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Show ia! t.s. 1 AW i 'ifajiv'tort k r Tw Si!! like Marti; fnlMne, T1 w m. v - 6 1 t Pont 25 rtui'uP s Asnmtujp ton kens, stir frequently to Pour lunl pt event Unking mg hot info hot ftniizcd jar Seal immediately P.Sf ( Wynne Ann WaNh, Atreru an Fork, (wnt a terrific one. Thanks so much, Mrs Wahn! Prk U IVar Marmalade Mrs Wynne Ann Malshi lemons, thnly slued (about cup) large Unix tied i re .;es 2 1 2 rhfiptvrw fbCUt 3 q'rt vav r i Quart (hooped, pi pled pears a bout O' sa-s- v Bountiful ups .agar t oiohine first t! rep mare ou nts, i oi er and let stand 12 Id IS hours in a tool place u 4 ( Reader. rapidly until peel is itliont JO niaiutes ( ooi and add peers and sugar Bring slowly to boil mg stirring until sugar dis wives Cook to jellying point, ook lender, t iMrs Gayle H Young) dozen hard ( ooked eggs garlic buds 4 tablesitoon kit' r seven days remove spce bag Add a few dro s of food colot tag, if desired, wbde vinegar mixture is hot onions My husband is not a fan of eggs but he ready goes (or these Pickled Eggs, sugar salt teaspoons teaspoons pit kiing spice Boil e? . Foot and (i arl Harris and Provo Reader took time to send their tned and true recipes Me appreciate you! luK Achieving a difficult with Clic 1 1 1 hni use . . . a do it join tie ditto d a native to (onstaot-- .?' mm la S SMIS'V nT m ; save II oval otf a square face, fuller at the top or fuller at the sides An Alio mav also he styled with bangs to stmen the anjes ot a diamond shaped lace GROCER d pr TO if ycu a a fs t n ) r r hd r Utltff u ljs r tet j($ thoiouthly with warm water It bicakage or rmh uccms w l'hin 2t houi s, do riot use the product Alter shamtx)oing straightened hair should tie set smoothly on rollers F01 a tighter cut with more IkkIv, ct on permanent rods, says tlic Soap axi Detergt nt Assn ExH'rts ach lse anotliei method for straightening Roll haw on jumbo rollers after shampooing Using a strong ontiol setting lotion ysf orov u on .K- m- ' w - - Brand Cinnamon Biscuits. of new 1S69 a C (i v! i v , j a 3rdyctnriic atv.r a4 rr c J f t rn 4 J our bss c sjtf l - r u 1 cast p J J v' na an o i if af J It h'Bf J ) o re -- eut Vori jn-setove or i in ca ri va ttiolrf tiirre r S t ( C v r Mib Hi s .f i.frn0 3 j hxm ea e fai 9jy re Dr en pr 4 t I HF PILlSBURY COMPANY 1970 . t jjyot In tSe dairy man von one 11 oz. can or two 5.5 oz. cans vie j t d w t rt r,vtf H'A U c R tiO Cd mu n 'upon s p v,p teJ it vur tat is' pp T'wP llci jry df ksr msa t V I S tBI I avJ". Afros Rinse eight minutes Cover rri refrigerate for several days Makes 12 pick-leeggs taste almost as good as homemade tan lie xitectly asynutncdl to round straighten hair, use the stiand tost fust Aj'ply the secchemical to a dime-siz- e tion ol hair on the temple With your fingers smooth it thiough the hair for about wills isjiooiis mixed pu kimg d kit to self rings Save7connew Cinnamon Biscuits cap vinegar clove gallic medium bay leaf battling the toil is the popular natural or Afro Instead ot st nig ling against the hair's naluial wiry ness the Afro sty le utilizes it A skillfully tut .Afro leaves the hair attractive, neatly and easy to maintain shajit-ui course, uieie is 00 uru Airo style Rather, sanations to suit dilfei cut facial shapes ore nncal straighteueis , a Ltde! i IVVWWAfJ spit t,'s is kmky tMJjjn nussem Jerry Richards) cup juite ftoin canned pitkkd biets 2 t II not done correctly at hwne han can become dry bteax easiiv and nave a taocci reddish cast If you decide to Tbs shrimpbosts have landed y (Mrs. 1 used to keep hair manageable However, this pax css should lx1 done by a prufe's sioiu.l beautician k hard cooked eggs small onion, sliced and separated into rings In large bowl combine beet juice, vinegai, 4 cups water, 1 kinkv hair Avvk look ( hay leaf pi Iuuik spa es and salt Mix well Peel egg" ami add tvi mixture with onion d spoon Snh Rosy Pickled Eggs and tda e eeis in large glass or plastic container Reel onions and tine into rings Mix together vnogar. sugar, salt and onmna Bnng to a ten! and boil 10 minutes Add eggs and girlie buds lie puklmg spu.es m a (heestcHh hag and place into jar with ega Lour hot Mrs t 12 for five to seven (lays Shake from time to tune 4 2 11 refrigerator in cups vinegar 4 Susan R. Harrison, Tooele; Mrs Remit e