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Show or liia fiinh I , - Suit a fc 4 , - v ' , Trr r J tribune V?' f i O Imlav I.ckniI f V-vcs- T I.tjt l- - in V, tobrst ir V Friday Morning, ''larch 4 , V f- 21, 1975 .5. X v t! fSi V Section L5 I X Page One pu s? i fc. k I v m .vnu - ! nicies - &.- i - ' is A Dan Valentine West its an midi Spring Season wnh t 4 to performances a matinee night and a performance Steve Horton who has to see the bills are paid for the company sadly reports that ballet shoes new cost about M3 50 and they re only eood for one per pair performance So, go to the ballet this weekend and help buy a ballerina a pair of shoes, B ? trf" S. " IN BRUSSELS. Bei gunn has come up w ith an unusual idea h.it might be used by some loeal i churches i It 'ik 14 '"s 1 v k v ! tw i W Sul i use n It ill ' r Cli f o' TV ivy V - v i eti icu! hue r K' A;V:Xr thud votkmaii was t: edited bv Salt Lake County sheiilt s deputies and I tab Hnjiway Fatiol troopcis with mvmi, one of the mj uied men when he knocked the victim away fimn The pastor ol the Belgium church has unladed a juke box right near the ..itar The panshoners can come in and pla hymns and choial selections w t 3 to say. the annual yearbook custom is faduig out of the American school system More and more high schools and colleges aie abol shing yearbook. The uason High cost and lack of mteiest among the students I don t know about you but I for one I. de to see the yearbooks disappear It w as so much fun Tinning around the last dav of school getting every body s signa ture And everybody had clever" little sav ings to w rite m the y earhooks VD V EARBOOkS ARE so handy to have around the house when you reach middle age you can see what you looked like when you were young INFLATION NOTE: Girl Scout cookies are now $1 25 a box, and I can remember when they were 50 cents a box But theyre still a great buy, and tne cause is great Two Girl Scouts called at the office the other day to sell cookies They said the Girl Scouts are 63 vears old this year They didn t look b3 vears old And did you know that the Boy Scouts are r.ow offering a Lawyers merit badge. Do you think John Dean would have come out better if he'd had a chance to win a "lawyer's'' merit badge when he was a kid I tecently attended the 55th wedding anniversary celebration of a couple of I rtends of mine Over a piece of anniversary cake husband ' How asked the 55 life after married years0is Weil" he said we nevei fight more any That s great." I said he It wouldn t do any good W e each hear other' can't explained The question that keeps bothering me is this: How's the parade going to get down Main Street on July 24th? TODAY S VALENTINE special Valentine today to a fine gentleman who has been working in the same location for 50 years His name is Horrocks Walter t ago he Long years J t. worked as a re-pairman at the old lliLCfl ? Salt Lake trolley - 1 long-marri- - v carbarn When the car was turned into a shopping center, John stayed on and now he is an u iher at the Trolley ''''i-- '' ) ban - Theater He's a gemal, friendly fellow uhr keeps his spirits bright for everyone ho meets v, Tt o vviilo kotsrli IK Ui ay o itvio a jouiv. ccwv,! and a I haH itnrH uhtAct vnu rp tppiuu? sort of ker says Iua, And that s just about the nicest thing that can be said about a man And a V alcnhnc to y ou, Sir a cow oi SAM. T!DC SAD CYNIC, SAtS Duf you hear about the downtown Salt Lake businessman who gave up Main Sheet for Lent'' At Medical Center 1U Garduua Di On don liO'gh Midvale was listed m uihuil condition and Clvde Joiuson. o 2025 Gienmaie 1575 S' East), was listed in fair conilihoii at Umveisity .Medical Center d Jack