Show jre ICE T I 1 in eastern and southern utah EMERY COUNTY cantle castle dale date august al 11 there are la a few cases of whooping cough at clawson adiong the barney miss alice jeffs of castle dales dale is visiting with relative relatives and aud friends in fn Sunny sunnyside Sunn yelde side william G hardy and mis miss nancy II 11 cook ath of clawson took out it a license ou on wednesday the huntington sawmill closes 1 down flown next week having sawed up to the I 1 limit I 1 m I 1 t 0 of f ita perm permit I 1 t 16 feet david keneisen loft this weak week for fc sunnyside sunny bide side where ha he has tins been given a 4 position by als utah fuel company t aa as night atchman w 1 I mrs richard brandon and child ran of park city aro are visiting alting vl in cas 4 tie tio dabi dae with mrs brandone parents mr and mm mris joseph lulu lond p ruth the loyear lo year old daughter da of mr air and mrs peter was thrown 0 from froin a it herse oo 00 sunday caules a dislocation of ottha left lettel elbow bov Brig baul 4 bond sent having paNh ased Kelt Kelf hehn balm cooley Coole te M 1 I C f canelle business ot t emery have f thrown out a lice line for buc loesa 1 F P sweet of la Is now c f manager of tha utah company for the district embracing emery f 1 carbon carton orand grand and san juan counties henn henning ag olyun of castle dalo drift sl ed lulu lutu town thursday froin from bander lander wyo where be on a farm he to tho win ter berat at will ralphe ralpho aw alj miss bertha berths janson both of ferron were diirr led by 0 A N Loon jd at otibe the court couso on monday lax lne e presence presen tm of a lew few rele tives and ti fogue lanza callaco Val laco it pettey of ferron and v decory larsen of caoile date 1 hav u rett iroka afroz ogden pettey found the thoa aalona lonn biel tvs loees nees in to the junction clip colw a dubious work ie Is ta fc bo be resumed immediately on the construction of the hunting toi tori creamery associated with george M miller in tho the enter enterprise fa fajohn john T of huntington for formerly meily of mt pleasant U I 1 ira R browning it I 1 kept busy sur beying and platting the cemeteries I 1 for daveral of tho the towns in the county j ho he lately finished up cirnio dalp dale ant anil k J I 1 now engaged in like work on the on and molon n dr IV P winters leaves castle dalo dale today saturday for mt aleas ant after attending to some bust geee matters thero there and anti visiting foe for a short white while he ejects to go to bait balti more fo to r a post graduate grad u uta course u rae bide bids for the construction of ot the new dart italia school house were opened ont the last fast and tho the contract fit tho the mason work awarded warded to aalph axelsen of cleveland oreland Cl all the bids on tho the carpenter work were rejected state superintendent of fich schoola nelson suggests oa aa as many of the 44 district schools us its possibly can car open f on september of this year and a Y great many of the emery county bools will make tho the suggested date their opening ono one desert lake people have hao installed Install el a th machine lu la bringing tho the machine nver from train price it tip pod over breaking it dumber number of email small castings cast togs it was necessary to send enat for new now acnes a which will delay threshing for a fow few daye days A 32 year old son 0 of mrs jullo julia maneal mat t was ekrut abod the right eye with a rock oster daj while playing ploy tog with somo companions compan lona at orange ville causing a ery deep out the gash gashes Is an ugly one but la its responding satisfactorily to surgical treat taint quito quite a number 0 of home seekers from the southwest oin cou titles who al rent to eizo size up ibo the uintah country 1 A 4 oie ate through emery county for home some of them abc m declare that t M thord thore are less than fine hundred IF choice quarter sections on ors tho the reserve ree ervo h emery county ie Is getting the benefit V A of investigation by some of these N f united engineer taft of the f geological department stepped off the stage at a few days apo alzo it id ili abe no ia Is d with IT the corps of surveyors now at work along the foothills from HunU Hunt logton to cottonwood wow canyons A geology goolo geo logi gl cat map of the hills bills and mountains which wll will perhaps show ho coal measure tracts wilt will soon be issued b t the department wale mr und mrs george W shiner of cantle dale returned from fro en wayne county thursday here where they pleasantly a couple of weeks visiting with re relatives lattes and old friends mr shiner states that lunt heui ri rabbit abbit valley ruined bushels jus hels of at wheat and will beat that record this ear in blue and caino caine valleys tatt th fruit 1 I crop which includes luc ludes peaches pea elies 1 lit par I 