Nielsen, Castle Dale: Mrs. Nancy Strkkl.tnd, I oean, Mrs F. T. Gregor-set- i Mrs. Betty Phillips, Mrs. M. J. Kasteler, Mrs L. I) R., Biigham City; Mrs Ph.ce user bu,h heat and uiugar mixture over eggs and cuur tiglii. Ixt stand Eg. 5 1 cooks Mrs. tiavle U Young; Mrs Jerry Richards; Mrs 11 M Kelly; Mrs. Rodney N. freatoi ; Mrs. Carol Ann Larsen; Mr. IJehra D. Davenport. Brigham City , f,pfel seeled pritkh urn ta Picklea Pickled Eggs to funt ob early spring appetites They are yummy! Mrs Rev a R Larson, Ephraim, requested recipes for these tasty tidbits and fancy 1 6 j Ifd u iL' i rmn " 20, 1075 llN 1MJM mi ics: Orange Meringue Cake iasies like springiii I w.tuiued .r tr J"p' w s ' a I LJ -w- LiLrx -afiaRs, c Trujiical treat treat place a m a cheese cottage stoop dessert dish Spoon orange wedges and pineapple cubes generously over the top Tropical CANNED SHRIMP of Ready (and so easyl to serve Medium Small 4 3 Other Sizes Sprinkle with toasted j coconut 3 ' J 1 x., , A 4,Xf "vi. 7 f Rath hickory Oiv kb hoen poincits ate ccmpaitt.: a tv tl b.iJqet sti etching value lo ftoxh potatoes it brings home the bacon flavor. 'G t' Nout money v ith nut-swe- li f i i ki q H 3 m J D O q Deaier 10 aiv v0J sie a itho'ized as cj' a j s.e r ivvmer 15 on P e parcSa'e of Bj'h Fpn.-'- S naked Sl'Cfd Bacon Mail t( s rou- 18 poo to The fVh Fees- mq Company P 0 Bex 1 w. 1645 C1 ntoo lew.) 1 HOC-!- ih ff r. pi tvt-jrrat7 U V ' tS. Proof ot pu.chdao ot sco-- t to Ctver coupons pre"t tc3 nusl te turnis) cd joun.equest We w II rot honor re- $ demption throut,h outside agencies 0" ke's etc Cas mdeemaple value 1 mill Vo'd n any site or Iocs ty where tcxeJ procured or rnstr e'ed by m law in ary wiy j otter so.k ' it, 2aS,)g:6. is nvyRUiv! K MART WfEITSCfrS 10W CCST 2S Ilk llktlT S CITY uz n zm,smxmisssssmmfmgiafjssis 1 . n0 y is 'lit t it LXZ tiddeuidik t CK)i )s INC BON lub mi )on li1 new 11, C'Kf lb tt 1.1 A! O tO XJO V ran a Id) lru.au pul StllliOX' i ls THE STORE AfH Rt wmmws Cl IV n xpa'-lt I. I ) si ih - Hi II ) ' x ii s J lUtwf, t txr.l . ipn 1 pn'ts and tax-- , t Wt INiutwat. 197r. XI j! nf p ir nast !' XI PI ! t g lj X hi .j I bl a Jt VAJI AtA d zil C it i 195 1 I 01 4-- h A - 1 u-- s XI 10b 4 -- 1 : j pt C, constitute, fraud Otfet expire. Dec 31, - ) .. I')O, j rU jb bar. ' r H If , e 1 Q nrv()pc P( ipT be paid by the consumer V'oid wherever prohibited taxed or resfnrted - -- , ,, Cash value 1 20C REDEEMABI E ONLV ON ORE IDA! ROZLN P01AT0LS A- - y othu e ci J -;; 1 -- HfT AFL mmmsmPKrsskaczaim&mt .p i- GROCER Send tin. coupon to ORE IDA FOODS, INC . BOX 54 PITTSBURGH, PA 15230 (or face value le.mbutvament plus 5C handling Invtxces pvoin(j pm chase of sufficient stixL of Ore Ida Frozen Potatoes to cove' coupons mu- -t be hown upon request Ea lure j y bV 1X03 as1. - r J aff any teg or box of Ore4da frozen poiatees. .aasst-t-- frozen potato products. rwJ filta j "W ofanylOOre-Id- a ll SHOPPER'S DISCOUNT dNSittHC refund on the puichase V. REAMS COL POX' stc-K- f: m it foodto' VvN it 901 QGOEBOBOBOSafSOilBiSBSL wWtict Sl IS is s - potato y 4M9 B37 Shsm Qyg.ijia Americas favorite frozen ?1 9 J txl 1 I lot S S 3 150 I I I J. -1 Oie Ida frozen potatoes g xe you perfect portion conti ol You use lust as much or as Lttle as you need and put the rest right back in your freezet Ote Ida frozen potatoes can't i iesh ones spo'! languishing m yout puntn, can notato spoiled is a pot mo xvastei And a potutu wasted is money wasted On top of all that. Ore Ida yw.es vou anetv, you could never hojje to coax uut of a flesh poti.10 six different cuts of ftetich fries, thiee styles ot I. ash bt ovens and four flavors of our unique, bite s.zc Fatet Tots ' bra. id utatoes So be iiue to add Ore Ida ftoen potatoes to a lot mote fain !y meals And be sue to subtract the et QOfPeseiBmoaeiopoBiaiiiora xji potato no waste With fresh potatoe , as much as 25'k (peei eves, etc ) goes cioun the dtatn - k v all Iheies At Rath we still cure our baocn the slow old way over smoldering hickory. Because there s just noth.ng like real h.ckory smol- e to put the finishing touches on that bacon flavor So the very next tin.? you want to treat your tattebuds to sometivng sort of special just send them a smoke signal from Rath iTv; VNV:.-,c-rvVAJ.- Pot one thing out Itoen potatoes ate 4 i-" jx? i. 1. , - 3 S W tfjfi ' ; - |