B'thewav ve was u edited with saving Mr Icghs life when lie knocked Mi Leigh awav fiom the rig Mr Leigh had tust s'arted the m itm ol the drilling machine when the lxom came in contact with the wires I was standing mar the westbound lanes of 'raflc when I heard a .toosh I looked up and could sec Cordon s gloves smoking and I knew immediately what " happened Mr Jordison said Suffers Burns Mi Joidison i an ox ei mid turned olf the motor of the dull and icceived thud (leuiee burns on Ins hands and feet The electrical chaige wa so gieat it burned and blew out the tire on the leit front side of the truck Mr Bvtheway said the crew was to dull test holes tor a pioposed overpass at ross what will be I 60 The overpass will sene the bait Lake City dump 7 72'i-ji- Lt. Lee West, top, and Thomas Bogle, paramedics, administer treatment to Cordon Leigh, who suffered severe electiirel shock Questions, Releases Suspect Acquitted by Provo Jury in Rape Case Hioket g.iN Nearly tenidin unsolved Mr flicker it a CAL chemistry stnio: from Stulacoom Wash, was released after the v ei diet Howevei Salt Lake County Detective Capt Pete Hay ward said a subpoc na was served on Mr linker just outside the an port Thursday morning Capt Havwaid said Mr Hickerwus I (.leased alter a statement w as obtained about the muider of Barbara Jean Rocky, 22, Menlo Park, Calif, whose nude body w as found in a canyon east of Salt Lake City March 12, 1974 She had been shot seveial times and sexually assaulted, police said No charges have been filed in the ease acquitted Provo )ury ol raping a Brigham A oung Iniversitv coed was questioned and released Thursday by Salt Lake County shot ill s officers investigating the yeai of a BAX coed Mi old i Hk ker nad dated And the foreman of the jtuy which iouixi Mr llitkci innocent after five horns of deliberation Wednesday night said in an liitei view he would have held out mi a gudty verdict if hed known another trial could have resulted from a hung jury n He said the six woman )uiy was deadlocked with a t2 vote for acquittal dm mg most of its deliberations I irst to Trial The c ase against Dicker, 24, was the first brought to trial in a series of Provo rapes over Die past two veai s involv mg ape-murd- two-ma- Citv-doun- lv all of the cases BA'i a by Still Checking Capt Hayward said he is checking into new leads into the slaying sUb ol Miss Rim k t Building Projec Lutich Counter Requires Change Eun oeioie me WVuiv(f r l4 , r uUHuuiq Sait ( M Lane uiyUVV - 4 livil VU,taV lUttUl opens, it will need $Wl worth of i) lounter u modeling ho iomt undertaking limit i way sum December was sC u 0pt,n Monday It will repluu a small stand in Hie building s sei ond Uwir lobby I I he r a low ev ei loiHcs-iurau- e & c ity engineering aides sa,d iww r wants pie (,,-e- s halili Si, aiul I'n si m iplioi x io-f- l n a couiiei t ui uown aim a ai ins n .njiri-ii'iiu oiuulu aiuiu yi the city and county are expected to hai e The aides said tin opeiator who will pay VH) a month or 12 pot cent of ins lowueu u IIIU1.1U11V aim Di I H(k dial Mx -t lo its si I i( ji i I I S a 'I, i ,0 a i pi month i i ,m la o l( oiitiai t to mi 'mil ,ni i stun. di hoeii - Nothin w as dam II ' II d 7" I f t i h. ml Ini tv doo it nn ol hov d Rival ton ll no s ( mv ti mint guba i pn klip miPibi m d (Mlu laL now (stihiate tnai iimnn n ba"i pn kup i nun , th m v( e Pace 11 t ( olumn In i ttunl c in ! I i t ornitv 111 diw a - ,iul 1 am n i e on 'basil Vuulm lum smi the aiu.iii ipaulv ha- - m m l 1 util a home ! Ml,.i sp Ii licit h.ats i v w, I o-- is t , i judge Could Impose hi liming Julv ! tnoioi ,sts registi i mg vehicles will pay a si 51) driver education tax fot 'dih vehicle instead ot