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Show a , ,- j Br .nx uted 0V.f'rt a. vrit r for ttn Piv'ham ,.tv 4 ft ihp f prs a nt nt of carrU-- lift 4 Mormon t hurt h own ' M tln! joxcph Sp' Mormw, nmt the sixuri'y whus-ivsh- lk fort e in disgust in late said he personal! wax asxed to d'signrrrf nN trke spyng which he cor side red beond the responsibilities of a law enforcement agent y BYU Graduate 'OHuta' i & &sjfi.vn v c n'icn ltun's 'Ini row said witch hurts for arc cot ducted drug abusers and horro'-euais Ki Ishaw denied that dor nutorui or other student housing facilities have been bugged per se, but he did admit that electronic recording devices have been piant'xi on students m order to gainer inhumation on rcKimmatc-- s and acquain e t mi es I'e also admitted that there has been some surveil'nnce as far away as Sail Lake City Kelshaw also acknowledged as Me. now alleged th.it searibis of donns and other studi nt housing units have taken place without s what they keep on file on Mor people in this school, He n the nmfs ing and Seem tty Fo,-The BYU eeunty force pays no attention to the human lights of anyone on this campus faculty or students Its Big Brother all the wav They harrass low s bona Bde search warrants But Kild.aw '.ud no search has Un concluded wi'hout v erba! pci mission cr a signed statement of acouievmce from the studi uts involved Morrow said me statement sgnc it by all students at time of admission to follow the rules and policies of the umversdv ifl open regarded K security personnel as pc rrmssion enough Morpow said he was asked several tunes to carry hidden e!.ctroruc d vices One such assignment was to look for drugs at an all n.le party of stuejf nts whose wives were at a church Relief Society meeting He said he never cximpb ted the assignment agents have used dfvicvs to spv on students Gith on and off campus, m dormutora s, private spitt ments, m. rrud stolent hous- innocent people Evervt!v can be under nve- t'gation Its the atmosphere 1 hi kip fills on every hodv for anv reason Only Gixi knows Morrow who says he remains a local rT.emtx r of the (horih of Jcmis Chn-- t of -- liter da Sairfs, grad i.ifed stad'nt Mur from the 2 men irislitatiop last year arid now works m a quickstep t,Morv store in Npnngvilie I tali 1 Securtty Chu f Kola rt haw denies the charges s.rl We haven t dune anything arv ohcr poi.ee d pa rimer t In r t done he i haw sdid adding that his opt a. ion is ut my Vie jx n 10 piiljl'i sex have nothin), to lair, h" s.ad Morrow ca s he isn t ready to c harpe thr t any t! ng ilk g jil was done hut he s,ys h thinks many activities come (hoe to tv mg illegal 1 fltmoph' re rt1 Tu r &t?'vj , Bj J?r t- - e- - 1 mtH 1 , hw Hi v risa1 l at UV" w k, ITj. Ijimt'c Shrhcr w.th tne in! of our camo is aid the L urn ng enerprse 11 any cusp, Dr Oaks s.od 1 m soirv it is n ccs-ar- y to have a eeuTv ofce a' ail just a3 1 an v.t But we m. eed to employ so atmtrpbere at BY U 'd.WX rrfund'T f Jiu Security Officer Tells of Intrigue, Spying -i.' px C.yrrv aW' WEwe r?1) U 4 v- -r , ,.H V 1t to ,4. ud said BYU undin o ei Brigham Yoiinu Imversity President Dall.n H Oaxs late to the Friday, former undercovir agencs charges, that said an atmosphere of intiigue, spying censorship and harassment exists on ihc IPiU campus, rep! d, Non sc r. e We make everv possible ffort to con luc t ail umv en-foperat.ons well wrhmtlie equipments d tne iaw That me bi.tos iha af,ti' dies of oar security off ce, Said Bpsi-der- t Oaks, who is also a lawyer The university leader