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Show t . Ik The yJ Ti iljn ,jrf.uvJ..l Of T,T Manoower ranei i Eyes Additions Uhe Tin Salt m Are., tx of reorgan.ng the ( (nil .mtvkc ' ocm i He ( our.eil -- (P a i u Picas 'CEOA groups and Salt Tooele s ChduiKC r of SOL 10 Urb,.n .Na V3 i Arr, on' in ruled One ion of Ri hahilita sc ri ues Co! iinhns n.eorjiaiv School Family itoi -. Ihe l'er-oiiri- si s ( Lake City , Sal Lake County a Salt S hoards. wjPi? wa k 1 & Srtticrvdi TttTfr ItlD 9JPPCR r 1 ft fKKl Km m uv bV'Oi.nyon Urtir Oftrt fjftvft C H i ti ) 61 ( XJ( t H Sp jfF LJOsa-- i f M M V'ijv Pt ,odl i u J (1 M T if. tn Kuj,( ivn ty S uvr Do s Yom c ihjtoi ai A immn tv Ot Cl f THURSDAY IS E f ( I'M V 4 4 ml Lttku A dH er n oe P 11 V UV M ty',4 it t U lt U'ter Hr- -f p rri jTiut no esd.sv tl 6 o jr ValtlO l 1 5 pent p Mt .W s iX.t itt d ttiv t x He knows where to take his ladyto dine 1 Tonight BRAISED RABBIT 9 PRi.E RIB 9 TOP SIRLOIN STEAKS STUFFED PORK CHOPS VEAL CORDON BLEU OYSTERS IN Vi SHELL Q KING CRAB BOILED SHRIMP STEAMED SALMON 9 DEVILED EGGS STRAWBERRY SALAD Plans SjM'trli Dt Why tilAK. N iMM ne Thortv, who was dirt i tor of the Utah Vgnutlunal Station at I tail State I tmersiK lor 20 years, will speak at USU s Reseated Dav f inlay Dt William L ieteison. pi oh sm ii ol avHiiltiue and applied etonomies UniversiaDo will ty ol Minnisota it So j, G' ii S nude k' i .on 1 Dm ki n j ii, o i D S,Ll t , for Sj 2L id, Eveiiincjs cIiivl to thu door dnd leave the pnikintj to us v A1 nviii Lu vi juui 11 (I Vi'i i m i,i o jh Fi , S3 SO 0 303 Si 'i iti S' T o i 3d9 bSo . Lunch Slated ROMANTIC LIVE MUSIC MgHTLY 3350 Highland Drive. By Red Cross T67 3S04 Salt laike chapter. American Red Cross, will honor 114 volunteers March 29 at the annual recognition luncheon and award ceremonies at the Ramada Inn, 1000 S State. Guest speaker will be Miss jf Sharron Willson, Red Cross fieid representative Mrs. B G Coan. chairman of volun- teers. said that the volunteers will be honored for a total of 1.125 years of service Two volunteers will receive awards while others EXCLUSIVE FIRST-RUw ill be giv en aw ards lor more ADULTS ONLY! g than 30 years of sen ice GsassfsmmsismeonfSMeomcscfiaffcafismsMSfsi ' 1:11 LTl 'Ti.-'CLxrrYrr.TTi S ft R v.-;- VfiiAL Cut Frir A . "jF Wrapped Fimas 49 Our Friie ri VEAL ROUND 3L 09 lb. 1 49 ,b. HAM onAir:-FC- D T POT ROAST ROUND BONE ROAST rrn yssr vTFwm eatrin Kbinvi Tan oar 1.69 8lEG-0-LAM- B Cut Mu t & Plniai ' Pri6 ID. SHORT RIBS POT ROAST lb. Limit! LAMB SHOULDER Most ptocs cu lb. w.appad Our Price EXTRA LEAN 1 Our Prim 69' lb. AH YOUNG, TENDER 5 lbs. 3 lean Meats Moat Plums Our Price J 39 R!B LAMS CHOPS Our Price Most Placet t 69 S TFNOta i?F IP? I MO LF ESH KILLED FRYERS . V vrt V g 10 lb,. 8 39 pkl Yu' NAVEL K0. 