tile si 25 This is companion to pie-en- t jiiotht" approved bill increasing the state aid to school districts for driver tilutalion courses fiom $55 to 1)5 pci student completing the touise PaC ei T ulniiie Political Editoi A lew penalty for vtolition ot httering law will be effective Mav If as the result of Gov Calvin L Hampton signing Thursday a bill passed by the roccnth adjourned Ltah Legislu ture With other signings alter July motorists registering furs lor the lust tune will be requntd to have monthly numbets on vehicle salely inspection C olumn 5 See Page The bill 11BH leplates the piesent misdemeanor penalty with a specilied mandatory minimum tme of Mr fm com letion of littering lt pi ovules for a maximum fine oi 50 B-- t. New Law Drcum Trip? Fund to Aid Sick Student Special to tne Tt loune EREDUMA An. -- The I ledoiua High School senior tlasx isn't going an its Calilui mu diejm tup The tudents aie giving away the trip tu a classmate who has hinds -- (aiuu Suu e member-- Ain-iu- uu gross loceipts as rent, had pievioush okayed the plans The engineers said a toinul extra work order must be appioved by ot v conm.ssmners behire ai.dioi iutem to do the lob ( an be giv c n re not going to give up We ve got to go back and lecheck a lot ot check each and cverv step "Capt Hay w aid said Deputy Salt Lake County Attorney David E Yocum, who took the deposi lion said there w as not enough ev idem e to issue any criminal complaints in the death of Miss Rocky He said Mr Hukcs statements Ihutsday verified some information lawmen have gathered, but iaid, It wouldn t be proper lor me to reveal pist what was said "He said Mr Hie ker will not be questioned further unless some thing else develops Police said they were told by Miss Rockys bishop m the Church ot Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints that she said she was engaged to Mr Hit ker But olficers said Mr llickcr told them he had dated the woman but was not engaged to her WTen the verdict was read Wednesday, Mr Ilicker stood and embraced his father, who had sat through the two-da- y eighth grade the treatment cal with a unanimous vote the students decided this week to turn ovei the trip funds to Mike They w ill pi esent him a chec k on Ei iduy It w ill be Mike s IMh birthday So Vvi 2!k Salt fake eritmnr We 'k'TOS3 U anywhe-- e in h e world and mail this coupon to- - The Salt Lake Tribune Circulation Dept , 143 South Mam Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 841 10 - stamps p'casp e En, cu n 'aptd to I.ard mi ney rde' or Fill out N- i cop es ol The Sol Lola Ir buae emc Travel ond Vaco, on G de Piuase mo IQ75 Sc Name 1 Addn ss C 2 iv St m V 2 P amp W'es City Oiem said the decision to acquit eair.e after he and one other jury member decided to go along vv ith the majority thought we had to De unanimous, that we had no other alternative, he s.ed "1 later found out that we eouid have reported that we couldnt reach a decision He said he would have held out tor that (pt.on if he had known it was liossible cccm OD fa"00 a 'ed anyw ire i the c or its ro -- lsmops GUIDE Send a copy to a friend anywhere Coming Sunday, March 23 tual Jury foreman Gary Backus TRAVEL AND .MJ VACATION Cftc OU jt3t ot My nans s Hhone 1 C.y Xoi Mo' o mn Maphon o"lrri fludh to the cnalation (Vwne S W 0 is 't rurwj m wuh jna Scene Ulnwn to nd ywn emm t'i eouw (: me Tip Cooe must be rnrHiftP r1 all 30 ot the Class of 1975 have fund-luism- immediately available $09 000 from s' ate liquor pi of its to pay for establish ing a special prosecutor and staff to assist a 3rd District Court grand jury in investigation of state liquor operations The special prosecutor is to be nominated by the Utah State