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Show 5jW 2 $) Tithunt', s'ljViU kSiiunMv, Uth South Suicide Marih 1? Ho Strip' Dur Final Modification ! m.xiie at min. ipu i )!.rh vfivl h'F H)f,ie;l; auid cu nth 1i .tro i'i mj Mh Viulh iiii urniod H(t !i shoulil iKailj r 'ili tits r ! -- -- tunpJite he i t u i itv S. !i LcD' ,K ').!(.' F nduv tmimi-'itino- lids to till!! a tin e tmt hi,h h lrrn r wail iumii.v down the U'otei f't the ri'uritl., leoii (' led sir ( Son e 'uv u,Hfd t!a lurncr Min uU sliiii and said i ha Ui ast hi t e i( ivmsibU lor at tme rtnx t Mi'iilien i e 1 dlic auident, Mr llariiisi n told the j the I'soui.m w as r quii I bv the date hut state o!ll ( lals (VniH it The v 'a'd t.r ( ity s p hnnna-plans lor the jnciut included the wall and thov onlv approved ' '..id tin mii'Ji von of the Hm t ' nr the I h.ioeth Miet G1H lldiosuis uteli x ul-I- h.i-tlntoiM'i tinii will 1h ) low ch(1 That will iIIoa Mb s nil traffic to sec the Kliuboth Strut n,id lul V.uby reside tits and Tad n T lA !nh S' feruisirs luum'iimnt J ims Riley teem ami fit dim tor, sail students from ex h h lililitry. Business Face Test Tol tiod .tule'its FTiday pai bond at tin o verji of I hih for t e annua! State Hit,! Sehui! I M ''vn M i on site inqxH'tuiti lter an ( will m Forensics s lii'oN will partict-pat- e i debate oratory miKi. arien'is speaking im pii.rnptu s;n akin.; ard h'.s-latn- e forum F iriahsts w ili be aniHiaiif'd at 11 a n Saturday, with w inncrs hi mg naroed af a 4 j) m assemble in the Ophn I rnon ('enter Ballroom m ex-t- u.i those in the m i,lui li ip nos, uimnnjios h.ivi ' jR.t ! la' k ot IU O. IS (' C iy pu(iu,ij e i (up t ,h Veto ! 1 n Me o u n, Iduiv ;x a fn i.'sun the ,o t ."t'd and i ae base public (ij in.on on side rdwe has etc do a on ( l.unite i ot on'intH" sain v !ht g job Mo have had m.i f ruiuv ut ecs but we ( an own oine I ld S Pull a !i I'ssi d tin Bim h said ot t'le one lading se'sjem Mr Bad not d that ho itlnd SHUlt' Seri.nidl s(xrid' ' ni'i of P's tone tint h.,s lx (11 held suae dtfeadir.p what bimniss Mereh 10 at ta Ilotii I th dus Me hdto d fee d Mi. LG W Mot r !mi North ( edit mot'u Betoic t,.o '1 I iple chainUr of commerce was laical sjxinsixs included the tne clnmpion of thecomtnun he sa.d et'imbe'r ot commerce Salt it ilon i S ol1' ( ,i in ar d 1 .m siu mi 7 M the ut Ilf the' i -- c l d loda-ti- i mix! b ir i - Oi o t ti iro pa' the "i s ut i'0 di d a i i.oi i suhnp ti e c Mansion, i'i, Gin M aj I Maunce L Mat's Utah a! pitant general. Map Gen C Me Gough, d'putv com mandant Industnal Coihe of the nned Fours and the Most Rev Joseph L F'ederal Bishop of the Cathohe Dux cc"C id Salt Lake City MxJdy i !u' , V i U & Is and , hm r j li a son 5 vr ah IlV'v ! on is L D'lwe!! i i Ho lit Hospital Ctah .State Huh wax fhv pmitment employe, xiimked hit by 7 2tft volt electrical rem.uiiKl Thursday morning, V Alta ar W I, a me mbe-- ef 'he r lub and a Mason ( Cordon Leigh ditua I)r, Midvale. iniured after Lake a 1 ii G er was be was otHiatmg came in cent ict with he electrical lines at 72oo M North Te tuple t hdc second emplovi Jiiulison, k' 2o2') tihnm.'e '1)75 FTast', who was iho operating the drilling FREEZER machine was released trom Inucrsitv Medical Cenin tter sfx'iielmp the mpht NEED A