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Show vti-u"- a-9- v 0wft A a W Xa ( a. . .a a. . Ire iit J 'll'1 Trif ane Nafi Writer M.t A (.4 audicmcm rea double treat Wul night vvlcn Dm Mn ""my pu Minted it spray; iiMuert at kmtsburv Hill The i.rogiam featured The T our Tt ntpemmenU" and a dejiahtful vers.on of ille M i! G A rdee I. o it toe ji for most memorable performance w as Rruce C ildwell east as Mam. the simpleton son of a rub ullaur Bruce piamed on 'age Hitting up and uiuund tr inl to catch hut terflits v nh a uel Ihs A1 mi clouely -- with obu - oudv- not muih im Ins mind and the crowd lined lam ariy-cycd - re- audience dunng his bnef the hv peatedly especially , solo in the first ad He is a brilliant danur and his supetb ability to capture the Alain character made this ' LaFilleMal pciformanceof J LarJee ev r n moi e memora I ble than las last two seasons sir Sfc Jett p ver Cu.t and SCO Sivcdw agon concert Eveiy body else dul The Salt Lake City audi cnee jierhaps not used to having rock concerts in the middle of tlie week, was a linie Wry of what was but that wore off quickly as RED Speed w igon came on stage to thnll the entire trowd with seme soM hard h.iting ns-- and Oy The regular planetarium The Loneliness Fac show offered is Monday s through Saturdays at 8 p m Satuidays at tO 30 am and 4pm and Sundays and 4pm , -- V 521-35- KEO Speedwagon, Spit 1- ?w Ini'i -ke HIT SOMITWNQ lh cw US . TViT'.wyj sc, pSot. pleos- - hip u' After the fight it took to m ike it through the doors m the first !ace, the sellout crowd Quickly set up shop m the ballroom by pushing the 'w 4 " I 4.30, 8.00 NOW! AT MOriTH! su a KttHMRVxt .. : THEATRES , NOMINATED FOR 11 -- Li I 3 I 9-- ACADEMY AWARDS 7:15 i 900 1. WtW J64 0ij7 9:05 Picture A Cl 04to t incWding-8e$- it 1M-1S8- 7 Til 0 llJ AND So 4Mi IMS SUNDAY HKMiAMOl COW I Actor - lost Director bit Skrenplay 'IClosed Tonite '&Xk&Tr''- tel Open Tomoi row Nite 40(11 801 ft P 14 . m MU PLEASE ion SHOW TIMES FW8 VALLEY Hi t .n- - Dafh If- - Closed Today i st A III MU Open Again Friday! A Freebis and the Bean ''THE A el 7:00, 9:15 SWAt & FOOTHILL Tire Second Greatest Fkjer i n tine Wxld But Waldo mas gmng io change all that even if it killed him. Robert ReDPuRD ROY M HiafilM .5FKEH .. 1 2.4.6,8,10 ' 612 M bst 616 Smith 3 ACADEMY AWARD 4 NOMINATIONS ELLEN BURSIYN TVPrS ML 00, 4:00, 6:00, 8:00, 10:00 rkrt redford Jeremiah uxxiiacrtji8 tow ia.v to.1 -- for Theatre Party & Group Sales wmesrismttwiiifr.il Musketeers' Shows 2 -- tor- sat , flOlIET l 632 Beverly Spray H9" VALT 255-749- 2 "THE PRODUCERS" DOSN7 '' DISNEY. G' V - n. oks wyjnr.A 7 SI REISAND .V SAtr ' ij l- j f 1 -t jL ' I uuu-- & Jifi! f I- , r (AMESCAAN , 10. .6. A I'd W'HIIIU ilt.AiWii fcain.jLi .ft vrtrttr- 7 CO, 10.0C S3 RESERVED SCATS - PI aftw- ' 4 'Cm'm 1 00-- 7 30-- K 9 CO-I- O 3Ch ,1 iis asyAmycn C5 .571 it oCruaw 30, 4.15. 7.00, NO iswafcAwfj 20 0'1 6 rc RLSEBltD SEATS 88I. TR5J.IE: tOvVw tai I .ais.ti3ap SMOVS-120- V3X,wttjyisU M7 tAr r wwtvOIOBf m txn TCKSGHT iwt ncaoe OinaVttmfta1l?WVCLRorKj ,aJT' st' dHKSWJlOKSm "Yt rtQ OMARSHARiF TJ.y flk 1 T BARBRA StAfr prcjduct r '7 , ,, FUNNY LADY ? v 30 JZSb&AiM i SJ fft Sfv tfcw 2 f 44 S ACADEMY AWARD NOMiMATICMS! iioJiA'iir- LIVE HERE 6:10,8:10,10:10 1 in 4LICE WiORE PS M,Mt is, io -- :0RUS01Uj.s.n. iiimZWG S3WBLES - "TWELVE CHAIRS" ',s6 1LT. ROBIN I Tt S. .lei drooks piu, t3d bh Info Call 'THE ULTi&ATi THSJIL" plm "LAST AMTEiCAM Z mm mrni mm m?m Ffiom on mi KRIS KRIS1DFFERS0N TIST v-- -' lUffil-- m?-UNITED - 00, 10 IS 12 15,2.35,5 00, Gist, fiMc TMUSTg ry' ,8:20,10:20 8 STREISAND&CAAN AS SovtF IS, S.30, 19tn: WEEK! X VI j nil 'm VajTbili 00,3 SX IH 'v'i 2 11 s R WORKING 148 571 818V 00 'DEATH WISH ptf m bX'$vBAI4piHi 8 WUh 10.10 r 1. ancryp Ai THE LEJISESTYAED' V i F EUslT BEHOLDS. 