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Show c.tit Luka Tritium', FtHai 'larch I hi Sources Say Soviet Sob Hulk Yielded Torpedoes N-Tip- l' W .i . Hi ipu- - li 'IdP Ci ui P' 'i li slllvj J1 al 1iU l ld tO 111 ' n 1 'A 1 i . . t ( 11 marine n lx !'i dot vurc uixmt qibm.riiu nik k ar-- t ipixl ter s dim1 dire to 'Oir'ut, I pi tit iti-- Gumhii the H i.iiiol and the f otic nuu hiia' at unstiamliltd al the see-ln.Aai mtssagtv the "jS-a; me wou'd have rou iced C old W ar PeriwI 11, e same code maelrne pit uniably could lie used to decode other imhtary mes s,tt the Sole Union had suit dunng the dtxaae that l1 n for lut i 2 h or tht. three balhs- tu missdts the submarine w (ft-,- frtnn tilt t!t'i tik Iku'.tir (k c in b tlu H.tvdid IliuikN milling .pud pans Jui ..ni tlie the torpedoes mi one tluid ot tht tt'onnr of 1 ol I ,ill submanne li true tins would mi an the t rtx'oveied too warhtads o,"Uiiv rai'ttl .'huh IU e i Link kc f .it tempting t sale a- .t Sin it t ubtruriiiO that ark nt rth n i d el Hawaii uun jtuis -o -- a 'ii is ij t knivn v tilth t os in ti.p 'ilun.iriiit euro I 'iili! tioPi t! o ('ft all hour In It I l.i I , I job Bars Liijcd on Saudi Fad vO t sad of a i tl th-- t s udl d !o-- It nnhtrotx It (on uo 1 i House su'h ommitti il iti.uiun I daid ham uts oat ol the the iptiro hist subm.mn', not lust a pxte of il Thus, the Sov ut w oulti Fn v e to U'sunis th it the I Tides! Matt's has gamed an unusual uisigt t into Sov it t weapons design When the other si io runs vou over with a truck like this the one y mi always worst has happened to you " one intelligence souue said It's automatic u at turn in this business able to ritriive i to! !i a hie ,cuv fount t1 rts Dili 11 rtn'!ud U ti 'll tv ('III 1 I a t on , u tii st t;p ti lit k tit jv.t m aiua , t u, t.et lot ,iip!'i u, is i ) t 111 t tl n i siibi ' loti i -- p. t plot hon'd I S ill b S Vi nui.doi t ii 1 .o--. !m -- 'UoMiil nutf itll e I I n u ' .i If tin Hoi po!d it al ott ell ot tit i ti ip tl I. it, soin i nt d w it i nil it ts in '.ilia ai v c m (I hi e- n do IV -- - .lit to see I thud oil" s tin jun p ont F'a t 1 1 11 k ord io Oj)joM Kelriction l nt ai io WSSHlNiiTON .Mi-- Pit F ard told Co, -sidei-on Ihuisduv tin! be will h" t la unlit uv opiXso ioieu.i I uitc d am PtW' ristuctit in' es mint Halt s t c t n i the pi wbi i e it U't1 he su'h ommiuet w is told i ont rati did pot name ,ltws but did piolubit any employ is fiom r iiiterestui m am st.de not n t ogmt d In 1 nues-,ai- i rtput In on whuh he d""- lii-eal econoim as p w i huh nt on absolutely national scumtv gitundorto pri'tt it an t ssentud national mtt it 't " He made the state merit n a message a tunipaiiv mg the third international etonomu - tlx Look at what vour nightgown is doin'!' K sll 1! otlx ers and enh-te- d linn ti Dam arid mo "!M,r the Saudi rablall Xatlollal (ill i lllstl a t lane imy st.,n t 'i't! r tile I S In pa 'n't oi Dt It use coptr 1 1. tht Pt il I O! l oi ( . htoi m.t Is about 1 iM jr ople i h nds t t1 nan Dm' m u. Soil, d st lost . n s t1 was ti so urn onti at t i li.tii in mini s B units . M i tV it sipii h t ,i I) N I 11 m bi pi V i bum lalllJ me It t 1 1 tie Cilontar Fxtiltier was Ip ,'l ON ' e rmi si i th 'v uni s th it bai t ti ini ii, ' til w :in n ..tni apPiit'dh !t w s tom a s77 u,i, i,m n ,i U a to tr.anm, n in h was tlx ir iHiiierstantling th it the Sov mt Irnon bad alri a.ly assunxsi that t nt igtui 1 di ', Sources Si W Ovv: whith was the most mttnse fv nod of the Cold War It included ibo I 2 affair, tne butltlmg ot tht' Iteihn Will ant tie Cuban missile eiisn tx g m m had the Gam ,.i F plorer himmng up so iiianv piece's o! the lost bo.t th d tht v comprised inst 1 in tiit t Thu repoit it 1 u't 'a m 1 H , h id i he entire .st sub1ot lllst Ola third ( iti r ,U rt ulU It a". It ail two Pill I'M! w.iili ?