FREEZER? WE GOT 'EM Lunch ( lOimtcr The Salt Lake CiU County lunch Beuldiii'p's new counter will prohably otcn Monetay despite a request for SWt UPRIGHT FREEZER woith of remodehn;. City EnpnuxT Joseph S Fen ton .said Friday The enpineer pointed out the onpmal speuf.e atior.s appiou'd a ccmcessionaire Rus Dun ant hast' lKen I met and there's nothing to stop it from opemnp The piesent lunch counter m the 2nd flexu lobby w ouid c lose Earlier this week, Mr Dur-ru- asked the city to chanw restaurant action vould take an pxirt ions Such of tlie extra woik order since it is hemp paid for by the city Pleads Innocent Ruh.ud Ronald ieison, Bland Lake Dr CVsOn South', pleaded innocent FTi day in rd Disti ict Court to a charue of appiacated '21, 11 TO I robbery He's eharped in connection with a Feb 10 incident m w huh ork men two New were allegedly shot at and robbed Nielson is also eharped with attempted criminal homicide, but did not enter a plea since a motion on tlmt charge is pending Garden Falk Salt Lake Tribunes -- arden editor Genevan c Folsom will be featured sx aker at tho Sail Lake Iublie Librarys First Mon day series at the Rose' Park Branch . Mrs Folsom will discuss Rowers and vegetable's and show slules The rrograni is at pril 7. 7 a p in s I1 i X 113 ! A M a-Uf-a n'v;inbcp.:4Bp ln WiL b J 1 ."I e - A' dZkraN ' Ww - i T .. . J ?. An oi i)ccounaiH i .rt tm Ihsp"als Of at mx)i: Chil- uipph'd iViis r i,l" H i i mioc Rons id i j 3 N 4 StH LLs Term re l3h T'rtostl Au- or tv ,eteran A A r v v o r s sms David Grcoorv Steen ail stator a. iv grarottM'd, Mt Vet Don (LRJe) MtEntira, Cteor k a y ft r iprai Vcxviav i4 i najx?i i 1 , ns mi ?) oav 8 v ida de-s- i hud r trt C Vrs ti rt SaKJv Mrs Aimstrong tnterpr se Wasttington a yt AJity r pr r i M ir Jav t p m , Cedar 7th n Eriends call chapel Mo'Yuary CooarC tv jp djof 7 9 fwo hours before cncAv pm . s Bor al Cedar C ity C r tL i Hath L. Quinn ? - Ruth L Qufli LOnONADO t ai o onddo ded March 6 tv75, at ro-'- Brr T Viva Births btrms resorted at Salt Lake area tais dor ng ttse 24 hours ended at 9 Njso include pm Friday Mark's Hospital St. rtf Y Jack L Wood lfcE Mrs and Mrs Robert Gi'l, 41.4 South vjn Mr and V s JameA M DMev 2 84 i 2b South WV Jordan daughter Mr F W (Ictcrm i.itmnt, he said fall the (treat Salt Lake Health Planum, (.nun ana Mrs D itf to- Vs r c a Mis Curt MM lauuntw k. Oh Havi and 3348 LHS Hospital T ,r ' -- E Mrs )TC X1H 4 s Ga-- y SW L' tiamett 862 Buer tve r atf r Mrs Dewird J Avt dcHKjhter vnd Mrs K th Smith, - a Mrs Bfckk Densiey, iU5-7- Ha'I. J i E 7?4 KvJ'-M'- IT ino v fr t 1318 KoysviUn, r iQhf Mr iy Mr Mn David $c N 612 II th v Mrs R charo R Newcomb, "L C Ast Bount'hji dauohter a Vs J Robert Fox 2757 Mr, ,Sa, on Mr a ct Mrs Brvot T $rr tfo 12X30 4 ' 9 D anr 'r ana Mrs Donatf H VJe1)er. 2536 A V and Mrs t scr Mr ana vyi w st Vr md Wist F ot G 120 Valiev West Hospital pit a 1 Ca a me HeoeJoard, 364lh V'X"' r oauj1 -' Me a iid.iv night banquet the' ac iden'. honored L)t 1'bonias L liobiuson, S.e!t Thomas T1 V LDS Puis ranis Davtf k chards 1UI lr sh and Mrs ur da igher ul approved the puuhnse ol train S( aline is by two Sat and I mvtisity ot U.eh Mexhcal Ce liter In an cailit i talk at the atternexm se ssion, IV Knlx-iM Sato' ii k a Salt Lake