BAG AND possession 766-055- FINANCIAL fishing regulations n 376-151- Contact 766-124- 4 ing Corps program. HE ALSO received an MBA degree in engineering administration in 1960 from the Air Force Institute of Technology at AFB, Ohio. His wife, NaDene, is the daughter of Mrs. J.L. Cancer Society Christmas cards have been bought so far year-roun- d are the same as this years. Wording of the proclamation was changed in various places to clarify specific conditions. The general fishing season will open on June 4, 1977, in keeping with the Boards policy to open the season on the Saturday closest to June 1. Fishing will again be legal from June 4 through Nov. 30 during the hours of 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. Daylight Savings Time (4 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mountain Standard Time when in effect.). Force Reserve Officer Train- Kinard f MOST OF the 1977 their best to help Layton get enough money to build a museum. SINCE October, these young children have been More than 12,000 American d will be open for 1977 in anticipation of the drawdown for repair of the dam. year-roun- wildlife. In addition, amendments were Elementary Layton are doing Cancer Society Xmas Cards Proclaimed For Fishing jf tf : School in New Utah Regulations The Utah Wildlife Board met recently and established the 1977 proclamation for 1 CAN DRIVE Davis North Auxiliary Officers met recently in an organizational meeting. Left to right, Evelyn Sutton, Naomi Williamson, Ann Sherman, Barbara Yurth, Vivian Vanderwest, Jeanne Weaver, Mary Motta. Not pictured, Miriam Taylor, Ronnie Stewart. AUXILIARY OFFICERS Students at Whitesides Elementary in Layton who have been assisting in the to r, aluminum can fund raiser are, Merideth Gast, Sherry Sparks, Guylen Smith, Heidi Smith, Cameron Schaffer, Allen Brooks, Kristen Wiltberger, and Alicia Fukanaga. ONLY One sitting per subiect Si per subied fn' ud'H ona sublets groups nr t H must tv ar.u impamen individuals m the sumo farm Persons, under or guardian by parent -- |