Bar, attorney general s office and the Salt Lake County attorney's office Another bill dealing with liquor operations, providing new admin' trative controls has already been aporoved by the gov ernoi Driving Tax Earliei the goveinor signed bills uifecting motoris's One provides that tin1 , washed cuis held i attics, babysat cluklicn sold refreshments at ball g games and sponsoied other projects The funds they collected were put in a kitty toi a California tniale to thi.ii public edueatiui With $1,700 they planned to end the loui vears ol wink in style But last week the seniors tuund out that a tello'v student. Mike Hatch, son ot Mr and Mrs Lawaun Hatch, I redoiua, has cancer Doctors think s cancer has been the teen-age- r halted, but he needs extensive medi Special Prosecutor Another bill s'gned Thursday makes S. L. County M It e ,) boo os at a is a it iti d The new law also duetts that a nidge, as an additional option, may order a violator to devote at least one hour in cleaning up litter The bill also prohibits littering on waterways as well as land and sets out certain public areas where trash receptacles should be maintained The old law had earned a maximum penalty of $290 fine and six months in jail But legislators argued during debate that the penalty was rarely enforced 7 tells passed by Approximately the legislatuie, adjourned at midnight a week ago remain to be typed into final foim and transmitted tu the governor for action The governor has until midnight TuesJay to act on bills Unless specified otherwise, bills cleared by the governor become effective oil days after session end, or May 13 1 1 (b-iai- lol a p ic Sid ti, l, l)i this 1 i'rj p' o iount u i eat Mi d x IJ n m t ii It i 1 ton t (m M adv iMil t miiitv c onions'-k i a klti h. , 111 M llil l) tin pii -I 1 ot t 1 odi a b i -- a I io'ii i 'Oi a o' i 'mi Ly Lou0! is L V Mat o'i-- -- in 1 i s mi A , Depaitment ol H'ghw.ivs einplovcs were seiiouslx mini ed Thm s dav sboiUv be foie lu a m when a dulling machine tin y wen cKiitmg at 72IKI Ninth Temple shuck a 7 T'xi CHURCH till in ol u o' 5 Cleaning Penally For Utah Littering burned when he turned off motor of a drilling ng that came in contact with 7,00-vol- t power lines Gunge riibiau Sbliulian Ed.toi Two senes i s', ii 1 4 a r, tlf ( i oaia to now i ll Ip I X V Two Survive As Wire Hits Boom Naturdav V X.Xv $ 1 v ot tn to b.ll paid he emit) ait amount md tin lull it is mounted lie luu ges sd d and xni 20 a mouth loi tin lul ts and .iiKiut ss monlih loi U CTyde Joidison examines electrical burns on bands as lie waits for treatment by paramedics He was Ballet 1 performance vos, S a,tin m - II niiMii w is n at Hsohoioi but AAclout in uMuials ha.t mamt mietl the do not hai o Hit mom fo tool the bill I d reason The cod of ballet shoes can bankrupt a ballet company r X i, r hud st ol two liunsdiv . it i Europe are being done barefooted i j d modern ballets tost i i mu 'ii i V: t (I- mi ,u W But i More and more he tlicllelv Y Noihinii Soriou1 RAMBLING iailuU lies the tits aimhuist the pa-s- JlST III , 4. . i i Kim i ton (hi lu. s ost oi r pn ip is uis'n otlu iminiv taxpaiu abot '1 i a mo:, tli r Dan I a len line's i 'iiaphtii s, ii ,i is luni mu ii i iti m imnKed A j i ' iid di spue (kpaitnnnl t i l r , t I n .n ic vi nt ii i' na to i ' t si fo! d ill has u iuM d 1u ( .t i ol t t in . a umntv i lei ti a al a li i,i the 4c ii i'n t uni stall . Dev-pM- Iw c 1! ! i'omicw I -l TJ . X I ft or clan Owes j tuoioiiy $23,965 j 1 - , f j. aidwev NOTE drt ai sornosi ,n Pottx rejnijnwiis pfeX orniw you. !(Hk,,' H onto ;wt is nr i mii njme or lords ytw worling this rtsoofl tola.it weoi of bH i tbe UmtMt States and its pwr ijtions ws. |