told the pin si lKUi'eilogist Cl. ills what to look till dia.nostu win kups for si,--i kc patients at d 'h contraindi catons oi ce i ebi al atcriK W I'niversity Hospital rr List sen ice 4215 Souh sun The las years W New York to Johanna M HeJe Marr ed Char'es H yktvup, icr ra oind in l9-Member cji nr c.artxv cChir h Retired librarian rvivor. son Cnartes H Jr , San P anc sco brother Henry T r C tronnoo General Mass Tuesday 10 am, Nrtcred Hvrt church Coronado Ros a v Monoav 7 30 om at me church E'Vt osecrans National buria t f ntery San D ego Julv ll and rn i&K datively new pnx'e-dui- e is becoming increasing ly important in diagnosing the causes of dcmtuLa mie Im (Kathryn) Gary uooar Ctv, Mrs. Waiter Barstow Calif , Civde Mrs L Garr Calif 27 Ogden MerriM, BoH mrej n I City Hunter Pauline PauHne Wood lTDAR CITY h t b 'S CwiarCitv died Varcn2l ; ) mat edar CitY htPitol 189 Cedar City, is ViOti Nov mkhh Henry and Elizabeth Bryrwr VArrU-vxi George Vuir Hitter npc 2 !YX) St Gcx 9e L DS T empe , lvs3 fAember Ann h Ltoon euxi ary former stare H s Baoy Wei 'Wber Ctv me elub s sons daughters Antone, n, machine pun esses the results piodue cs a pn ture on a viewing unit and gives coni puter a pnntunt ol the lind- mgs iftu it's LDS orh simultaneous the 7th A P at WU ails ef two contiguous secof neon 2nd Norm South Temote n 6 sl chapel hour V vbscrv res Serial Sait LaK r ity i'd . A cunt i. ist fluid ol allows t I V Bs! Wn. tim-.ttu- Hist r0 2 great ra hiidren kikF Ptn bothers, sisters mm k non Prestor e(l Cedir C'tv, Flic scunnei diamuistic equipment dev eioixd by all English cm pnx elutes three dim' is, mal rays of the Ik ad without Like 0J n S Sal mi, as Hat v aid sin i ite dn ec tor Nciniloficrtl Seivioc Boston ( rt v Hospital outlmixl sc ver a patient cases tha u .ed btain scans, a new rmxiie il dcu lopment g.m mp in iis. He was an ailtrno'ii sH'aker at the 27th annual eoiivcntion a mi svmposiuin uf the Utah Ac nlc tm ol 1 amilv Physicians, held a the hexlt way Inn, IklM oth south The jartUo Mjrr ted Ilium is tions n aod dl S r .j ' it x i a new proicxluie used tn si 'Cell p.Jll Uts ,M'll Trt" t d"te n il at lull se Coroon 40 50 rsijy a vorcd V trnprt 1 s r It ? NOV rm V'w (kw Di f q Ppchpr i v.i 2 A 0 t ; AJ(ir N x tyi Procedure Gary Poulson S Mrs Char'es A Brown, West Jordan daughter Mrs D e Oppenshaw Magna son ax Mrs CNvies T Waters, bnow M xjntsm Sandy daughter ana Mrs Dovid J BueU. y 5th 3087 5 745b 330S 8756 S Oen. Asuqrw foe tuueiomv also elec ofttcers artf Mrs sen VM text Bryan L vMidsev 271 yQt ne'vv hide Dr Jack s Ticmonton, picsi-denDr (jeorce F Snail Dgden. presidentelect, Dr Brine Neville, Clearfield Measurer Dr Joseph M Heath S ll Iike' ' lt past prt Side nt. Dr GooigoMillcr, Muirav represent atre to th.e I tali State Meeuadi Assn Tlicy ho ne t. vv boa! d of directors iifiord Dj Mm r, '' r.fpel p Milli-Taylo- r. Hr David lay F vu Cl -0 ir. ca N tu M K Wray, Mr ;snd Mrs I'd Won t son Vr and Mrs W ui r Bonn-t.i- Ct'k'eiU's V Robert Kelly, Layton, Lc th I) Nelson, Ogden, Wavne D Bikwoii'h, ton, Dr Ralph C fVter- - 4805 Mt Stewart Sixth son Mrs RtchAri S 48b R Jofxison, C Lamtrt, 4155 825 vX) torth Sandy son Mr and Mrs Dor R Mangum, 531 VvtfQu'tte )r Midvale son Mr and Mrs Jaryts D Pedt, 1107 E 7' Sx;m