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Show DAVIS REFLEX JOURNAL, JUNE 13, 1984 Robert Day Exhibits Art Gains Merit Award Pam Thompson was among the candidates to receive her scouters, Award of Merit during the 1984 Francis Peak District of the Lake Bonneville Council Recognition A local Layton currently exhibiting his oil paintings at the Barnes Banking Company in Kaysville for the monthly art display through June. Night and Banquet held at the Kaysville Tabernacle. , TIM WILSON Earns Eagle Tim Wilson, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. William K. Wilson of Kays-villhas attained the rank of Eagle e, Scout and presented his Eagle award during a special Eagle Court of Honor held on May 22 at the Kaysville Rock Chapel. He is a member of Post 581 of the Kaysville 8th Ward. young women and community sports programs, assisting HE GRADUATED from Davis High School as an honor student. He has been a member of the Fencing Club and served as president of the school Symphony Orchestra and has participated in the Community Orchestra program. Tim has played in the and High School Invitational Orchestras the past four years where he earned a one plus rating for his string bass solos in the state contests for two years. He is also a member of the Mormon Youth Symphony. in Young Women camp programs. TIM HAS been an active scout since eight, having earned his Arrow of Light award as a cub scout. He is a member of the Order of the Arrow. He served as Den Chief and has held positions of leadership in his troop, team and post. For his Eagle project he built a cabinet for the Daughters of Utah Pioneers, which is being used in the Layton Heritage Museum to store relics from the Kaysville DUP Camps. He also assisted in indexing old scrap books for the DUP. MR. DAY, a young artist works include landscapes of the local area. He prefers painting historical homes and buildings including many farm buildings of the surrounding areas. PAMS LIFE has been centered around the scouting program, the mother of three sons, two of which have received their Eagle ranks and the third boy currently pursuing that goal. She became involved in scouting over eight years ago as a Cub Scout Den Leader and continued her service as a Blazer Scout leader, Cub Scout Committee member and a mrit badge counselor. HER TRAINING of youth also includes over 20 years of service to the youth in both community and religious programs. Thy include development of Primary children, sports director for the Young Womens program, acting as a referee for LDS Stake SHE HAS also served in the LDS Primary presidency of her ward, served as a room mother and volunteer worker for the Kaysville schools, coach in community and church sports. He has been painting for the past five years, following in his father, Robert B. Days footsteps w ho is a noted d 4 SHE IS the wife of LaVar Thompson, a wonderful mother and a great scout leader, np District making the presentation. Mr. Hatchs life has been devoted to the scouting program. He has served as cub master, varsity scout leader and scoutmaster. He has been in the Rendevous training, served on the district staff, also a troop advancement chairman and a member of the troop committee. HE IS recipienlof the Adult On My Honor Award, has his 50 Mil-e- r Patch and has completed his Wood Badge beads. His eldest son is an Eagle Scout. Mr. Hatch assisted his wife in the Primary Scout Program as well. She has also received her Award of . solo-ensemb- le ACTIVE IN his church, he is currently serving as first assistant to the Bishop of the Priest Quorum of his ward. He has received his Duty to God award. Tim will be attending Weber State College on a full scholarship he received from Davis High, np EXHIBITS Betty Hart is exhibiting some of her art work open to the public. - The still life oil LAYTON painting of Mrs. Betty Hart are now on exhibit at the Layton First National Bank of Fairfield Branch. Also on exhibit is a detailed mosaic floral picture of intricate design and workmanship. THE EXHIBIT will continue through the month of June. Mrs. Hart, a Layton resident, has enjoyed art since childhood. She would often stay inside and draw when other children were outside playing. Her painting career was interrupted for a few years while she raised a family of five sons. MRS. HART started painting seriously through Davis County adult education programs. She has since taken special instruction from Bessie Clawson, Lee Parkinson, Norma Forsberg and Mary Steed. Paintings are inspired by Mrs. Hart's surroundings. She has worked producing still lifes, portraits, landscapes and pictures of animals. Mrs. Hart enjoys oil THE PRESENTATION was made during the Districts Recognition Night and Banquet held at the Kaysville LDS Tabernacle Building with Larry Burdett of the the Sunday School, Seventies Quorum, stake missionary program, served as a counselor in the bishopric and assisted in the Primary organization. Mr. Hatch has a great interest in and keeps busy the with his two main hobbies, auto mechanics and carpentry work. HE HAS been employed with IBM the past 16'2 years. He and his wife Sharon are parents of five children, np Christmas. He is 14 years old and an eighth grade student at Kaysville Junior High. He has been active in the scouting projects. He earned his Arrow of Light award in the Cub Scout program. He has served as assistant patrol leader, patrol leader and assistant senior patrol leader of his troop. HIS HOBBIES include