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Show r nrv-- SA IV ?ttj tr TtcWv. Trw-v- 1- N. dfOiini t.OMI'l Kl'l.bTs .News AgffH E toia'ihd Gandhi, integrity The lamia Minister h.r. txi wi'h diihow-- pra Vcv croav was " examined in U'i.rt V h's- - . x imxiru xs i, iivltlcs of memlvrs V. f,.. day adout nc- - t f v L of vi Lundy in 1 h lil gni.-- f 11 l I i hose to I t'uiirt of dctiiad ruled AJ-- lvni iioiIImkIox I MOH SliOH ! Ik'Utors NVvss Nino artists h i lot 'J would go ho ad with a ,how ol unorthodox works by pain tors from all o or tbe country MOSCOW fosu'v in WilF? nrhM : By Joseph Fried New York News Writer ATHENS .Shipping tycoon Aristotle On as .is may have left a po'tt'-- of his vast -- n 'trite, estimated at between SAC) mili.on and $1 billion, to the Gieok government for the purchase of military equipment ini did in the continued dispute with Turley over Cyprus, informed sources said Wednesday ( Another rce sad that Oiiassis wiif, expected to he ir ade pub he bter this mouth, may contain some surprises. He did ivt elaborate. Son. Edward Kenijedy, who attended Onaxsis' bmal Tuesday on Skorpios, met for 7s minutes Wedr.es-- d sy with Greek Premier Caramanlis on the Cy pros problem. "We want the people of Greece to know that ttif Con-starl-- a leading Medford 24.99 Et ononiie Aehiev ement .s , where in nonorthodox artists held a show last month, but llx-considered this f tr too small for the 120 exhibitors they wore proiHisina. Reflino 19.99 did not They luild The column continued, con men perhaps, but other cwuitnes much greaU'r than Greece cannot sliow such an abundance of them. Many Grcx'ks have jobs thanks tu hospi- tals, schcxils or asylums, nor did they donate any buildings whuh mi bt Nip advance them and earn good xalane.' -- 19.99-349- 9 XiUs-V.' special purchase service for 8 Guf 34.99 k i dj? ms Q k) Sets consist of 70-p- c. eght piace settings (knife, fork, two teaspoons, saiad fork, soup spoon) plus eight seafood forks, eight iced drink spoons and six serving pieces. Select from Regina, 19.99, Medset in ford, 24.99, or Olaf, 34.99. Store 70-p- c walnut-tor- e v my! cheot, 14.99 (not shown). ll 6-p- c. orig. 39.99 save 'f on 70-p- 10.00 service for 8 c. fork and wide Oassic American styling wifh knife halow, piste! grp handle paddle blade Set confa.ns place settings, eight seafood drink forks, eight iced spoons and sx serving man-iitaetu- Maruit. st JUV invalid. ol culumm-- stainless sets priced to please 4 'd Raises Issue Naram's lawyer raised the controversial issue of the Gandhi family's business activities toward the end of Mrs. Gandhi's testimony. lie questioned her about a letter ol intent granted to heT younger son, Sanjay, to a small people's ear" to lx known as the political ron-cerm- d, Greek newspaper blasted Onaxsis for not donating pail of his huge tortune to Greek chanties. a loadisi eirryin A influential Tuikey, but that is not enough We want the restoration of the integn'y of Cyprus. Kennedy said after Lie meeting. Meanwhile, our ctxmtry ard perpetuate ttwir iiuire. They have not made a y generous gift that anyone has heard of, colura-m.George Drossos wrote t in the Athens daily Kaihimeraii said that Onas-su- s was not syirfiatlneGe as far as the ma.ves were because lie aid other Greek multimillionaires were seen by some Greeks as havu.g done no thing for their cointry. crvenvfeelmmg majority of members of Congress and the Senate have voted to terminate any military aid to in jxTson to oh er. rl he case, which has fieen in pi ogress