Mxfvaie ddugfivr M Mi 4 Robert R Peterson, 7sl 5 1e?0 WfSt snr M and Mrs RfTE Sax0b 54 E 610 Sex m oaughMr Mr and Mrs D Watworfh a leivtox Midvale son ad Holy Cross Hospital Mr 157! oiyj Mrs Vincent McGuim, Watertxjry Wav sort Mr axl Ys Robert SfiXleid, 3162 & Wosi Vil Mr and Mis Mlcbeel Flvtcher 765 E 4 Soi th MtOvate sen Mr Rovdarw Goff, UJ8 Witsurt 4) As- vxlVs - Mr djugrtf and Mrs M,cwet Frww yyi and Mrs Paul Harteen Mr Fer-o- n & Garden Are daugrtter Mr arc Mrs DsvkJ Dud, 266 Uvw try Ln vy Mi am Wi Kev.nTtxxnas SO E ft KiAVn $even Crowther. fc Ts , Salt Lake City, H Now Mutioiuil Dr Dr Dr Cottonwood Hospital me Johnson l( m Mis Salt Jarke lIdi s explored April Satina the Salt Lake Public Lib- 1 1 1 rary s lecture hall t Bette Amlcrsin oik of tm 4 founders of the National t'i.Yklid Guild of Deeoupours, will discos the art Thctrogram wi.l ludude slide s and cnam J pics of hue decoupage . I be tn and , Mondav dren 10 V Mvrrt i a Jr. n G ity imlu'Its of r Earl M a rk ' St Episcopal kathedtal 251 E Ft Soo'h Buiial will be at Muu'dUiivcl Icmetery Fam.ly suggests ccnti ibut.ops tu the ishniurs I ' ( Lake The st i conducted drillmp Jr Vjtf La.e uncial services wPl be F machine' REFRIGERATOR Mash Ucaiii 6 So; Siirtdy 64? tr'Fore verviCei Bur at ct Meter y JoQ CAi Weston E. Porter S' lac a sute t3rn orarvt 7 1 5oo rrMfv3s r.- fjt,p p rt, r na lists Survivors pr mx t hj He is survived by his wife two prandin ldrcn, cnucal condition F re lav at University Medical Center ,n r ,et, Mr Ktdcy was a vctci ail of T leotna FTrv in 0 Jolt Virtim Crilirul S. Ha Kr Coto kjv m.C-'-a'- v i n v i v a , m Reno brother and Itrit L. 1 PC! m a't s s (' e. itiie l Sre cl'cil in ake ( ' H- - matrii'i Januau Barbara li.u'ldine Sep i crtld S horn RaiDv great grandchildren . Cl pr'Ort VC (jlUx9h )?S t U Ifr -i Ruth C. McCullough H I M jtiom(. Hec?r J, pm wytfter Vpm, 430 ) ftf r friend c?U fwit Otfor service i CeT)evr y Wa rvejnov $ jhfumia Not've M I'f Ix'lV I" al M- Lad' y was - ri' , ( Mr n St h M t rairn&&t !TVjtW rY isw v ev v (pi r '! Bailey ax.' Ci'v til oic i Js ( ssion was ret.rcxl S'n M.d 'a' e F Pi i nnett R Ltah Sal' Lake ( it x Mayor (onrad B si n, in s I J C f't salt v , c s r, S cf irt i s h&'c'ti m a Sd f Uiic H T.ro Co Lake ( rt v He was al'o VO e jin- i fu't allJ ill t, in 7 at I? r.nv'.c i. urn. ! lnqxirt nr i ,i ! i n i1', mi m rr V S,nng My aile s ll HO f" j. oicd FHUay ng dhu s - i"i,' r A .vdt Uike president 15 i I F o 1! ii iston, I( , and W3s of 1 e a a'tcr I, end T ,s 'h ,i tm si' is nn c nd m snt uf so s ,n'el of th rci i r i",n .. tip o' i" ai h sltj t s i PR i,, p idem pr is B w Dr. Mr Bail' v hod Ixvn ' i co Kc limn I' on an fha' ! B-- a busiiiis-- Mu ai o addies-c- d e ulty is a i r-- 1 7 t L ol ( e pv"t p Jk he s, 'lust liuiet Balance i i'u! Hi ni U d tho t: st i'i - roust maintain its tu.i a'l e of jViwer . ;ii "t ' lie primp mciitx e i tor wh. sent, mv t (iiish.iiei - f f e p-- is lh-- U'e mi w Wiiiiams D Ke j f S.a i home i n n o(i I e I a tti ! a i IS a i eel to d m o y Inn base I ( an Overcome we no a a 1! i g job to do," th executive ( e pH .1 de o' e f the SaR i,ke A e t pi (iq O r? I i viod - i .ik- OLiluarie Sail Laker. 7(). Dies. Seminar Shaker Sa .Students Gather For t I ah Ct,vrjMe 5 , |