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Show A.W Ifa ,nU tv 4 Lake S,!ir,; Mint nwpv, Don's 'Foss Out Those fcMll rw r rtJi Am ' vfTO V K OW If Car Wt fjFOw tf TO OWi tw'VARf tfl art nrf,v r TOC Phi CHART V iNf tom A If C C Mac tV w H r S' WARM FRONT ' COI.O FRONT : STATIC FRONT mm if) snow Sal- nsAM4rs3 iirtrorw r r 4tor j Xf b b 41 if $2 44 i.t 74 91 SI 42 41 t C f Art prii-ti- f iwry V.tor yott c On rttn - I'k'M roolrr temperatures with some clearing b night - and - a Of WT4- -- H VvT or vmt xas vyvv Cnv n.w fjr'toy TO wfwn Sw v'4irn or cknjr- ' cs 'brfXrjt Xm r irWM s rvrvs Afltfs ot fww jrormt stenu Tw,ocNrafo'! Ti BSfWv r Mjff rf- V -r Mfpnrtw rl w at. 'hrx Elmo W Hamilton, presi dent of the Utah Farm Bureau Federation, said, Our export market for wheat, tom, soybeans and other farm luuinitxlities ha helped build up our farm production The average consumer in our grocery stores might Ri i Dv ftfatvrdv S rvv nd iarodav nigT Art,'rnp rtvemigrif lows rnot JO TO W a 4TH extren so TO H mj! v n t& ctrarr sooTO oav "7 tfrjoff" Die reoperurg of frv trade m US farm exports will benefit consumers because it will mean more food m the futui e, a farm bureau official said Friday tt og Hcrtiss ! i c Mr r arjrfiat o rtf' ckkvJv v vow tooo fnoprra iwny Lorn Sato rtav ftod st aFcfo men vrowars As ro otyA 45 TO ji Hto s n 4f r fr (OtfMr SJTWrrt ri qfif ord sato'dav Sftfyrdav Partly vfl ,ffv jnrtay mitr wtffy PM' 15 XH H r sM wt Alt r and Suvvtv r trw 40s JO nrw. m r smtwMkt biavadii Strong gp ns srrom rwl o 40 Tt p r. icn.a r,as V STO and (Jiji eaOv rtg y vbl ly sprMfing into rTrm six.tn hv SatyfftoV fww "lorn nq C h&vt & ioca iy 4 000 tTt vtow yv! mon'a WvomiTOi 71 n iorfc vt3 Sarproa Vx-7- Aiht iprocr Pi Paso 4 jrrVv r t X k' Monfi-f- rf rft ja,wmFv ntflmr nr rswnV4il 4fl mij 2fls Mh SfXam rvj intrsutno Scattareo shfmn, eauroav rrn most pomon eocryn re nq py 4)' rr a Iwieo ny )l r 4 Official Details Benefits Of U.S. Farm Exports 'rJ herxsrotng f ., I y, ! Cs4fl And Pmvo .3 oarini r ear rfl rtw.rrtsog eJ paniv Mr t flit Sunn fnv - M C TVy eiMwvtd otfUttfti MVIW HfM4)T hv hav ST t C BirT'infjt'TF lno v Itfl V im f r'cpr e V City t Sffi Loots Kev, is (mM-- m n p v t owt Saipf 'fl rlwths Sarjftwv ff 'V-or ran rf 0 near M ProytfHt'fy JC p1 Satrtjav da.fM8 R f cn'vjr IfM no rard STOWS mrxntnrn tg 40 fm4 fvr SaVr arxj snows ScftffAyJ k axcpOf S 0OQ tvver bae the opinion that silLng gram and other farm products overseas has rais.sj food prices, but this is not the case " He said the increased ol ume oi farm products has lowered the cost of growing food and Bed which m turn has helped keep food prices down Recently the U S Depan ment of Agriculture an pounced it has cancelled requirements for prior approv ai of US grain sales o uc J iA ' A D for map V AUAntfl Mjftw indicate i6 Ksnsrts C v Wtm parous 4 J aw 1 WTT s trap cd" Vi a F V SCO vryrok C otaiqo rv t 4? AW r P'r)ct1Vor' ft'T nrrurno atae ecesa VOvr-W- vnoinav Aj VHtne ttvtt T FLUPPifS,. Weather forecast urda 'V. NfwTiliANS S AaTm. S5 WsNe- Mt cx137 a P S3 lfc SiMX 5" 4vre Sfi V) Of .lacjo f runt iatf er 47 p w M mv 3 st fV '-- Sti 4 yvt o h rvf AFmcJover 9 0 W fjsAstf'PS tv key Cor( 1h l4 Vt rdaij. eiyxsa .afc dw - pr ifenttw tViO pjd Ti1 t SdtirdA i Portlrj V f s?tt 41 V, ypr y auIV rfhp cww 42 AivHor jwjf F'etlMWWj Horv) U'U tty Mk9j Av pi o K4HCV HI C lfVvHt J Jon t m-- St T r 2 Vtn rarsi nq P t iir rk pr trwji C &C Isri 4 77 .f tw rawh V tf x 1 ort r Vi VMtAnfjiio rr fVJ40h I ( J y Vr pntr Hr ft r CnTyfir Hi FW it r jj.fX.fV Mukhiks Just 'el Tjs.jnr Fvn r 12 Mi 77 V 4 hp rwryj viMf Sfls snow r VW' V- Well-Vo- rn 5 Wfywnw oignt TiWPERATU6 T iKx mTiu iA At v iOi U HVH " TTlf rq 'fcy'1w1 .) av w SNOW ? "J 22. P7.