also said he had nothing to add at this time to BYU security chief Robert Kelshaws admission m the article that electronic recording devices have been planted on students in older to gather information on roommates and acquaintances and s inches wete conducted of dorms or other student hou-- . mg urm. with beoa Life search warrants No Incidents deuces but he wouldn't be if security offne surpn-e- d had made such im st gahors of tote over a Taen. when President Oaks was askef if the-- e Was a mc.re widespread campaign to find drug abusers and homosexuals among BYU students, he replied Our security force is charged with helping protect our university from influences tlut we try to exclude from our university community Two mfluinces we wish to exclude from the BYU community are acPve homosexu-al- and drug users, and these subjects are therefore among there with which our security force is concerned But, for tunatev such occurrences he ce relatively rare y 1 Vrh'-- if ed S) vl id We Bid' -- r 1 cdus, s'rt.- ani r.atien, but uif mtuiately thcie are influences in out in pdice - o- -r m New k TTiC Cun pFIs X' V bhriver rlSUvIjVn- - I mm the 1 ' to Fiuucc, neitvcsl Frances Upmn of Honor!' r ter work m helping h ut ca a u ch Id en If tne problems of thi se it.iuten ate darting to re widet unci mote eener it is thanks to ou attncHon v pjr act iv Pies and mflu President Y j'erv G.s-cui nee (1 F'st,. rg s(id in pit v w r ttie u a t bug Flie presentation was foi lowed by a lunch ittinded by Ms Shpvtrs nephew an.t rvxt J ern and haiolme Kti 'ksK and Pic'ire Soling to Mrs 11 , r pH's q 1,, - n't bn .ner Pri tiis-i.i- society that make tt reces dry for u to have son'e police protection, I e Sa.d Preside nt Oaks also saii he cooldflt arswt-- r if a student h.und to te homosexual or a drug user would he expelled The utuverxiiy follows plinary pohoes ard Ircus each case ind'vidually, l.e said When aked if the university keeps moral files cn stu dents, he repluxi that t! e BYU has many types of file v such as health academic files which waid contain hat personal iriformabon very sensi'ive information is kept confiGet tiai and that the university has a poi'cy for regularly destroying .nfor mati.n for the putoctnn of ! dv-- ci srct 1 I -- dont have a eampux-wid- c surveillance orgamca tioit linking over the shoul-- d rs of BYU students We dor t have need of that and would consider that kind of agents chwked known homosexual haunt x lK)kit;g for BU stu, fonts I're'-id-. r.t Oaks replied that he fxuson ally did t know of any lnci ty Ih'iriw' I n ncii Honor vou his look and urn di ngnted that children art he -- e today -- on 1,' 'hti F K' nrn dv 1 u nt ' oe ,aid c.tvarl 1 I J C- are -t t .Id Mrs Shllver thosp involved MtmmammMwmmi, J 'y sswwA iaj ifAy? cy iAA x jt-- N . 3 y it - '5w ,.c. h r-- V si f J, ? ? , 4- - f vs,s ( aV , f Y' . 4 a 'I'' H , - Handy Values Cup for the Road A the necessities for a good cup of coffee almost anywhere Electric coffee potperco-- I dor three cups spoons suqar and creamer handy bottle opener too Black carrying case of Roy aide , a lightweight yet durable plashc Sorry no mail and phone orders Quilting Time AM reg. 45.00 Saturday only Luggage Stationery, Salt Lake only alt Lake only (3 21) on a'l the mar S tving-- , Have desk necessities neat'y at hand Great little items to keep or give Automatic Tape Dispenser, battery oner ated Avoid tape tangles reg 8 95 2.00 Bulletin Ball, rotating note holder Room for req 6 50 3 25 pencils too stapler, and Stapler Holder, hand-size- d