Show WESTERN MUFF STUFF IS i HIGH both cattle and sheep selling higher at missouri river points and the demand much better all around correspondence the advocate KANSAS CITY mo aug ag 26 cattle receipts this week how show a decrease of head from last week and anti head from two cvek ago the demand has hns been langei nan the supply of any class and prices are lo 10 to is 16 cents higher on western killing steers cowa cows 15 to as cents hI higher gIler stockers and feeders 23 25 to 33 35 cents higher and veal calves culves half halt a dellar dollar higher blaher te cae proportion of range cattle has been large principally cows from oklahoma and the panhandle grass froal from kansas including clouding both killing stuff and ers era and feeders twenty cars of pierce beef reef are here today frem from rifle Elue colo they bold to killers ut lt 3 40 straight 1108 pound panhandle cows have ave sold at 2 33 35 to 2 GS 65 for the bulk occasional tonal sales 1 up to 3 oo 00 canners ore are higher at 1 as to 2 25 net not many below 2 00 demand for cows holds up very strong and is a feature of the Lo market arket stocker erand and feeder prices get got pretty low last week which brought in a large number of bua buyers era th this Is had the effect of stimulating U prices and the vie market for this kaaa class has been active this week 25 to 35 cents higher prices some monch branded colorado feeders sold at 3 25 an 4 highly bred stockers et at with practically aly all the range stockers and feeders between these paces pi ices fhe sheep and lamb market Is 10 or irs 15 cents loner this week eek although a new tip biad made on 11 ijams wednesday 67 pound soiling and some of the th taine ame klud at same price thursday arizona lambs bold sold at 6 65 to yearlings from utah and arizona at 5 25 to 5 75 era to ewes to 4 65 new mexico mixed sheep and yearling 93 pounds mado made 5 25 with another shipment of poorer stuff at 5 00 demand from tho the country for t block tock and feeding stuff remains unsatisfied as luttio of this class is available with the packers doing as little sorting as they do now A small number of medium have gone out at this week good stock up to present prices for sheep and lambs are 1 00 to 1 50 above lat last year tor for all classes some sales of colorado and western cattle here this week utah hide and live stuck stock company colton utah 68 stockers pounds 3 60 utah hide und and livo live stock company colton utah lot feeders pounds 1345 3 Utah hide and livo live pan colton utah heifers heffers hei fers po pounds alide su co utah hide and live block coia coni piny pany colton utah 5 bulls 1026 pounds 22 7 atah hide and live stock company colton utah 25 calves pounds 1500 utah hide aid aud live block company col ton too utah 63 03 cubes pound pounds 3 60 some eales sales of t western sheep anil and lamb at kansas ouy city this week utah hide and anti livo stock company colton utah 1331 shep and year lings 80 66 pounds a oo 00 utah hide ond and live stock company colton utah ewes 89 pounds 4 65 utah hide and live stock company cem pany colton utah feeders 81 pounds 4 35 A B sm smith ith heber city utah 1709 lambs 67 pounds 70 B smith heber city utah 1982 larn lambs ls 64 pounds 7 20 omaha live stock SOUTH OMAHA aug 30 cattle receipts head market steady to strong native steers 1 4 cows and anti heifers heffers hei fers 2 SO 50 western steers 3 00 texas steers a 4 00 cows and heifers heffers hei fers 2 canners 1 25 stockers stoc lers and feed ers era J 30 calves 3 OW GO receipts market steady te ady westerns We sterns 5 CO 60 vr ethers 5 aoa 5 25 ewes 4 00 lambs 6 kansas city live stock KANSAS otty AUR 30 cattle re lepoir ita 0 bioco including 1160 south ei ners market steady ethers steers I 1 M 2 native cows and hedfes heifers hei hel fers fes 00 stockers et and feeders 3 2 75 15 caicea 3 western steers 3 60 50 western cowe cows 1 60 aa 75 sheep market stead muttons buttons Mut tons sao lambs 25 we thera 4 fed ewes 3 7 5 st LouisW louis apol gol Jar market ket ST LOUIS aug 30 wool steady territory and Wt attern tern mediums alne medium fine a boston wool market markl BOSTON aug 30 the wool market marketis aetis Is active and firm heavy sales to the worsted mills are 1 new england and Philadel phit 10 on n cerns buying largely thero there lias as been a fair demand borall for all grades of woo and malum ji fleeces have sold 1 in moderate moderate volume but the larger farger part of the transactions have been in the interior montana wool la Is especially active pulled wools are generally quiet foreign wools wool sare are steady territory quotations follow idaho fine heavy fine ua ija 2 21 1 fine medium medium aca 27 low medium wyoming fine heavy fine flue line fine medium medium low medium utah and nevada fine heavy ine fine medium 28 medium low medium 28 |