- $3f f'SfeA PAIN t. 4 c-- i4K ' , A fo' 3 This is Rondelay ' S' Smart ' ' ! a 4 '!A I r Sherbet Plaid for the A Little Miss carvel dorirjn on t.no nylon p.lo w'th non kid backing Decorator sbados of bluch fern wry royal 3go yellow brown or ' 4vvuUu, ? hi low r w 2rrrr; Aw;s bi lO'SWPf't CUy-- O JV V Ah n fitirZt 98 24x36'. rng 5 03 contour, rog 5 98 3 98 27 round, mg 5 98 3 98 27x48", reg 9 98 6 98 36x54", rog 16 98 9 98 lid cover, reg 3 49 2 98 3 v V.: , v; y Easter Dainties 2-- 8.00 f? Have a spring fling Free from HgASS Two delightful confections from our large selection of sprinq prints and pastels for the young miss left) Dotted Swiss ol carefree polyester co'ton with baby doil solves a fril of ribbon and lace ing a pourf of sasn Pink m sizes 4 to 6x F x Ch Idren s Shop all stom 3(321) s rX3tvJ,- . vv r. n cxns.r4a05?.' Ai C1V7 niV. :-j2 lif-t- TvDB $ ; '7s ( Bargain Center Domestics, Salt Lake and Fashion Place (321) ' grown up took for 'he e Easter parader Dobed Swiss of polyester-cofo- n in soh shades of iemon-bli.- e apr.cot with front pnrei of biue edged with seal1 oped lace Sizes 4 A i imported French perfume 13.00 kj 5 d smocking tops a charming irigh) with n whul of skirt rosebud appolyester plique Pink sizes 7 to 14 Ei & 'iPi' r Ot tex-tuio- 'PrC1 tl Gris Snop Poly Pot automatic electric cooker cooks soups stews casseroles etc with no 16.00 Ti Uil pot watching ur stirring Com automatic Giant 5 j qt lluminum cooking well lined with new Classic White Teflon II See tnrough "over Chocolae rr parsley green 19.95 1 For Cooking Ease odor-fre- in ropylene D( PtjrM Size Starts March 21 while quantities last Th.s week get a purse size bottle of Repligue imported French perfume worth 7 00 It s yours just for buying 2 pairs of Hanes sandalfoot pantyhose Choosn from Ulra Sneer Everyday orAlve Sup- Insta- - Hot warms or heats your favorite foohs or beverages in ust m nutes Temperature selector holds any temoorature from 100 to 205 F Capacity cups PoKpropy one in yellow qreen or flame reg 14.95 1 1 Poly Perk automatic electric coffee maker brews 2 to 4 cups Durable scratcn-rosista- v rX r : j: 6.99 Poly automatic electric polypyellow green or flame e port The elegant beauty of Hanes pantyhose and the fragrance of Repligue is the ultimate combination Tne supply of Replique is limited so visit our hosiery department soon Hosiery a!1 stores 321 .45 Hou ew -- , ' y? :U'n s Jl t. US rt - h Invite the Neighbors in 7 Enoy these st"y at home days King Size portables by Samson'o Contoured and padded back rests rugged welded U 1, ' ,' Av. if, "7 . F "vV with 4 'C i;r , 4, steel construction baked enamel vinyl ujthoistery Easy open-clos- e leg locks Moss or walnut d chip-resista- 1 J - ) , ,V t - 321 V v ALl i vlyCt'U i sores fI 7' S, lies a'l . vf : '0K11 J V, xv ' Deluxe bridge Set 86 00 value Table only 15 95 Chars each 12.95 c. yk Spring Tonic for the Bath Elegante Towels Graceful scroll design of le ws me flowers on softly s'nped panel background Shades ol pirn hone or Carpeting luminous deep nylon plush pile with st,y put rubber bacf Completely w.ish.itie Cut to fit or use as ar area n,q Fern yellow Siamese pink royal Wall-to-wa- yellow 62.S5 Fraternity Matchups Smock top you can in tp-i- Eaty-was- h KnHiro t n f cuns Sizes Also in white, deluxe bnrtqe set 86 00 value, Table only Chairs arh many colors so 4 with all vour skirts and pants polyester cotton with smocked patchwork 4 x 8 to 1 8 n ft p-- of cli 5-- iu 13.00 54.95 13 95 10 95 e? Samsonite Polyester gabard.no flare pants with Helanca fror t panel Fit trimly and wash m a wink Navy choco'ae ght blue or m.nt Sizes 6 to 16 s're'cn Domeshcs Sa't PhONF ORDt RS Lar e a-- d 13.00 Fashion Place (321) uLED md "ate 2nd rnlor choice whem poss b'e Peond our delivery 3rn 11 85c fm 'ov 'umer tug setof tuwtl, t tVr . h . rs an 1 hi'h carret Snt re pht COiVc Fhone arjers 326 1 63 ' Ut Lake 525 1607 Ogden F 1 it - - aa ll Bath Hand, MAIL AND 2 paJrs Sandalfoot Pantuhose otpres 321) pk-tel- reg. when you bi f Housewams Salt Lake and Fashion Place (321) t4r ca for 34 2780 rraten Prove ; macn ups 7emth 74 7 r pr any g de. 72c r p a eas hr percolators, 15c for uurtyhose, |