1 ticul arly good this year I 1 SANPETE COUNTY ml mt pleasant pyramid aug 1 martin matson and miss effle old haro ham young faiks ol 01 mt rican pleasant fere married in manti mantl on tuesday ef of this week GB richardson accompanied by his wife and assistant of tho united states geological survey Is in this this week on official business rully daughter of mr and arr niels Rosen lor Is ly III with an attack of typhoid fever she was in salt lake and amis brought aonie last week quite sek reliable rumor has it that one of tle new to bo ceen seen in ml pleasant Is a thoroughly modern hotel erected on ono one of the central corners of town humor rumor haa has it that many sanpete ites who left their homes not long since ID iv search of better onea in other states and counties are alting I this way with witt longing eyes mrs ida id ivareen of this city who was injured in a streetcar street car acel accident dent la lu salt lake recently has been paid by abo street car company and her sister has been offered 1500 an aged lady resident of this city sarah marshall celebrated her herseth birt birthday liday on wednesday by entertaining a crowd of or friends she I 1 Is 11 in good health and very active for of per age 11 II anderson Ander sou went to castia castle dale this week to remain a it few days he was joined there by ta L 0 miller the eastern fl agent and a branch of tho the houst hou represented by theca them was there tennis AOe coming a popular rap sport rt I 1 in ML pleasant this summer one already lite been 11 m made ade and Is the scene of many interesting con testa ts whilo while two or three ethers are to be put in shape soon awn at least three big sheep henia herds havo have tw bea sold during the past two weeks in bit 11 L pleasant ahoy are W D Candi ands george Ma daene und and fronds francis jensena Tene Jen euc sent excellent price prices were rv ru elved alved all around the rule la Is reversed rever syd for once ordinarily dina rily when a aln la Is forced to go boutot out of business bue luesa budhea li ts does so at a loss all of the big sheep o eners who are selling on account of existing conditions are dolog so to to great addan the tall among utah sheep is the contracting of brewers growers for next clip at tweel ty cents Sheep men returned rout kansas city bay ewes uru aro sellin then there at tit 5 40 a price that ie Is conkli 81 ri 1 yn ri heird beard of before arnold young carno canie dowa down from tho the mountains one day this week differing from a bad attack of blood pelion lie ue had opened a pimple which appeared en on ono one hand with a kuk knife in fcc L g 1 it ind und causing tho the po poison son dr stewart treated him for roule and be he la Is about well again your of tho the bet aa chica have been dulcic damage for so many years by killing sheep and cattle in birch creek borth and east of pleasant were killed one day late lato laist week three were shot by john zabriskie with A large ride rifle while tho the fourth bit the tho due dus as tho the result of a well aimed almea bullet from a twenty two target ride in the hand hands of raphael the 17 itras ear old eon son of S 4 5 t jensen I 1 UINTAH COUNTY vt tt aug an kiib lucre to be u pretty general impression that tho the uintah railway will bo be running trains luto into vernal within ts tf I 1 next 0 eighteen Ight een montle a the carpenter korv on tho the now new stake tabernacle i a Ino gressing elgh alor g and it begin begins to loo like iske the structure will bo be completed some day efforts to get the brusa a band started kucins to lack support of the citizens ot of aerna no fo town would ask a musical 11 organization to work for nothing noth log after it Is all over it will be folind that nine tenth 0 of the settlers sett ors on the uintah reservation are utah and colorado people they understand the existing conditions and what it requires to make alee alne farms out of a desert waste it ia is given giren out from a it dellab rell ablo le that so somo rock the rea er erv atlon country cariles can lea high gold values ranging from 4 to 1200 it would not be a great surprise it if a mining camp soon opened up on this heretofore restricted territory there them has been a qa question estion raised whether the land and office officials will give out homestead filing blanka blanks to any tiny but homesteader homesteaders the cumber umber received ived thus far has a baen limited md and it may be estable that theao filing will cavoto get their blanks andl individually grasshoppers are destroying tho the hay crop in some parts of the county count while others go unmolested tho the honey crop hereisa here la a total failure fal luro under ordinary circumstances the upla apiaries rles hero here would produce at least or pounds ket not enough honey has been taken to the i b emens liot hot cakes |