Show TO WORK industry for or easie eastern R part of county w I 1 PITTSBURG capitalists BEHIND A MINING DEAL A pipeline Ti peline to convey liquid product from reduction works to railroad car tanks at sunny side i A lerial going east discussing D the purchase pur burch chise tse ot of nineteen aspli asphaltum altum claims above sunny side from a syndicate of 0 carbon county locators by A V taylor of salt lake alt for the pittsburg oil company me for which la Is given at about fifteen thousand dol liars county commissioner james A harrison Horr lson and sheriff william hill elated the other day to the advocate bat great things are 4 in the for this section at of th tha state tho the plans of the Vitta pittsburg Pit burg people mean the building of big reduction works above Sunn ysido and the es ez poa dituro of many of dof lara lars with the coming ot of next spring thy the manner of working the proper ties Is to reduce the asphaltum asphalt uin to a liquid state and convey it by pipeline for nevon miles or more to tho the town of where it is to bo shipped in tank tanis to the thoi coal oal oil cars to tho the east in the custom eastern joica where the product Is to go lut inv i abing material the sand and lerue ingre dienes for street work will be added the sauil sand la Is r by the process to be used at the minea because of the dIf ferneo in freight ite its remaining vath ith thi asphaltum would muke the plant prop propped oed Is to hao calaty at the br beginning ginning of operations of live hundred tone tous dully daily hut but this may be increased to whatever the demand for the product will warrant rhe treatment ie Is to bo be with naptha ghere Is plenty of water for all purposes close to the main ledges or gr deposits und and ample room for the proposed works on the nineteen claims have just hands there jan js a twelve to hundred root toot ledge of the materiel it apt seven hedgis in all ic it varies lo 10 width from tea ten to eigsti tour four feet lu in thickness find and la Is cheaply ly worked doing wing easy shooting with ordinary black powder mr harrlson harrison who la Is a it practical minor declarer declares be would be delighted to have a u constrict ct at fifty centa cents a ton for mining the stuff single li banded he recently drilled twenty five feet through and into the main ledge lu an eight hour days work the council munell at salt luke lake city ie Is to bo be for permission to pave a portion of some eireen en bot at zion judt juet to show that the utah product is as good as that coming irom trinidad and california the PA cop puny pany already haa has a birket established for the stun stuff la in cities |