2 ib 39' lb. FAiA Hr Sir A Vw J Uto. 3- 11 - -n!; SmzrmsnanLEs IICUM WK nxifi i, 20. 1 OIPSW a y .a, ADULTS 00 1 sai so w,( P -- 7 TILL SO. CHILD fHm. J P vtViP fer QfNEH ovdi yr. m At! wye lmhihiIvJ SvpQfMKiJ wtyd) AWucWtm K MNT 0 Cri W.XC(i SfOI51,-- !52 Jtk )i4'J43i.'!- s r y ( - V f rwA C poNm ei " 1 t4 am no dwi1 v v r E viuagiBTmaiiwa . MiiUT S ll L fflZS, mJtir-to- i..fc.Z4adP- WB - wi'Wirwi ST US uy llJ 2 If tiir . ty t a nWiTn A I Prvyrn und by k V'H 'gF oudi-9 UWO Kt jwg ogn odmNd g ) J for (pOWBtOl AH rr- I ktt Kathryn Grttytotw-How- ard n Tcvmca4r I A0 P IA. "KISS ME KATE" mu j if i t PALI (VI nil ii FtSTIVAl SUSAN LENOX' (MCI qC jjrtj e.l In knwflwwi ? ' xixnsviirJ i(V9Mi 9 tT osuntrkHi! FILM gau a Gtrrii gao c.ar r; GUDS RA' j T5 t bXj. ssmt mv itwit fHUifS" to 4 - non UCAN COIO" AK3V, Af,0 ICTONO ntu. fn all TaEW movie audiencF --J - h 'f "INNOCENT BYSTANDER" - !. ' LAT.0E TOfAATCIS - ABATIS TOS7 Of Hf WfD 4AIHKIIIItllV ' sr - GEIZZIfio M ipL 1 "Fwl-r,'- f Jri r 1 K nyia0ni4vsJM8AlwB onrr" j Z GREEN kw If p' m 1 39 aimmyaam 1 cumommmi KUPEFrERS , TUTr-- OtANOSS E A.. fheUEcanm! - UABK GAM n 0Ki0H$ RUSSET POTATOES 7 5 ; Seven Lions ?BiSKn$RATE01; W cirl j Hitch-V hikers j - ig"L 4 ib..l 00 3tbS. -- r I torttf Fnufti 2 Mbv fi - WTt &un E 3 lbs. 1K LAMB HEARTS -- 1 4? 3 lbs. 1" LAMB STEW LEEF LIVER ii. SCrScTSS YELLOW DRY LOIN IAMB CSiOPS 69 FRESH GROUND BEEF PATT1E MEAT 4 BONELESS LAMB CUBES ;3 BEEF s&J "3'dl I H i 9TT WU I 00 3 ibs. YOUNG BEEF HEARTS Spring lamb d 1 OLOR ycif Mr AT mmitm s x., School- L THE THINS .- I-:- U - KING K0i F5JLS--Yvrepp- I Demapd by tvj it I W i- ;i lbs. MAI C UUAI IIMWCi VI i irifti RIB STEAK Lean, tender WHOLE i 3 Rack j VERS M d JS OS'GmiU TH INC JT GkOUND Ground Round Quality 0nuiF ; If placet 1.19 E 69c Wroppxd URRAT SALE BM5Y ESSF Cut and FnEGIMHUXD LAf'.D WHOLE LAM3 srggr Our t i Whole or Half PURE PORK SAUSAGE Most place 1.19 Ib. 59.t 29 OR HALF OLE PORK ROAST PORK STEAK PORK LOIN 59lb 3 1 CROSS RIB ROAST l9 SALE-WH- 9 k.m im, N FRESH HAM V sicca dusf O VEAL RUMP ROAST I Whole or Half lb. T I SVEAL CUTLETS j FRESH PORK C 4T Mo : 5 JHnrGgiT4W?:47F O is siheilund to dtsfUss the eeonomie returns to public investment obtamed through agricultural tesearih and ex tension hi llcut (lclys PLUS OUR OTHER REGULARS lie speak Friday h5ra PLAN 2 or 3 TRIPS TO THE SMORGASBORD TABLfc tended OuiaoK Utah in noor rtn SdKrday ttmuttfr Monday t xta ch toqeaote sjring w Jth v Hvf chance ot showers adojt Sairiav ttioh or n nday nornmg and again vjhv tiTir 7Vrriay Temperatures mevty near s. tsonib e 50s and iqw cPuer tth highs yr tvx&n Southern Idaho Periods o r a n or riowt l k' y yortas and aga n Hghs in ffic we t kwr w.rmiiq tc near iMJ l ows nooFM30s H uhf, m rt east n upof fs w g tu n n sis Lows i ts jS - V, viy scanned fncvrvtn Wyerweg pr ovart y rottwt v.jrner 1wts V lows n the A AVjsf hgtis jus and joper p rt i St j itutev wnere f Stn JianiGiid Jirn Br r KlUi e! tj Mts SouftTvwest A (3 f vw t'; If1( Orh Fi ,t is the son of Dr and Mrs Roger P Fell of and Sargent the son of Mr nd Mrs George Sargent of Pgcton. Sargent tud been ("gaged to be marned in alxiut two weeks x tk A lost .'