( i ivrtots j! h tinned i't sni'i' r v, h u it rai-- ci pait cl the 'ilk of j sunken 1 ion ! 1) nnU t ijt ped 1 i I N 21. T'7 IV a ' s ,1 ti 1 I p n d states u st ''it s are ueo Ihtur mt 'i nation tl the trio iisiik t t ouolil, polu It s He lea famed Valeric up ' supixin toi t!ie operation t to inreit i e lux' m.uket worldwide investment Hows p in the most pmdnitne way t',i (ilolllal Expl'iX l,ut it tii la tht' alt or nauiil t nward part tot tlv F xplour to h.ni rut uuK'd lor dot lno ID Torpixlo Tut s tiiii'n nun ol tho dt MPnaioni tltai V.UIK ,ti o mu ii w mi t la-in tm tu!x s m in tht It'pv and loin in the rn wot iot 'i (toll v WTO .' i pt-d- . Rp'tnXul oi tho is rtuardod In thi ' tortxtloo' 1 as a 1 mdior nitolluonu' uctorv It trifiod for tho first time that smot submarines woto car ; rune nuiloar j torpedoes Mort impottant it gave Un it od States weapon" ojh rts a thanto to ixanuae and anal-- c Soiet unclear a " . ' varhead It makes no cldtennce that torpedo vcai heads are rt'lat in cl small compaied to ni''Mle vt nrbeads." one Vr, kind of snuice Mid warht ad pees us a pi icoless insight into their technologx and tht lr approach to sole mg nut leer weapons problems " (iet Yll tif Sub? MixuiwHii one ripmt was lieing c n ciliated h mtellis-- . tni e sou i c ts on the fnnge of tin Cl that the (klomar This KitchenAid is really built! KitchenAid makes room at the top. Our i x you've walked through our warehouse, you might have noticed four entire stones of appliances nine top brand k'W'jr - I would t U ' thaneo the ti.rmulas used to distubute the money to the states i Vi iew Noted The Missouri Democrat said he legislation also would alter the amounts to be shared lx tween state governments and local gov ernments within each staio Eacletoii said he was taking the step localise of what he said were wide variances between riehei urbanued states and pooler rural states, with states in the middle tending to lo-- e substantial amounts to states on i idler extreme Slate Gains r- -- GE . 'Taniiad Sale ' FT- ?- r-- . - ice through your door. You dont even have to open the door to the oversized 6 96 cu ft freezer of this 20 6 cu ft capacity model. Just push a button for cubed or crushed ice. And enjoy the other deluxe features like spilt adjustable shelves. Adjustable door bins. Even a meat keeper that moves anywhere. From the Inder his proposal, Ins home state ot Missouri would have its allocation increased trom 'I IT 6 milhon to 127 2 million th ay V GE This coo! G.E. gives you the ice. side-by-si- de Just push the lever for water, ice O Open 10 10 Deify Charge it Plenty of store that delivers the goods. SaJ H Ask to 20tti Nortti off Intorttafo 1$ full-wid- I see our warehouse aisle of scratched, dented and discounted P S better than ever. With adjustable shelves, Odorless ABS plastic meat keeper with crispers A temperature control Foamed-in-plac- e insulation And a 10 year compressor warranty In all colors including poppy, at the store you trust tor the latest. ?9 up to This G.E. refrigerator delivers Its 17 cu ft of Frost Clear convenience for keeping foods longer and 9 !' lines Thats what warehouse selection and instant delivery are all about find just what you want, take it today, and save money. We like to think we're the areas biggest appliance dealer because were doing something right Shop our appliance