1 IN A GEOR&E if i Tl H OffN 7 M Yard t .. &swtw.. Ardean Watts and the Liah Symphony Orchestra performed the music for the concert The program continues through Saturday at Kingsbury Hall with an 8 p m curtain A matinee is scheduled Saturday at 2 p m s ".Sto- Jj PCi 42! ttoad i Four Temperaments seldom dissolved into curves most of the patterns were jagged lines, with many movements being repeated as much as three or four times dunng one section The finale was impressive and almost breathtaking the talent of all the dancers was evident as they created and dissolved sharp patterns flawlessly , a dr Catherine Scott soloed in the final movement and also presented a fine performance v W- d oma obeol & lort woJf cy (w of cootvmpof cry ekstrottU gimswickty, Gen Hackman onct iomvfor Wwrron T v 7 " help ut Crowd Moves In 35 a5 - l V V'-- Classifieds Sell San-guim- charming spoiled Li-- e was portrayed by Cynthia 1 V oung a petite, spirited and - excellent ballerina Sh'- was stubborn, lovable comical 1 and sly and her mime and G smoothness were constant I throughout the dance Her s solo was beautiful her poise and talent flaw'essly display od s Role Superb ' YKo Inch on the list is the performance of Wolhet jiimone by Michael Onstail lie expiesscd earlier, hist week that the chalk nee of portraying Mother Simone '"lav in making the actions of the mother and daughter i seem to spring from one . another and Michael s role w as superb His mannerisms, anger, funinoss and technique in manipulating the huge skirt were constant and a delight The mannerisms of Thomas, portrayed by Donhn Fore- - Tkt wav of though somewhat repetitious ni their music wanned the audience just nght for the coming of the Blue Oyster nil UiflflT RDS Dial i.V ri Cat, show lup-peron- g Performing for the first time on opening night was Suzanne Erloa She danced c with Philip Fuller in and the two were smooth and graceful, both exlubiting talents that complimented erne another The ''ifr , almost unknown d.d they sit dov n again o dinary rock and rod, but not ail show rthoi It is ing that siiow The hoi enoiinous ,t potential gioiip the Cult came on nage them nveted to the Roc s perheps a perfect con.bma the iudier.ee didn't quite lion of these two and it trey piau ed arocrei n tV know what to expect hut ihev a.rav of lights for which Hits r mokes it highly entertaining sliow is i a? As the band came out onto the msjii found out Vn absolutely fantastic concirt tl d inTerrace stage the audience cluded flashpms strobe went to it s feet, and :o mite lights, svnthesizer and giant gong l. Hard to Ikuscnbe The type of music that P.lue SNEAK PREVIEW EKSOAT 7:30 P.M. Oyster Cult plays is really Th hard to descr.be Its not just ilrKtor on?l ad tyki tb wwM metal, filing chans is far up as possih'e to get tetter Sn'atmg in tlie iriaiaquate space provided lo- - the event However, once th'nps got started, noboly cared how crowded it was as spectutars toviit to their feet to enjov the If you rock ar,d roll, then you should have participated in tbe Blue 3pm tor," Carter like good, dean Mihe unusual technique ago ' y U&usaal Leaps Tomm. soloing in the begin nmg of Melancholic, gave some unusual leaps tnat ended wnth a slight back bend and John Hiatt, soloing early in Phlegmatic, also displayed Cheered Often Bruce was cheered P continue mroih Fth The show Li an unag nary futunsuc trip in a spiutship to Ell the p'ar.etj t f the solar system and is pi existed to help Cub Stouts celebrate Space Adventures month The show may be seen Mondays through Fridays at 4 and 7pm and Saturdays at the ballet ecu1 Sh ice La ne jid TfrJky T i tor ,, rtramg the town gossips Chark s Fuller n the gypsy leader, and CLns-tophFair as the viIage The goss'ps were notary comical and almost ndicu lous at tunes and Charles w as able to display his fine gy ahilitities during the second act Rotating with Cynthia will be Suranne Erl on and Vic ton a Morgan Keith Kimmel alternates with Dcmlrn as Thomas Four T'wpe'-smeatby George Balanchine, was a beauLful La cwrtrasl to Fille Mai Garden " It's disLnct patterns, sharp lines abstract movements and absence of frJls emphasized the contemporary pioed Torara Ruud starred m both ballets, but stole the sho-with hs handsome truval of Cohn, the peasant !r m Ue v,,lh I. Me nt La ht!e L1 0 irdee His in me brilliant solo in the fu st tu t and tec unique w ere out landing throughout the i formant e was ! a 15 C the i s in la Vying Joujwi tothePla-cts,- s'x.'Cia' show at the Hirvt n Planetarium, b S State, will 1 m-c- fcrfvf Audience Cheers Blue Oyster Cult, K.E.O. Speed vagon For Double Hill s mui, were nl-- a ,i nor t specially whin Vuthcr b n 'ne di nil vel hun from he i home id tie wave i t at her and then siupied used '' r (eKsi, Clean Rtt'k ;imi lv!i PlaiiHaritini Srt a Gi ves Double Trea I L ? T.f i R,7rf Wfi Prawn cr .JUJ - V bui ; f ' ikui 6 15. 8.15, 1015 wefflewwewwmsmw9eiE.e:a; ;00 sotith - GO0 1 C3VG1S7 rr!it ' rftv 1 . - |