.gltt of Felt da; hijrsF M4 I rwii a i") s Ll Fdj! Civ I WiiOV (ArfTSK Jo S w (. ty GvO ( A ttw1 Cg K t I J8 C Memoria hie njn ir 67 SH LrtYt )Jr 04 TO yt engagement remaining Erteksin s.ud th( shore helicopter was tVn mm itej but shortly dter it arrivcsi the students paw ! w hi", ad P scO t if? w but the Thursday d J dy daughter oi Mr and of R. chard Johnson Mrs Macua rema'ns aciivi' ,nd awake .said Dr Lhar.es IV mint who was reached b U lephone a' tin I niurx.ty of L olorado .M apical Ceihir were canceled following the incident MO? 7 sfxitna 8 n M trg.Kti'O . 't W Tto S.TfFryiy le tMH) rJ ns Arws xJ nf it ft W W ig oh cfo v n vyr t nt J f U C Provo &v hi'er Their scheduled to lon'iuue througr. Fricksen said he vras .truck by a large wave and several otbr students ran to relp h,m but only Sargent gw to n.n Then Sargent went under, and the studmts cal-Vfor help Utah To! (iain? Vfter Surgery -- v cio-thi- ad-me- In ti ur had x t r W rnirio vTOWiis Thur, cmpTy isttyy and bEXs'v i Trur fcv n ofit nvot j Afu t rtCrty M nt v Ms ir ttner ,V' vi P iVv i rvir 50 Prorino fity "f ratn or snow ncre-t- s t i j 0 oerXAn Thurviay arxl Thurvliy n Qht R MO d vicv. ytyvAHTS wi nT Uiaft nj across urn ftq t)(1 Tr jrstlxy Sr vtow iowvhs TbupjJty rv h rjrc rrwy rvq Deroming wrtty ckytv 3b htur ridiy wOWu "burvUy nigW fi to r0 utyrry hu af M D r Jf 4 e V Var Soodiwesl Irtiiho fouls Afifh sv wf re w 9 Thuf fvv i ltms ng Thtyii,jv n gnf vJourts vl rtvro1 4 it f y Airjv itvg Twt f " i Lr ' rq tttr f I f bk A Sr' si S. 'y j t o i v xp. bnti m4 s i o tv tMVi ( r iont u j Ayommg ur th Nct''"nj n Ttyrvtv rv at v rTi itnd tiyrTtivrn rvw sp Confer t tivfxl m w-- fs ftte1 Tn NViNtiMiQ rt, sivm OJV e'1 F r xitv H oTR Th VSv Jfi 0 9 v e rwiivTe and uv. j to t'T vvtrst 2i a Jsoiiy n ortf t a dav C K 4H tar w r .(A rsasv 3. , right ihk i F H 54 Bu trosj s to flp 6 r.csday morning sr-- uf wno retei.ed al.ver mtra'.s pCmt surgery last wi.k remained m fa.r condition and a! life osav Aid Wa i ttli s' j denis re Hfs) g beVe v t ks memorial Mean't me, Earl Fncksmi the college music depart-run- t suid the group of students h id been playing on the beach at 'tie Goben Gau? M ite park when their Hapirne wet Some of them 'baa decided to do a htt'e swimming, and Felt 'riegan showing them how to laxly surf Chuu h of Jesus Christ of Latteraiay Sn.nts Felt s mother Mr R t,or b he't, said Vcdnesdav the searth was eortmumg but she was to'd by the San Francsco I oltce Depart mem shore patrol tnat tlmre ts lutfe hope of find. tig tl e two sti'derds She s.i'd sle to wad has lien A ohysi-i.j.