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Show t V ''1& mt- - i we C v 4' V V1 w Uti f 'i , y - v - SO' T er Lelemls former brum lolls M Prince twist - Bui t,ls ' i, a! -- umts yf! i -l i- I f 1 .i a) r 1 i t i ' pi the g t w was who m t i !o h,s o Ihlit t ow w ,h OR! Isr lor o"o spur a a, Pur ATT, ate t onion a?' after - 'v I 5 a H - ,U.iM. lUtftJJMIj BASEBALL UNIFORMS Sasebai! Sheas 1 BOYS' S & UNIFORM SCO if 1 Rt3 36 40 LITTLE LEAGUE " TO ?5 Curt L'i rCS ihiy BAMAOO PEG $TOW S32 BASEBALL Uj .wmmmll Abiorbenl ar'-- ". SHOES Elottic Moteriol p, j ; F- itmtcm '3 HINCKIEYS $ PRICE - m he 'ihisinous j peitett Of ' I IWICS.f CHOC( (J sj i S-- J i , I'ttear .is stiond a v e old j l oi the I FOR 1 00o g s- Ji -, H . . , a. tv 7 lf S e - t' i . s 1.1 ( ,4 is a i ' i t. mis a i i, si - l y u.i ux's u urn or HEL1ED tfWTiJM s e ' h Lc If 15 hi a in I i i fi 3 ni's i 7 u j i t . 'T uf f. 1 L SEPTS 50 V; 1 lb i i H fO BLLTED Z ! K 4' ? f ' '. s VhhtlHIj 4 i 5 22 )b - ti 5 p -- 2 I w - 'nr r v. 4 fc iiSfCS HE'S THE MAN TO SEE 1 ! X a ' S' 2 Is 2 tics,,,f 0 ! i ''r 1 i'1 t T C24. 1. 92 1 to 1 975 'C-Assf- ' J Lm u' f t'a' r,0T ki st cohns1 STEEL RAD5ALS one M!LE GUARANTEE 50,000 was rt.dh nertous on w.m iead to nit hot had pass out he said ailei waid ru&: I A-- ' Cmt ii ft paicuts Join and Candy Cocvper, are bowlers uttd now ha t sOiiietimlg 10 shout lot when the family , , va s NOW v r -- Pi .LA L . lf)W AT 0 UK itiflt OOS Ew 00o if Pacini 3 FACTORY PURCHASE Prices effective Thru March 26th SMALL CAR, COMPACT, FOREIGN PRICES T,-a Automotive Super Market A SPECIAL DISCED krA ? rim 1 4 (litSsh . 1 H 1 JMESfsV m Your 1 C - 1 L; J U' J G 7 S tj 359-765- in 71 2) 45 years 1 tTFO ThACTtCM r,m It OWN IT of Labor T; $? A9 OTH SOUTH AND MAfN I J.W. DREIVER TIHE GO. Utah's Tire Specialists for 8 P 17 70 P! j S i ! I 1 70 VP vft of Parts t; ROAD MUGGERS m hlkLilLC 1 li.aSur p,-i- ore 95 V,iOE VVIlD RlGGrD D SHITF LETTCP j Af,001Delivered of ,UVQ A PA'Sf 00 OVER 50 to choose from . . . oil GUARANTEED AS LONG AS YOU ! w j Hincklvys 00o ttj kOO 1 Factory Rebate I "s ' Ve Tvr-em- I 622 8eg Price fO Less s.od Suiiday s pral woaki be her lost n oJf f r 4 r t 1 floei' hih r he'd oiii l tOMG O -!tl i tAxipei who bowls with his Cottonwood High Stlnxii this but is not a league scs bow ler is on1 of the youngest Ixiwleis in the state to txiwl a trt TUBE SOX LITTLE LEAGUE SWEATBANOSrs. TOO! CHOICE HEAD OFWKIST ftANiS (EC. iti ytiuiTt wtil OUUA1T 1 KXK Cf AT Marie hum Stvitit rtand won both lu its for a total tir'ie of sccon h and her fourth d f union d die se.,-.o- Miss ! I Mi SASiiAlL . UUMT(9 1,1 fisc p cia1 slalom tUe Holotinte Miss Mouooii n'. rc. pt.is in Iniwhug t at h's wht u e n ii d i (i at g.init in op " ! the Ct(l mwooti lams Trios da ar t moon (ugh m alel S2 BASEBALL CAPS i 300 Came 6" 6tG ro 5 '& th .t Ml t- I 1 Hrgilri mM SIXIS bs a -i 4 i Ab U 'Y'i'p'' , I lion lor Irtp y LEATHF2 BASKETBALL EATS A Hurt Hooper Bowls Him Cijnie (JAsu?YSUOlS Vj HJADO'JARTtRS FOB . HUWfORMS, PROTECTIVE BALLS nl , BASEBALL SHOES STIfl CltATV - who has ul jfi?1 r V5S ff tatoes ? A x i said earlier I weald qu,t winning a Loild Hup shdoi i ' she told a nnna nd I skied radio st ition ioi I'nii tens in an effort t tin one oat I smph umldn t ,kt t f O y FINfST TOP CHAIN COWNlOf PROrrsSlONAl MHAL SPlltES NY I ON SOI! ChOICt Cf 3 LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL S7 ! nl carter lei rate ' I- mi miMV iri tioi'al races 2 VP HD HEW 1975 DODSi Miss Ir.iU, the kustrum ace who has won 42 interna M &&& u I t o f Moreeoif ski rate I eWWa l I s an Ihnrsdt ati OBtA il C fl up unpu1 ta Aod j (i p ki clown a in t'nud her retire ire" nier sf.e was lwot''r. iei t u.4 gi t paid a! rest td ruihmu ' he said, toil h it e to perlorm A Sat) Out) plajer can do those t! a gs end r.obodj notices But the people in Portland had g' eat txpettatioris be-- i oi-- e of B,lt A i Protd wrapper rts u- Siali, ! ii'!Ci?nr,e t n.-,- wkm f foot nit Iriied -- .ar.ehtieU 'diuscaj j,us ! "RAWLINGS" Leather GEAR vt.,v in "WI nr- Jjs, Altman .osjawiS, vj i Lot. OuiU ,'u rt''iuiind stiiipju.ts v -- w MEN a HO t ear V I, Kf I Too H st um n ihi t 1c i u "or 11 iv Put U alt ,r, s lost i ,r ,n ,ht M" was a najo, f up pir'timnt ar d he has unite r p ' e t r tit isni f i mn ,i turd fans and en, Oome nf his e i the -- 1 F-- got a great fulc-He just had a bad evpent r ee this season Put he !i be fc7nnrri7ttniT--irT- ! ( VU s f row ess o' t n t. i,. re, o ti . s that j't r was ne best it ei re h.ul toot dune, t! e u ; s' draft pu k m the Noio.ul Basketball Association lj,t eai. Mg, ling vttn Port'and fur a reported $3 iridium lie's ,ut i who lnk,s H isttd as tAolo:i s'arred at Adhon was tpe So I UlA tin t I ,hM "V hji, J..sa torh unitr fur t iPomo ippui s v.hj two ag vrtded fon toe Mo s P 1' r l ad'. rs vi,l U tS on r n ei burh a t u ' e: Bad 1 1 'Mnt a jr; ,u;i r, a basketball p!atcr H.s time is r( iraig aur .. , j a ) Mn 'lie 3s It I of in,- -. , av-up.- pub'c that u.ullp - U kiiu! Ciuu n;i if i' s SPORTS TIRES & f r'Sk '' bOOt? au 520 (3 rVYv ,V , , I M t Leader? Mithelin 'X' The Original Steel Belted Radial The - 'Htr ,jq' U9S 13 1495 M 9s 14 9a ,e 9s fl C1513 c,co i u VAV'fv .. Ajr Why Not Look To 14 95 14 95 bG0 m d5 1 1 56JI5 600 15 'Srj Esk- - T s ur FR70-1- Thr't only on quality Michelin radial too wo THE BEST tho Micnehn 'X' con o( you Michalin mtikot tirot only one way d rod, alt and thoyro all tho same quality THE BEST You got tho smooth ride, long tread life, puncture protection, proven road performance and dependability with every Michelin t,re because those are the dtinctrve 4 radial characteristics that pioneered over o quarter