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Show - Hpi iiH'MiRir''-T:VJ!- : , vn wnyytwx ar r 1, t IjIi s' I! s .; !'Tf asTion t ( i time to begin .1 and what hc'tt i It an out a lortt oi i liemi, ( V, I 1 W Il Intht U f r vJ i r av . f . r - , 4 . , l , ' v - k "eO ""k , 'S. 1 Spt s r.i fc'f r Jf 5 r . 1 's is . . . 'sr j... tv j ' j. hi r ' (S. t S -- s ' ' r, VSat fc j??. p v It 1, Ce-'-- S : , ;Lr 4' . is t, : . s 'Vn Sk'S, 1' sb 1 nl J i' anti !)- - Mai i a . Mr-- ' r JO the 'Hit so thill -- and 10 dont I lit lit t in sda vs tconuimsl home exit mien tile iHiokv ot utie i lilt n vllt w s. C She it nu I, v to nn.ke tht two ( sst s (("Punts pu lured hire Tvio blouses litre made oni om (xiivestcr knit tress with pit ntx of cuttings or s laps lilt ( .er to turn or ti'inbiiic with other fibiits tor u not lx pantsuit oi (licss v, i, lit 0s pal j, fCCJ y,,' ? ,sv,,v xs What . bmit s , ou an i ur think a 1 Youi lohiK thd line srnis ? ,? (Readers liitest s7 Iitvs, 4- on the t ot AFTER Ml is f O', unity JHpatsi pan nts He is uttliol nneisi M'dital Maiyland Sthool and at Johns Hopkins Metlital StluHil and has also iiiitten a noul and tints1 plai v 1 t a Jl t i II UiK t s vt t I 11 uh on ,to too h i inis-'orivisteiitly u , J n tl U lliu t. kfi I k.. (u al of ii litres th t instant o. lie saul the th ltl v ho tout mm s to lie h sgt t Hal nl his p ot nU 'it t b to mi !, i stum! that this i a s( i im,s mutter Nut r lit Igiuii etl "im 111 l, he said ' mil seep into the child s sot ud hie will sup into tin si hud Fioin his pi .h tile Kappt said he lias learned that the mistakes paients m .in alxiiil and the mistakes pal t nts make are not nttessaii li 'he s ime things They worn about their own lack ol inhumation about Ihiiic paients he tu foi waul hiltliin nene hl ( Horn they tailuie w a ;r , tiny t v. lilties fm t hlilil n tie little ditss U,. aweP5aB!rfjj'i i. it It nt s 1, ai to w b'arn ba"iin to to si sun Ift w iou re !so Thitj I on 1 fcAafc- little dress was Catrina's naxv and while striped total tod lor t),. pants blouse uld dress I' II it lei sj In cause mom once 1 and Mr of b y .i d e s s I Mrs She's 1 d aDeil Hoth, 11 4hte r 1 ogan. i lie said suiuss aie paiJwtd b Kapptlman tu ketl otf tilt thanks that have had im-pa- it on low did Iren aie rt ai t tl in the t ut rent genera-tio- n nioi e working motheis hi hit tl he strongh supports). It i, el ixti m led famihes, hie m the subtil bs ninth tail lie lV ited hul't i flu oi 1 inks sma l lanihts (the m uii mill child he sax eut.reli till li t cut utatuit" ttltimion with its intrias in 1 ( nigh lilmal piogiammmg and (Hilitual heiocs that ai t n t so lu kmc am moi c I sf 1, w li p 1 liildA dress I rum xxtimaids lrr I ad iptlllg a tiadilloilul to a slow 1 ookt st.ut iiiltl a little less liquid than III iiti,x' tallttl 01 Kxapoiation m slow e: ami moie litpud tail alw ai s tie added it needed LEsAE5AE SPBUEI SAVE UP TO last growing area makes it possible tor The Tiilnme to publish only the engage nu nt or wedding photograph, hit knitting yarns weaving yarns heavy macrame jute needlepoint not txilh (FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY) publication UPSTAIRS IN THE NEW SECTION with annouiu emtnts in I he the Inbuilt' should U oil itt ol tlm 1 iff st x It I)t pt . Room 212 Tiilnme Bldg at hast one link Ik foie day 01 tin wedding lemoni ued S-'S- rt hf '.'"d t moie skills then the punts ami top, U 4111111 rs t an nn.K' .t A t hild's dress of sjn 'le dis,n ts an excel H(! mu Move t l ( s a (ew 11 i J(L Wl.i'e t a ii. and