req 3 50 1.75 stapie storage Sorry no man and phew orders 30.00 V- - rvgs Handsome Stainless bad ng and flan- Great for the family great for entertaining as P.stol Gnp pattern set includes 8 each dinner and salad forks knives xpo xis iced tea spoons oyster forks, 16 If ispoons 1 each, butter knife sugar c.poon coid meat ork berry spoon gravy ladle and pie server nel Bonded Batting, soft and fluMy polyester o and mat resistant White 1 lb 82x96 , req 5 59 4 49 V: lb 90x108 reg 8 29 6.49 2 b 90x108 reg 10 89 8 49 Cotton Flannel, the softest quilt fabric in brightly colored florals 45 wide reg 1 79 1 29 yd. Fabncs Salt Lake only (321 ) wel1 , , (32 1) 70-pie- 19.95 reg. 29.95 Housawares all stores (321 ) rtf 1 - jL 4 ( t ! y H i Y ft t f 1 t jlV .Il'iN I' J WjE XT' C t , Jf t X ' AyEi -- J v turf's 4 jjfli , s V m' - 5 gf j vjIVS' Bright Lights I' . y:? K -- ? dv? h N tt Elegant etctied crystal tno with pnsms hung on artique brass girandoles Achromatic also ruby and amber reg. 69.95 crystal Elegant Reflections 44.95 Jewel Pillows Pretty pendant lamp decorahxl with two tone rcendels and stuny enamel center pondant White b ill yedow blacK otanqe green and mustard Heght diameter 15 s 1 16 reg. 39.95 Lamps all stores XlV-mspir- Watch This Barclay pil'ows ideally balanced for comfort 80 soft white goose feathers and 20 white goose down Pretty blue and white ticking Standard, reg. 15.00, , 50 watts Perfect Panasonic color Fine features include soitd state chassis, automatic fine tuning and tnt new Quintex picture tube Screen di tgonally measured, 19 12.99 00 17 99 Queen, reg 26 00, 22 99 King, reg 21 26.95 Domestics (321) all Louis Turner mirrors Float glass specially designed for true depth of image and bnlliant lustre Richly Famed in molded polystyrene finished in Ormulu gold left. Elegant wave cap carvings, 33x45. reg. 439.95 stores (321) TV 43x48 399.00 Stereo Salt Lake only (321) j t ft? r r rtf t at y i Color Toss- - Up Sophisticated reororiurtions of Gal forma artict Mini rkmrvrotryr rV V.W4 voK4 riltruc nf rvrv w w WU v soft Kapok filling Knife edge or center button sty .ng 12 Sorry, no mail and phone orders reg. 55.00 Saturday and Monday only I , 1 ' k 4 I T I P'av-- Wail Decor ad (312) ' de c0' nts s'" it 3 C'lr -- .a (rt .pi ; a Id 6bc fa 3 yards collect . t ji ( of stores 39.98 reg. 4.00 ea., (3 '21) fabric, 55c fur Art and Needlework, butt ait r ,g, 85c Lre Cttv for Ua ii.us. 825 1 7 i 5 for 2 bed 1.50 Sal Lake and Fashion Rare pulows tno kgnts or Ogden 374 2783 Pro. o, Auerbach s Lady Atkins foam and coil mattress with matching box springs Quality prebuilt corded edge, postunzed tnnerspnng and outstardmg orthopedic aualttv sets Twin, reg 139 93, 109.99 run, req lay 98 124 99 Queen, reg 193 98, 159 93 Dual King, c set, reg 259 93, 209 59 Beauty Glide Frames, Save 20 Twm, Full, Queen, reg 27 98, 22 C3 Dual King, mg 37 98, 30.38 2-- The Flair of Art Deco Rosamond Delicate tones of pear! grey white blue and mauva all mirror framed 39,90 reg. S9.99 mllFD, 1 Good Nights Sleep I. fascinating hobby See new aquanum designs handsomely finished wim wood tnm Introducing two new s'ylos m saltwater cleconums CPDEKo - q J . A PKAf p - Decoriums MAiL AND (321) i LV : Deconums Sal Laxe and Fashion 69.95 's 259.99 Pricvj reg. 95.00 4 SALE luumiwuuuii 45.00 Collector s Shop ail stores ! MODEL SHOWN Reg 2S9 49 reg. 75.00 right: Ornate shell and floral carving, pendant 7enith 737 in Sleep Strop, a'l lamp, television, mirror, riecooum ctfiying delivery ureas stores (321) nrura mdH act r k v,' $ |