of a century ago The only thing we have to know is the type of car you drive That tells us which Michelin tire you need Sop in today and well tell you which Michelin tire you should have on your car Then have a set installed steel-bolte- GR70-1- 4 GR70-1- 5 tire t'ltg For , wnii 444', 41 for 4 weei doves trucks or campers wfH reguia' ed or diipte ruck tires RAISED WHITE LETTER RIDGt RUNNERS v ,e v eUu ynpi q. r & F 0 ms na Rnr-p- igay Think radial... and look to the leader v V2!SE 37.95 .uVJpl TRUCK TIRES M'CHELIN NOW SAVELI UP i at REDUCED PRICES n ''1. l)i i . I TRACTION HIGHWAY Offer Expires March 31 st Michelin costs less in the long run tha very long run from J. W. Brewer Tire Co., the West s largest and oldest Michelin dealer. THE MUSCLE TIRE! jc JTi, TUBELESS WHITEWALL TIRES 60 Series VOUC5 DTSUNe HONDA AND TOYOTA OWNERS r: O Full 4-p!- 50-1- Mile Guarantee raised whte Oo0 y 'CSJZ'S it. BELTED ' . CULjL 5 78 151 H 1 6 31.95 30.93 H78 15tT F78 lfiLT 6 32 9 H78 16LT 5 7 L78 16LT 3 7 160-i- s .1, 20.000 Whitewalls NOTICE: SfiJrj .. 'we -- Kosvy Duly si'each Shock lifetime MiU EL...L... TUD REMOVAL March 31 sf FO; Guarontefi a (1VI ly) , r jrYWWV., chinas) qirfi c ir irMKl mn1 r (TN rc 1 1 .jHf iv trsKcf t i wt, tcavtL tb r Ou tei tr t tin L VQEI f W h STOafs 196 na ti t n 4 iUnVEWSPV P e-- j f r's jv fa r Ks u itwf - t -- he ijt ii tr W t rw p (rvr mt (n Ogden vex p teas fp t3 M r ,mpn' plus 1hK h 1 TT v f h d i v ' erp V Tl 'T 1u ff'Cxt Tj Ivor ) Gf ii a fw es l lu tv !&! P f ij d r IE Rt 'tt HP it 4 f tv tH !?', v Q- yw 355 So JOOW 364 4317 - ( iwjwWrAeW , j, JK - St lO SUGAR HOUSE BOUNTIFUL 1330 Htghlond Dr 633 So 300 W. 1 PROVO 1350 W Center 385 7S31 363 1434 17tfc ft Wall Ave fl V 4 ''AtjAllAi Zti t cifimrv CGOfk. CLLARflELD w0 Jfsl W rm I' Jl DAVIS A 351 Wo Mam ' 4 , J d MljanY dUVALJ rtii', B.4 UYTON ROY ' 3 erY CO 0- -t 752 3404 A West J( AiinU , 1 - 31-e- ORFV dl - 'Q 3S.HV. UAE lOCATBIS b V SALT V LtHI NcW MEXICO. CAUrOPNiA good :MJcunirs;u t - LOGAN & nvuntPYO iy evs U.S. iH it BH&yjcrs siiiebu.'- oK pfM. AVAILABLE ONLY AT THESE I . JT'S- b ii F.1AN ALSO LOCAJlOHi SiMViNO- 1 T HES iHE SALT LAri OGDEN 1770 So JM W. J364 Grant Are 91 771 47 1087 w gf'fv' " 3BfaJEair 1 1 (en. rum ' AT; Soifth State -- .."I ' f iiavS. 3P f 'V 1 brewer's Revolving Credit Plan y'. or use your Bank Cards CHARGE IT PASSENGER TIRE GUARANTEE j N 00 1b 30 95 58 95 42 95 50 16 NO INTEREST! NO DOWN PAYMENT! 6 MONTHS TO PAY! Deadline AJi v 8 iswes!w0KJKsraasjE3ssfc SPECIAL! Ultra -- ric'! 15 27 95 30 93 7 00 15 29 95 32 95 7 00 15 31 95 35 95 6 50 10 6 7Q 28 95 , -- Styling 73 15LT 4 060-- u . C 1"AC H1"' 4Y YptACES 14 1 loo Hf WE letters GT 1 TRUCK & CAMPER TIRES No new rims reeoed for these boiled tires 3 &95 Nylon Plus CFET .52 BELTED WIDE 70 SERIES WHITEWALL SA 4 yaevo o HrtO h- - i rr X G Vi, y ij( |