moiluis know the lalue of jxilu stt i s w mb . ml wtar stt d the .tppi lath of V dm ' W e Know inu n e,i be 1, "tie ut a lta'iiuiblt1 houi Wh.t time shull m . blouse of is t - n nutiu ck l t.pe j'i lor a hi ginnt i to ti i I be t hispe cases in the lui'm ss nt tin' ntx k shuts ami warn! of the p.u ts to t liiiiii.ute lilting pu bhrns t to k omhalf of a 'triM'd tiitsv f h this little ixiiitster mini paients s,i thing to Hull ht asktd He sll, How discipline stun uord oi the ll it positive child' ol noli d t Tiirn nit' I Most pan nts lie said fall lnhi the habit of saietg don t do this " oi ie home lu 11 oi ou 11 tu in trouble ties a t. hi tl puiu linn nt - lie pit It s a si ip oil the ll u tl to spunk!!!, should be 'ist d tml u hen ill vt ipluie m tsi a fn m pum tua'ion Out' t.ne he s ud m n tin ilnlii dtM s somtlhnu th ' Hut itt ns his own ui lile somtvne m.tlui case, lie sail, ilh tlisi i sHt t th it has nut bet n dealt witn salislattouK Ut li t lit m $yt t bit n bt uut. limy m i m tii't ipiint or ton visit lit 1 villi' h m t llllt i hx i F' t w X, -- Hit gieat mu else in the nu. nbei ol weddings m our use T' ( oittMi Dress Hie p.mts were niade from b il of a in ax y totton dr v and tie orange ami Jnm t oka s o' lb p mts ami blouse s,'1, Kapisi n.m s.iul pin su al by !o' 0 It tommum v.ime wax a pul. ami to iollou lip tin it other loims i i4 It In Hat thsiespett a lultl b' am I e up Tht vtsomi it Submit a picture bclore weddingp for 1 til 1 said they h.neto piepaiul to punish the hment i T0 Ikiltmioie hap pediatriuan is tiaxelin 'lu count i y to piomete his Irnok Itiian mi, djugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Pepi (Juintero, Proxidenoe, shows new clothes from the old To assure photographs s5 feunh ustd thne tot Deal that unities parent' ro ot is .ilia impact am h ie on mi ihild . ulna to u k Will lit up mi mss' t'i it it s oi m bad tint ' bill lu '111 th llll't u it s p U t I, tv 111 ,kt .lit ( Mu lul k it iiiltlu n siit .til, and should b. I! ' il tin i t! It il J din ii no ti le mu n fin a in t k on Simd ty he s ud tht sh iiiltl make sure they do not me m by 1 uesday Win n pat t nts euc out pun home pi.misiu lot i nil about s,ml Discipline lx lit vis th lolloiittl thiouph ns ; T u . . . mus KapH Iman 1 t.d dui ui4 the PHOs anti , ;i,s bs blm.st Vi'ii' Minain LP'b hlltl ...ns! ( nieile .nt t ( t 111 outdated tl t nt tt it ly ' Jk s 1 n tun V' 41' 5s hit' (..'I ( onsisti ill ii (h Iman di i iphiit foi le t oti'1 ' nt Ti adit'tma! 1 lungs with p.utnts t h, but thtii mid vitutx tha'.vnu in some Kapptlman belli tiaditional Hunt's like lotk mg t bans, the t a unit gathei etl around the ilium i tabic, cherts for the ihildien, limits on what tlal.litu ten do spanking d notissaix and mutii d result s v? i. '. . O' S i. V ( t lit V ;:'U ftk 'ft , rs v I So nia U v !'' S(Hlf ilov ii tlm 111. .11 4 Trtym'.h. - f Sp k K it became rathi l nt to me that the Ixsiks t appai pai i nts w t n u iii4 wt re it al ( ! iiel .i! c t nt f J. ' pel hi V u t ills 111 o.i'itf end !t n eats suite lie iiaduattd from nu dual sthool, happtlman said ie i iki it .i'liu m ell lit !l tilt in tpl .on tp. .r liilr. ti t ith ell eppmat h f ir ii it n tun th it is t lose to old faslnt.ut tl ik ' Hi 1 nl i el tin t t '.I h 4 ' v lin n't . MM t Ihi I In the ' S 11 I .tit ulh t w. I-- -- M uct.u Ul llll , f; ts: 'j ht Page 12 22, lh7 aitaius These k' Saturday, March (um c husnih hood Women w slat Kappt Im m u ho lias tu,! e tl ti is an i one son rtiru ii , in am I.opi 11 to 20 smd he tonsidtf tne unilv