baseball, skiing and soccer, np HE ATTENDED the University of Utah, Utah Technical College and BYU. He is active as a leader in both civic and church functions and of activities. He is a the Kaysville Jaycee Chapter and spent several years in the scouting and explorers organizations for the LDS youth programs. past-preside- nt She won the Sweepstakes prize at the Davis County Fair for one of her oil paintings. For many years, Mrs. Hart worked at Grand Central and Gibsons in the camera department. Her experience with cameras and photography has helped her with her creative painting endeavors. DISPLAYED with the still life paintings is a large glass mosaic picture of a floral bouquet. This is not for sale. It represents many hours of tedious work. Mrs. Hart first drew the picture on a heavy board. She painted the colors underneath the glass. Each piece of the mosaic was fractured from a one-inc- h glass tile. Dimension was added to the flowers in the picture by carefully arranging the glass pieces using color blends and gluing the pieces at different KEVYN R. SEARS Named Top angles, dmg Med-Te- ar research class under instructor Tim Hunt. Mr. Hunt is most impressed with Stephens ability and accomplishments. STEPHENS father and grandfather are both scientists as well. He is the son of DeWayne and Eugle (Jill) Ashmead of Fruit Heights, np c. Kevyn R. Sears of Kaysville was awarded the Weber State College "Medical Technology Student of the Year for 1984 at an awards banquet held May 29 at the Ogden Hilton. IN GIVING the award. Michael Beard, director of the Medical Technology program at Weber, cited Kevyn not only for academic achievement, but also for his "positive influence on the program and everyone involved in it." Mr. Sears returned to school two years ago after having spent several years in construction to support his family of seven children. He graduated June 8 with a B.S. in medical technology. He plans to find employment in a local hospital lab or in a clinic, np Stephen Ashmead of Fruit honors. HE HAS been employed the past seven years with the Davis County Mental Health Dept., specializing in child psychology. He also was an instructor at Weber State College and Brigham Young University, as well as a consultant to Weber Basin Job Corps, Head Start Program in Davis County and first District Juvenile Court. SHE HAS entered her paintings in many local art contests and fairs. At Davis High School he is enrolled in an advanced experimental Heights won as finalist in the ternship at the V.A. (Veterans Administration) in Colorado at the Southeastern Colorado Mental Health Center. In 1972 he received his bachelor of arts degree from Brigham Young University, graduating with Travis Hunt, son of Dr. and Mrs. Russell Hunt Jr. of Kaysville has earned his Eagle Scout award. Travis is a member of Troop 360 of the Kaysville 17th Ward with Richard Scadden as scoutmaster. FOR HIS Eagle project, he sponsored a toys for tots campaign at THIS EXHIBIT is sponsored by the Kaysville Art Club, np STEPHEN ASHMEAD degree in clinical psychology from Brigham Young University during the graduation exercises. DR. CHILES completed his in- Gains Eagle sons. til now. Receives Doctorate Degree TRAVIS HUNT The young artist teaches school at Kaysville Junior High. He lives in Layton with his wife and four painting the most even though she has produced good quality paintings using pastels and watercolors. half-ye- rs Austin M. Chiles of 903 E. 450 S., Kaysville, received his Ph.D. a show first places and let another student have the opportunity to go to Ohio to compete with the group. His project was a result of a of intense research with his discoveries having never been reported in the scientific journals un- HE IS active in LDS Church organizations. He has worked in Garry Hatch of Layton is among the outstanding scout leaders to receive the distinguished scouter's Award of Merit from the Francis Peak District of the Lake Bonneville Council. in International Winner Merit in scouting in 1982. GARRY HATCH artist. Museum of Layton. Kaysville Heritage Harvest Festival and The First National Bank of Layton. PAM THOMPSON She is currently serving on the Pack Committee of Pack 408 of the Kaysville 2nd Ward. THE ENTIRE Thompson family is active in all sports and she is often seen riding her bicycle with her boys. Pam, the recipient of the On Mv Honor Award is truly an example of the true spirit and ideals of scouting. local HIS EXHIBITS that he has displayed his oils in are the Heritage 1U Cited For Service All-Sta- te artist, Robert Day of is AUSTIN M. CHILES HE AND his wife Jill are parents of four children, Jeremy, Joshua, Jessica and Jenny, np Sci- ence International Fair held in Ohio last week and was invited by the Ohio Science Center for Public Education as guest speaker. STEPHEN attended the fair for five days and after returning home will leave Tuesday for Europe where he will be studying the summer months. The science project The Role of Carbon and Polyphosphate in Increasing Plant Growth to Feed the Hungry World" conducted by Stephen won him top honors in both the Davis and Weber District Science fairs. STEPHEN is a junior student at Davis High and was one of four students in the regional fair to win the honor and be eligible to enter competition in the International Science Fair held in Columbus, Ohio. In fact, Stephen won two Ciera LS Sedan Retail $11,723 Fully equipped, cruise control. 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