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Show - nj 7.7 Million homes u us home de-- u Siighuy mure than wool, but net as durable as nylon, it is highly Vcryijc rating rwl'iets carpeting uC r.r:v-.-.- t ty 7 " m.ihon holds t u during Jv puut 12 r,f monrt.s, making carpeting ecrid oidy to interior paint huine in.pi c ement pupu-ar- w A iet carpeting, wall to- , all or on aiea rug, n a ith or shuuos c under j'ant!i.g t.f how lumber is lodo-i- t 21, s.Ik. 1171 RICHARDS ST. kUUBLB r id 532-353- 4 fear mi yourselfm PSt-Vll- t k HI 7 4Ot 5 DESIRE! Sum), tmm OPm t!j Less'' ond SATO HD AYS sitciausts if window decorating - racs per'di we-.- g that often ccnics the basis for other sjire dtcontaig activities, s a gx idea to know what o look for and how to care fur t akf Tulnum, b riday M j h Pnnpsrdv there are two methods by lllu.U or running foot, and by iw ard firot I incur toot m merely the ngtft of the bn mi If it is six linear the board is s x feel in length Foard feet i the toUl amount of lumber ;n a board, conudenng the wid'h, length ar.d thick To determine the number of board fee t, use tiesthe following formula- Multiply the thickness in inches by die width in Inches by the length in feet and divsae by 12 Tlie result is tlie number of board feet in the piece of lumber Por example, if the board is 1 inch thick. 6 inches in width and five ieet in length, the formula would work like this 1x6 6sS3S divided by 12 214 board feet and sod r even's Rfsi ds wear ar.d soiling w ell Remove - tains in Often found in Polyester t thag carpets, polyester is mediat ly keep a cat-fifor to test swatch stun drong, durable, easy to dean, drys well and resists remov ,d wear, dirt and slams wed Periodic shomj-.xilliIs for the tough Its extra nexts-ar- y Polypropylene dirt that has been Uanv strength and abil.ty to withstand harsh treatment make pled in If the dirt is not removed then the gritty builit ideal for r carpeting It resists stains dup can cause wear and tear on the fibers and soiling well include proper podding with your purchase It insures the Lfe of your carpets, serbs wear from trafhc, supports backing and helps Meet . 5 bs ii e .senna! -- i am area en'J v o they 11 n sihent and easy to dean tj ajt r licit Jura Me 5 ? Buying lumber? It's sold by linear or board feet have new carpets io Sh The to-g- indoor-outdoo- UI lurT,., FEATURING'. OYN DXAPES? MAKE YOUR V' INVISIBLE VENETIAN Now you son buy t e fsbras at a t'a ton of re' se'edion to ch'-- e trom M!N! BUND n ouf own shop fur nmvj ofe dlivery. We 0U0 handle a your wndj s beatUi cohort in woven woods decorative shades, ete Made ! i dr cost I CQMS SSS OUR SAMPLES! 1 CUSTOM-MAD- CRAPES AVA11ABU' E if re s a brief rundown of five major carpet fibers . J them p roperties Wind The chi'iioagne r is long- carpeting, FotMr , es. nh nnui , v v.AvUi C V. VS11 ' - is sod well, tut is very Proper care of your carp t . irg will koep it looking new vpcri'ive tor g ai'er its purchase Here Its extra strength Nylon are some handy ad good wearing quahty thorwghly once 'oake it excellent for high traffic are3s Resilience (how or twice & week, supj lement ,dl it springs buck after w iLhfordaily touchups, especially plushes and shags, i ry ,hmgt is medium to excellent depending upon con-- ! which tend to mat To prevent fading proruction Ny Ion sods readily tect carpets from direct sun- i, disease to clean O- - Have a family rT jj should be given to the yaid and the type o! playground equipment m the yard if there are ihildren The playground should be fairly Oat and level, and houid be seen clearly from the house. The play area should be rarked off with a border and covered with a suitable , round cover. In order to prov ide for a suitable cover, he area should be cleared off ov kiLing the ground with w etd cov er i hemicais Hien a black plastic covering should be laid followed by some three or four inches of washed pea gravel Pea grav el Is not as easily transferred to other areas of the vard and house as is sand, and it gives more if there is a r-- (all. are also satisare but harder ta factory, keep m place than pea gravel. Bv preparing the ground Wood chips Do g Not wherever -- , t iv r v. 4 t ( rs gm w m tm ARMSTRONG RCA