a uoikni4 nail to which t1 tonti limit tin. In 'i In a in n turn .ml I. n Pit I. II - 'll1 m S u Htvtv-- t, t v -- J I (id Miriam limb. Jeaer ( oiritv extension etononnst. made gmid use of two worn dresses I . petitk Miv c Ss i u pa) (It I. 5 t'f tie IVOs l ahdp nils to til i bed ft tu n t I BEFORE i It - ?S4: jLiiiesuyiv J evti'u youi ed Imlith l f 1 1 tioin .e) Salt a!u tribune tTbf s ( budget Light I e s S r- V? ? .. , , - F 'd e av ;i i s' v I i Xi -- J , Old-fashion- 5 , &t&: WM nun trims fium youi child rearing ideas for these modem limes ? V t. t, , s r l t ' Ui t n.-- Mke -- Little t !oth-1 ixhiv s titdMin- -. aie Ib'lt tl. - fr mi big ones mi thu 1 ft tina 't is net 'every tu uu e R live the ont s nt u ( ittern ttu line Change then a i ttle and then drct m up nev nlor tomb naiitms and tMm .tines ! .inn4 out tin v in ( t maid vu.t ymiu thm fab i ic m lid to a w mu cloth s foi a little gn in ttie lam)!.. The Tllbiinc m iXitfl a ( JI 5n Xg&vffc t i6&S'' d tu a(. m s F! t i y 1.) m jMin ( tli f- ram aga.n xu.i again .t)ir v v .. tu n w it a Tla a folii'i.n 1 .h thin i r ( l.st for Mate lit'er-fLxkti'r'n S rvuc an i fount y ( xt mion ou it pronoun Uhacpt noth idee tor tali' publish using 'Mod fab i it you inn have (in iidiifj to makt Maim thing nf w at little mi t !;ri .bai'tin 1 Vd m fan li ", fjf? jL ft u and sew up your g , Wi fl ling TROLLEY SQUARE 111 1 1 lhe EAR PIERCING CLINIC ihaige tor wedding mi or re s poelog: tphs is to plodmtion costs Because oi Iht volume of photographs handled, Tht lnhune tan assume no iisponsibihti for i u tuies submitted EVERY SATURDAY FROM POLYESTER 5 to 15, 6 to 18 (.oldi n wedding and hi. Hi dui amiuuiit emt nt s are 11.11 ged lor spate ustd at the Ltd Wot'ct s Solids, prints in spring colors. Values to $18 quantities Reduced cs much os . Diev.es iae t A.M. TILL 5 P.M. f 9.99 tofies SpoCswecr ot app.ovmatily s? (nr on h TTt" should tx1 submit b J to KNIT SHIRTS 1 1 lassibed adxt rtising ticpai nu nt Newspaper CHILDREN'S JEAN JACKETS U1S Mam Menoi Coip xxacocaxaost.R a OB MRS Fcmous brand denim jackets Reg. to $10 THORNTON GOLDEN WEDDING 71 h( t w t Ck th Jrm jt Mr A Mry 0 B Thcor arc nriri ffrn w Tft an Oin flOlM? TO v cr ftvif Si nit tdding amivcHsary It U t J at ttv r hornp at U 4 IXtwi nu uo ' 4 l K?4 3 thy ttj v nib turd t cr Ui k byn i a f pm Sued V i O.mp Trh ael AH afford No jnvltKl to m drer s Dec) Fx'KIl GIRLS' DRESSES REDUCED Assorted, sacs 3 to 14. 80th Buy for BIRTHDAY &. ARTHUR W. GRIX j kj 1 1 ft trviv Su"' nt wei i5 v i ( ( g ':'f i Mt H f 42tw I i Ocl NmO luynti Mr Catrf 3v f, Anaarvfn is Mn 592f Tops, pants, skirts, 7 to 14. Some reduced even more than Gm IV, They i Foe1" ll J, msfice , & BLOUSES r'wkUv.YMu Spfldai group, sizes 5 to 13 Reg. to $16. 50' viv 1 rr hi ny Wwn hi v V Pi - .JfN Ch'LjPCns r Ca dfr'Y kc j in h CX hi & . SiUJ (.''tti V. -- .-- dli 'S, TXArtt n 1 $ livv. X. ?5 i x( mi!r? 0 II Gcw Fxe W iiKniiniriiiiiiffiirnirafixi tev i save 50 -- v In y j to oh hy It erentX RJran and 3 V WrMury 1 n JUNIOR SHIRTS VVZ7 B 1520 i5fcatd M m 1 cUxvhtan. Mra matan) Pvjh granaritdran nnMr pant at own ftcuM u iA-- v r 0. GIRLS' SPORTSWEAR - Mr Oitdan fxditjurv Bancho Pato x. (Gaa0'fi t arr and Mam G PA Fo s (it., 3U sove Oy- -p 3. Je-sJ- , Oddan I? 4 Fa"- - . . . j? FrtjnOi and raKatiwa ar uivftwJ tor Gnu marrfart Vicdt KaU Jft an Larwm c :- s'' and St !r . wn ot nu Ptaian H Auaita 0der v-- s Easer ely 9f Arttwx W Gr 1 E SiVS) w 1: hi to h an onto trcMrt 7 to 5 0 m nou ctMiitt 6.99 7 t a k 3"k ' jpif S' y 2 t- -, X U Juv m,, - |