department before you buy It's something to look ul Trust our deluxe Gibson for safer keeping. about our appliances If ( W WIINGTON Fi -edeiai revenue shaima pav-m- t nts would tx reduced fm Ji states and raised for 21 intrcxiuoed under a prujui-Hiursdav bj Sen Thomas F. Eagleton bill Whether you're right or left handed, you'll love our 14 cu ft. reversible-doo- r Gibson It s so Frost Clear you'll it take for granted Has handy bookshelf duor storage Built-i- n dairy storage ABS (football helmet) plastic crisper and meat keeper And a 10 year compressor warranty Just sign for your charge account with either hand Free set of dishes with purchase, while they last fl tail tale ...yXff's.rr' Gibson. ..the ambidextrous refrigerator. ne ay el I Eaglet on's n Superba model V a sports hefty hp. motor witn a A versatile warranty Seven rack upper pushbutton cycles for the powerful washing action. Safe forced air drying A soft food disposer Itll warm plates and scrub pots Build up your credit with Collett's revolving charge. The answer to a small, narrow kitchen is a dshwasher that opens up instead of out It has two pushbutton cycles Thorough multi-levwashing A Sam Guard filter. Faucet adapter. Laminated work surface top And a warranted motor Theres room for the top in your budget Just ask about Collett's revolving charge Funds Sliifl Detailed Under Bill buiit-i- at fr W $ cubes or crushed ice without opening the door. You get 23 6 cu. ft. of frost free convenience a 15 cu ft. refrigerator with adjustable interior and door shelves. Dairy servers. Produce bins. And a meat conditioner. Plus an 8 6 cu. tt freezer, nicely organized. And theres nothing chilly about your reception at Colletts Sunday Cod4t pack ng afi(mAiM ti inula I'ndei Eagle ton's states receiving reduced revenue sharing allotments would include Idaho, Montana New Mexico and Wyoming while those receiving increased allotments would include Colorado, Nevada, Utah Oregon. and Washington. -- 1 Rfe M i ii li KI - - ) -- - , 1 nl,a. ' j vli I 1 frfr rm sr iVi i m I 1 ii -- fs" y Itll handle any washable fabric... 18 lbs. at a time It has five water temperature combinations. Four agitation spin speed settings A water saver control Bleach and fabric conditioner dispensers And a cooldown cycle for permanent press. Get your extra help with Colletts revolving chfl.gs. , Gibson see hew tfrs four temeiectric dryer smouins away perature the wrinkles in your wash, making your clo'hes look crisp and new ancf young Wait 'till you 4 , ::A (J fsr Our Gibson automatic. Good KorH In fell IVII haln HViM !Isn't IIM4M kW (Infi JAL out of again Making wash Use the timer, or dry your clothes automatically The dryer will signa! you when they re done Youll probably start to look younger, yourself. and-we- wesh-and-iro- Get your wife a convertible. We stand behind our 19' Gibson gives you a face lift. its 19 side-by-si- cu. n of Frost Clear conven- ience. On the refrigerator side, ar rt. ii today, use it tonight, build it in converlater on This tible has extra long hoses and cord, ball casters that roll easily over carpet, and a thick hardwood cutt ng board top Plus 4 way washing action A upper rack And 7 pushbutton it home m the cadon for Drive cycles extra savings Buy de it sports adjustable shelves. A Super Cool meat locker. Moulded egg storage. And a dairy compartment Tho freezer side features two big baskets and three shelves, plus lots of doer storage You get moveable rollers, and a choice of colors Get next to one with Collett's revolving charge it Free set of d'shes w.th purchase while they last .li Is |