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Show ENTERTAINMENT Saturday, TheSalt Lake Tribune C5 J anuary 27 Sharp Satires Take Aim PROSPECTOR SQ ARE THEATRE 2200 Sidewinder Drive At Zealots on Both Sides By Sean P. Means THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE PARK CITY — Satire, some theater impresario once said, is what closes on Saturday means you have to make a deci sion nig playing in the But two sharp comedieswith po. audiences at this year's Sundance Film Festival Meet Ruth Stoops” with an unusual dinner guest: a racist right-wing ex-Marine (Bill as activ Paxton). One thing leads to anoth: er, guy and burying him under the to: mato plants ving rhetoric by murdering their ‘This sets the liberals to think hard thing to con ing: Why not invite rabid conser: valives to dinner. then poison said Alexander Payne, director and co-writer of Meet Ruth Stoops.” them? Soon the guest list includes. 1 homophobic minister (Charles “Some people can read the seript and think it’s like a bad Lifetime [ea. ble] TV-movie In his plaved movie. by huffer,” Ruth Stoops Laura Dern) is a plane glue, spray paint or whatev r inhalant she ean find. Pregnant judge tells her privately she car most people. takes care of the problem In jail, Ruth complete meets up with The ‘These guys are such he said. “But 1 had one of these of-war polities with, nn ise her right to choose. (The cast neludes Swvoosie Kurtz. Mary Like Payt Kay Place. Kurtwood Smith and Kelly Preston, Burt Reynolds and Just to talk like, Would he tell your face if you ner with him jer their care. to urge her to exer Oliver North you the truth to wer having din Id he lik en doesn’t take les lippi Hedren make cameo ap political treme pt arances as the national leader of the opposing groups.) The film loesn't takesides in the abortior debate. finding traits in both imps worthy of ridicule I'm just now so shocked, who wrote onceived the idea liar some pro-life protesters who bai her out, intent on using her cas¢ lying point. The TV-show nd people start What would 1 ie hen a group of pr choice activists take Ruth in un happen to the film While “Meet Ruth Stoops” and The Last Supper” are biting. in lenge. Nowhere is that more evi while the lran-contra hearings I was watching it, thinking like get the charges reduced if she could be the best thing that could egetarian (Jason Alexander) Their biggest trophy comes when Dan Rosen Last Supper and jailed forintoxication, she is charged with felony endanger ment of her unborn child. But, the hero. He might not like it. he might like it. If he hates it and he gets all his people protesting. that telligent and funny host (Ron Perlman) lands ontheir doors tep the treme the the mid {le seariest thing would be if Rush Limt h ees this film and thinks he’s the if Director Alexander Payne and star Laura Dern on ‘ Precious’? “Meet Ruth Stoops’ — or should that be Durning), an unabashed chauvin ist (Mark Harmon) and an anti a Rush Limbaugh-like addictedto sniffing air HOLIDAY VILLAGE 1. 1776 Park NEW MEDIA CENTER, The Inn atPros pector Square, 2200 Sidewinder Drive and the students (Jonathan Penner, Courtney B. Vance, Cam eron Diaz, Annabeth Gish and Ron Eldard) end up killing the vlebre. “The Last Supper” shows vhat happens when some liberal srad students act on their left vinee people of,” PARK CITY LIBRARY AND EDUCA TION CENTER, 1225 Park Ave “Ameri surveys ists on both sides try to turn a pregnant glue-sniffer into a caus¢ Satire is a festival's can Spectrum” series. In it, five leftist graduate students livingto: gether in lowa find themselves litical themes are winning over the battle over abortion, EGYPTIAN THEATRE, 328 Main Street Somedrastic decision-making is the crux of The Last Supper ing them to the multiplexes may be a chal dent than in Miramax’s attempts it marketing at Sundance “Meet Ruth Stoops For starters. the title to hile about a Roman Cathol cleric involved vaffair But Meet Ruth Stoops.” ak a “Pre cious” — which is getting solid au dience support whatever the title — has the company stymied for ~The They're looking to Sundance to help teach them how to market it ayne said. “I would think they'd want to capitalize on this being an election year a name Devil Inside e/a el Sa BARGAIN MATINERS DAILY” i at ae Pa A ioweer FREE Dern’s favorite suggestion member Waiting to Inhale “Prec ious post er that Miramax knocked out for Sundance consumption. The post er shows a smiling Dern (not look | Downtown| | Parking Then there's the whenyou ing at all like the haggard Ruth) with the nondescript ad line No body ever wanted her before, un til she had the one thing every Those 4 the moment was proposed by an audience body wantec SUNDANCE INSTITUTE SCREENING ROOM, Sundance, North Provo Canyon R HOLIDAYVILLAGE tI Miramax changed “Precious.” that gets roundly booed by Sun dance audiences. Payne's working title was Priest,” TOWERTHEATRE, 876 E 900 South Salt Lake City — OLIDAY VI VILLAGE I 1 HOLIDAY dine... aoe eeaoucsd + SCREAMERS ( nJazznights, aren't our posters Dern said emphatically We lon t endorse them. and in fact we pulled one down.” It’s not that Miramax doesn't know how to market movies with controversial themes: Dern cited last year’s | Pk. HOLLAND'S OPUS °c JUMANJI (6) SABRINA(°c TOY STORY _ GOLDENEYE (9613) ‘BED OF ROSES } “BIG BULLY\# ; TOM AND HucK oy WAITING TO EXHALE) 4 AN EYE FOR AN EYE (2 4 be cause people are so strident about abortion, or their choice liefs: If you're not for me. you're CRY, THE BELOVED COUNTRY igainst m¢ Payne said. “The film is against everyone, and for everyone Oko Caen Theone character the movie is definitely for, according to Dern nunc"OLD MEN (7-9 TOY sToRY| 0§ + EYE FOR AN EVE(6) 125 ry is Ruth When someone is trying to ma nipulate you or gens rT ig ao tf PERSUASION wants some hing from you, if you don't have a ense of self, you do what they want you to de she said But if you have two opposing sides pull ing you in either direction, you an't make people happy — which Walt Disney Family Fun “TOM ee tr) 1:5 948 EverySaturday 12:00 noon Lube} ‘Vanderineide 4a6th Week! Europe's Fastest ITALIAN RESTAURANT FAMILY SPECIAL | | on $JQI5 | 1574 West Indiana Ave. (850 South) 521-2522 HYPNOTIST Every Sot, Nightat 9.45 PM! IN ADV. OR AT THE DOOR ONSTAGE FUNNIEST SHOW EV EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT! 1:45 4:40 7:15 9:40 18 NIFC DErORE 8.15 PM (OTS) DIGITAL SOUN System HEARING IMalReO System AVAILABLE "No Discount or Passes *MR_HOLLAND'S (PG) OPUS(PG) 00 50 6:45 9: THE BRIDEIi (PG) 42:20 2:40 Werediscovered the We camehere as high school sweethearts and recently returned on our 2nd Wedding Anniversary. Just like us, it has gotten better with age! Thanks, Glen! Biaiaaeiia INTELLIGENT, EXCITING ANDg ust ire Rete) BRCMPANLNe CNS SPECIAL SNEAKPREVIEW Ce ‘DOLBY DIGITAL STEREO TOY, STORY |G ‘AN EYE FOR AN EYE (R) 12:50 3:00 5:45 Ristorante Della Fontana! 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