GIBSON FRIGIDAIRE NORGE ZENITH KIIVINATQR MOTOROLA O'KEEFE & MERRITT CORNING DINETTE SETS LOVE SEATS AMANA BEDROOM SETS MAGIC CHEF LAMPS LIVING ROOM MATTRESSES KITCHEN AID SETS SOFAS TABLE Dresser Mirror Chest Meodboord r Black & White Walnut Grain Cabinet i?J4S possible. The S 19" DIAG. COlOil State Was $469.95 fi - Xf'S-- Stand 19.95 Puzzle answers riwgiiT liii Mn ' ' GIBSON FRIGIDAIRE 21 Cubic Foot REFRIGERATOR UPRIGHT FREEZER ' Reg. 455.95 Reg. 469.95 NOW While They Last u li f.10! is I A" O109. Solid Hal Clr foiiobl. oreoi, leg. 1 r Gibwn mof 149 II S 1 Co. Ft. Upngttf Df09o BimWIWH.f. S3 Co Gibson ll. Side- S59 - m jHo ! 9J.Gewl, M JX M $3 Twin Sue So x Sgt.ng VStlUt. leg I Mottrett. I00 Nylon Heavy Shag Carpet. Reg 9 91 tg. yd Full Sue lorn Spring 999 95 leg Froet-cWa- HOYJ Both For S'ereo. Model 1C Iratiw, leg Froit-Cle- Pwlabt Krtrti Swivvf toil IOOi Solid Shot 1199$ 5; 23- - (hag. Sylroma filatb 1! wood $999 95 A WXita. 139 tg cento!. es 1971 Gibeon IT Caor letr.gerof dew leg. F22 399. love Seat log loops. Table, Chain, IMt 2i-ef- 1 r: M Con tl 79Ceier 9S Model 4400 I lug Zenith Color Portable. 99 eolil etate. leg $379 91 It Dtag ICA. ttatk white with lemate Central, leg. 149 9J 4 Co- - Ft. tefrigerater. leg 319 OG TV tag. Super high speed orbital action. 10,000 OPM. Flush side design for sanding along vertical surfaces; in corners. Double insulated to protect against electric shock. Front and rear handles for positive control. Ul listed. 1 278' A 269 Iml clear Mura Wove Ovtni. 9enty MeiNIs IIWi itara enttv tt.il ei Bedroom sets. 29 to 39 118 st Come 1st Served. 1 Mottreu. Stereo, Moavl 290$. legs, 399 9$ $0 low The leg 91996 Rph. 16.99 4 1 ! NOW S r SO m. 'll! - tr '1 Ws repair oil makes cl pewer tools ELECTRIC f..OIO?. & SUPPLY ?owinciaTa vt T! 4h Sou'S .v, j. Sait V. lik C'iy T rj .i It 35WK& C ' --XC-.fB 0 r 9 1. ,VG TflO r J? - -- f 4 - A 4 1 i Vrt : rL .t . r F r. I i "ii U s V . v - s i . J ? 1388S leg 14 S3 . y 0,11 nee v j 4 to again. - J " u 10p.o e r - '.f 1 j reduced Zenith AM Clock Ridto, $114 Scale Hag. $14.9$ $4488 Maple Wood Raritan leg. 49 9S VST FmettMi-lack- Velvet Chain, $77 1C $! AH 30. Buy now. Prices will never be Sue Sox Qjr-- n Foie 30to6Otf Waite King Food Gtigeeev. let 70 cuetaMeri n G.bvon .c fSS Mottresi. leg U9 9I Med. Velvet Sola $gQS8 $Cfl3S leg JU i1 PORTABLE 10CVSolid 5X I orbital sander! fi ' PORTABLE TELEVISION Rockwell Double insulated ;li . tfs 0 If X2 x tudies conducted by one of ihe nations leading manufacturers of ovens and ranges With improved insulation systems to contain the heat duruig the cleaning cycle, the energy requirements during normal baking and roasting dre actually reduced, said the manufacturer. On the average, a self-- c leaning ov en costs no more to operate than a conventional oven, which has to be cleaned manually. - ctf1 t WE MUST LIQUIDATE swinging distance should be left clear of all obstruction. Younger childrens items should be placed in an area away from the larger items used by older children. Shaded areas should be utilized whenever possible ovens use than conven- at all, according to p dv Merry-go-roun- Costs no more ior operation more energy tional ovens - t this way. it provides for an efficient drainage after a rain storm, and the area can be played on within minutes The playground equipmert should be strong and sturav. and should have full weight pipes, rather than tubing The corners should be welded ar.d all ends of the pipe should be securely capped or welded shut. Equipment Sh ould be j strong enough to be used by adults to insure safety for children. Hie strength of the equipment should rely design and quality material, rather than on bolts and nuts. Placement of the equipment is also important Slides should be placed facing north to insure a cooler surface to slide down Ample room should be left so that children can slide off without running into other equipment. should have a five to eight-foo- t clearance around the outside diameter. Swings should be placed on level ground family improves its As 2 vTir.sfogWirUk, ibWAi3vcj:T0V VfJ, playground tome, consideration V SIWliW. i l V 4 I t r r XI NX A"v - 323-25- 0 '7-- - r S I 3. v4 v' Ji C sx. ry?- - gi, Tn iw 4 t I |