- i US says J xlv Mine John--a in mon'h i!d Utah g.r! OriiP ear'v to two siheduLmg ce S.M Lake CiV Owlrm dnd Provo v"r P t! , Pt 01 nv ir nd Ju'n t TAW jay lLT t H- .- x nr s 7 y n irv ilai bpt v Stirt W1 il h t I lotyf TCMPtRATUPE CHART 12 hr 10 fr tt i 'UP' Tf fi lirvn I; 'SS'seis,!s tj't ff iwumdib rot i cast h jrVmi s "mown HiCrH Wyoming Dju Sapic !y y fexg Aimm AT TH ' 1 t.ned t t j j Tin rmiuiiiu! i about DFWFR u SNOW FLURRIES cloud mpss w lrei'fiq nrS PRr'wlfd stRjywws vj 9 oajIiivQ trend acnv s jf 2 O Winds to Usher in Showers w qpvv'x'-v s ua,5 tent-unl- leads, I tail T Coin pc. Adult education t present the council is re-- t ruled to 27 memliers V( It .'gent Tne two victims, along w i;h about 70 o'her tlassrrates had be. a tuunnq through northern c cl. forma on a sing en u g tlmu ptrforioai merit gigt Heather forefast map for Ihursdav ram or snow stumers t twler ates int tensing t loutfs w illt imt.iIiii es, gusting winds indicated Tooele cnhmcal pwp1 "wvyren F S S NM Cl) lh)erd of Lake area ,he Dri m 21, Layton and Davis 22. 0'dun at tK'' beginning of the Institutional he ' ' Anz front: )px,rtjn,ti. (enter. Jobs for school , Bishop delivered p'aver m memoo of -' V.XA "UK v CouncI meetirg In addition to administrators and council members, Rex Frazier student body presidin' uds also ut the meeting WARM FRONT" COLS STATIC FRONT" s ( hdiuation J hV 5' T'OVH nurf V'lfirna 9 a. Jt-'-- Sargt nt have teen tintjive-Iat sub' nu'eti for Tue-da- y .ho T'-- Ward Ch'ptl of the Jo-ep- s,. He s ids, e , ) tentat el approved i oum n positions foi the fi.i lowing agene es t mversttv of I tah, Sail Lake Countv ( ounei! of Governments, Sait It i , Assn el i v i OS G CtOUDY ( s iisv M,AHc,scr Scrvnfs rican Consortium I'oi'iiiuii'iv Ae'ion F'rogram pd Japanese American ( iti Pf explore the possihdilv oi A(iC. tic I tah including i CouikiI of small I 'H xj r , X. KU If 'U-wP oGfit'A Male Coil'ge President h L Ei hip Wednesday offered a prayer for the v,o student biheved to have Mondv off San drowned Fran ..I Coin-roue- e t s! rK lir. eun'y ! and admitting new memlx-- . Citing the need lor id' is . Iron. (hi Lt, um s uiinnu.nl tv, Phillip Clem progum director, suggested the.' 'ousted (it nf ra! (. ouiHt rs be added to the ) dtjoi ; nd bii-- l less government sector ( the ( onm I, .Jz T fiPK "4h r i k&t A I i all laboi, govern-tm-n- l m d b Sene ,e Ha tor to the coiniTiundy agency etor, it was suggested (hit ? iSM t w, I won US Employ ment le Conr in I jki'u r Planning ('out i! oosdjv c spin. id 1! po ihih 7fu L , , Pmjc a WQP Kj V i V unawt wiutrii cwimm; . O "TE M 64kW-- i 1 YCviNj TEMFTLSS" j THEATRE 1J364S. W.larf571-rTV-- rii 3 ... r TH I B DVE j .I1 J |