for almost four years, was brought by liaj Nurrain, Mrs. Gandhis opponent in the parliamentary election of March, 1!71 He claims her e'eetion should be declined rev and appealed to culture minister Ypotr Deniichov to prov Ho a hall In an open letter to the group warned that ll the negotiations for an exhibition broke down, they would organize a iraveling exhibition. That said the Moscow City Council laid olierod them the bee keeping pavilion at Exhibition m in ;i i Moseow's appear The charge wall be made formally at a military armistice commission meeting at this bonier village Thursday, the command said Mgri.htanc" 'd the trial. Last Witness Mrs Gandhi, who testifn d tor V hHirs oer two days, was the 37th and last witness to be called tor the rii fenxe Uie court adjourned for one month. Sei ui lly precautions at the eomthouse were xtepjied up Wednesday following the ar rest Tuesday m the gallery of Stkiii Ariihlw $ del end herself imoeili'u d the the qiiosfious But ho allowed to Ik roooi'dod aftt-- the of i,;..ii Mrs. South The U.N. command intends to charge North Kora ith violating the military anrntice by budding a tunnel under the sece dividing the two Koras, the command said Wednesday Korea case has assumed added importance Ik ause the ch.ii mx aum.-- t Mrs. Gandhi excessive eie'-tiospending atid the me of government machinery ami officials lor party punxixes largely reflet t growing op jxisitnm allegations against her ruling Congress IVls over the past four years. The fail that Mis Gandhi elet-t- i t on , Greek Paper Flays Oiiassis as Unfeeling Con Man Aav7 Renners New PANSfUHJOM, they prosei-uno- lYirrir LKI HI V ( DMZ Clisrge India Chief Faces Query on Family . om3 V , 6-p- c. Pistol Grip 29.99 fa The set, 29.99. Store pieces set 70-p- c. in wainut-tcr.- e vinyl chest, 14.99 -j .- special purchase service for 12 Forever Rose 19.99 R5 S U.S.O.A. CHOICE Complete service includes 12 each, dinner knife, dinner fork, soup spoon and saiad fork,' twenty-fou- r teaspoons and tvo serving pieces. Select ; V4av - gj' S 74-p-c. Mr from: Forever Rose, 19.99, Chestertown, 24.99, set in Sorrento, 24.99, or Lisetfe, 34.99. Store c 74-p- ir chest, 1.99 (not shown) walnut-f.nis- h 1 Housewares 39 Mail Whole Son 1 2 oz. can JUICE CaAKgg Pictsweet 10 oz. pkg. tmn FROEEri Banquet V. 4,'tWa 4ro- - EATHSrA TISSUE OOe PEM2S IF'- 2i con I jlu xX No. S y Sm-- ,-- L 4tu-- rz i. "if pi r p. w y js if-- . $acs T938 3 37.99 Toast-R-Ove- 00 rebate J VA 3.00 rebate on e.ther this SCD-- 1 i 16.99 When you buy General Electric's P15 percolator for 24.99, you'll receive a 200 rebate These are just a few cf the ways to save - now through May 18 Buy them at our low prices then send proof of purchcse to Genera1 Electric for rebate Mad and phone orders invited e TSll x x U "v vk lOUki BAG i"1 -- 3.00 rebate KJ P,Qe - Ay 4 i -- isr- - BROADWAY i 3 rfk'hWi I v; '7 1U4.. i Tb "Wl x"1 r,t Electrics. 95 ' pmwtt'i mmz. jertk. purchase Model You'll also get a heated shave cream dispenser, CZ2ZU rows Wnat a great combinai.cn to save buy these hepful household appliances at our low prices, then send proof of purchase directly to General Slectnc for rebate for instance, receive a 300 rebate when you self cleaning iron (F110WH) 29.99 or Double Luck ZZM-Z- 3.00 rebate J. tivzrei fr save 2.00-3.0- 0 in rebates from general electric and phone ordei s invited rri ssT-l r , w2s U Yo: ' FASHION PLACE Vr0 EAST 6100 SOUTH SALT LAnE VA LEYj SHOP MONDAY THnt 1GH MiDAy 10 A M TO 9 P.M. SATURDAY 10 A M TO 6 PM. (POi ) 262 5731 |